
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 00:10:47

    骏骏是今年一月开始学轮滑的。为了能用英语跟骏骏谈轮滑,我专门上网买了本关于轮滑的书:In-line Skating Basics,既是给骏骏看,更是为了自己学习一些轮滑相关的英文表达。


    轮滑作为一项运动或娱乐是 in-line skating 或 roller skating,单排轮滑鞋是 in-line skates 或 rollerblades,双排轮滑鞋是 quad roller skates。现在一般都是用单排轮滑鞋了,我们下面就只用 in-line skating 这个词。




    除了轮滑鞋,我们还需要 protective gear,主要包括:wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads, helmet。




    Check your skates. Make sure they don't have loose axles, wobbly or stuck wheels, or broken buckles.

    Make sure your skates are properly laced or buckled.

    Make sure your wrist guards, knee pads, elbow pads, and helmet are securely fastened.



    If at any time you feel off-balance or out of control on your skates, bring your hands to your knees. This will prevent you from falling backwards.



    Feel that your center of gravity is in your hips.



    Shift your weight from one leg to another.



    Turn your toes out into the "V" position.



    Now stand up, one foot at a time. Rest one or both hands on your standing knee as you rise.


    轮滑鞋的内刃:inside edge

    轮滑鞋的外刃:outside edge   

    When your knees come together, you roll onto your inside edges. As you move your knees apart, you roll onto your outside edges.


    提醒孩子左右腿轮流推并滑行:Right-push, glide; left-push, glide.


    提醒孩子做起步阶段的两种练习:Do the "V" walk. Do the push-glide exercise.



    Bring your legs wider apart, bending your knees at the same time. Lower yourself and point your toes inward. Remain in this lowered (almost sitting) position until you come to a stop.



    1. Bring your feet to a parallel position.

    2. Slide your braking foot in front.

    3. Lift up the toe of your braking foot, allowing your brake to make contact with the ground.

    4. Lower yourself into a sitting position.


    画葫芦的练习有几种说法:swizzling, sculling,或者 ins-and-outs。前两个比较难说,我跟骏骏一般说 ins-and-outs,但骏骏自己读了 In-line Skating Basics 这本书后,也知道可以叫 swizzle。





    Did you have a good time in your skating class?

    How was you skating class?

    Any progress in your in-line skating today?

    Did you learn anything new in your skating class?


    (备注:本文部分英语表达借鉴自 In-line Skating Basics 这本书,在此致谢。  —— 骏爸)