
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 05:24:29


Just like me, you are probably subscribed to several personal development ezines, you faithfully browse new personal development articles on blogs and in magazines, you read books and maybe even took a course or two. However, in spite of the time that you spent on all that reading your life hasn’t changed a bit.


You know that you are supposed to have a passion in life. You need to be perfectly focused on your tasks and have no problem with effective time management. And of course if something is not going well in your life you just have to think happy thoughts and everything will miraculously work out.


Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen that way in life. Maybe some gurus can actually make use of this advice but ordinary people like you and me can’t benefit from it to save our lives.


If you are still wondering why your life is not improving after all your personal development education then take a look at this popular tips. They might be sabotaging your life balance and your happiness.


1. Time management


We all want to have more time in our days to get everything done. Some people go as far as hiring personal assistants to organize their schedules and fit as much stuff in their days as possible.


Of course, you can prioritize your tasks, label them, organize them, shift and shuffle them to create a perfect schedule. But unless you are a machine independent of the rest of the world (you have no family, no friends and no personal desires that depend on the highly scientific nature of “mood”) none of this will work.


The main problem with time management is that it focuses on fitting more stuff into your days without ever asking a question why you need that stuff. Time management doesn’t consider circumstances (maybe your child got sick or your friend just got two free tickets to a Monday night football game) that are an essential part of balanced living.


Frankly speaking, we have very slim chances of managing our time because we have very little control over it. The best thing we can do is use our time effectively and transform our lifestyle by focusing on our priorities and decluttering our commitments.


2. Positive thinking


I am probably about to get slammed here, but positive thinking doesn’t work (at least in the way most people use it.) If you think that your life will transform overnight just because you think happy thoughts every day then you are about to be very disappointed.


Too much optimism actually


leads to procrastination (because these optimists think that they have ple-e-e-enty of time to finish everything),


keeps you from achieving your goals (because thinking is not doing and unless you set realistic goals to complement your optimistic dreams then you will never move anywhere),


undermines your success (because unless you plan the steps to make your success happen the universe won’t reward you for all your positive thoughts);


makes you misjudge real life situations and challenges (optimistic people tend to think that positive things happen more often in their lives than in the lives of others. This frame of mind makes them misjudge people around them and put their trust into the wrong people as well as overestimate the potential of their business ideas without ever doing a thorough research.)


Positive thinking is not so good after all, huh? In a balanced life there is place for negative and positive events, they actually complement each other and make you appreciate life more.


3. Visualization


Another staple of a personal development menu. How many times did you read about visualizing your future or your best qualities? Maybe you even tried creating a vision board. But it doesn’t work!


In fact, this type of thinking actually sets you up for failure.


Several recent studies by NY psychologists Heather Barry Kappes and Gabriele Oettingen proved that when we imagine our idealized future our brains indulge in the virtual images as if they are real. Whether our visions are reachable or unrealistic doesn’t matter because the mind is so focused on enjoying the fantasy that it doesn’t want to concentrate on the steps that it takes to make it come true.

纽约心理学家Heather Barr Kappes和Gabriele Oettingen做个几个近期研究证明,当我们幻想我们理想的未来时,我们的大脑沉湎于那些犹如真实的虚像。无论我们的想象是可达成的或不真实的都没关系,因为大脑专注于享受那样的幻想,它不想把注意力集中在那些可以使梦想变为现实的步骤上。

Yes, visualization makes you feel good and brings your mood up but it will never help you move forward in life. The same psychologists discovered that people who imagined an uncertain and challenging future were much more energized and likely to succeed than the ones who idealized their future.


You can visualize as much as you want but unless you consider all the hurdles on the way, ways to overcome them and practical steps to get your vision from your mind into the real world you won’t make a single step forward.


4. Procrastination


How many articles did you read about beating procrastination? And you are probably even procrastinating putting the tips from those articles into use. Here is how it usually goes: make sure that you really want to do it, clear out the distractions, just start it etc. Unfortunately, unless you live in a utopian world, you don’t want to do all tasks. Some of those tasks are boring and unpleasant, but you still have to get them done. So no matter how much you try to build up your desire to complete those tasks you still can’t master your will power to get started.


Don’t get me wrong, beating procrastination is vitally important (according to a recent study published in Psychology Today 20% of all people are chronic procrastinators, and 80% are occasional ones) but different tasks require different approaches. There is no one-fit-all scheme that will make every task easy and enjoyable.

不要误解我,打败拖延是极其重要的(根据一个近期在Psychology Today上发表的研究表明,20%的人是习惯性的拖延者,80%的人是偶然性的)但是不同的任务要求不同的方法。并没有一个万能的方法可以让每件任务都变得简单、快乐。

It’s important to focus on tasks that are important to you personally (they satisfy your life priorities) and work around the ones that are less important. Sometimes you just have to be creative about how to make a task interesting or challenging enough to keep you focused and willing to finish it. Sometimes you have to be creative about ditching the task before it saps all the energy out of you.


5. Focus


Do you have a single passion that you are focused on in life? Do you have a single interest or goal that your entire life is devoted to? Multi-tasking, multi-passionism has gotten a bad rep lately. Everyone wants to focus on one big thing in life. However, is it the way we are meant to live?


The most creative and innovative ideas were born from the mix of different passions and interests.


Steve Jobs’ creative vision was shaped (from his words) while backpacking across India. I don’t think he was very “focused” on the design of his empire when he was enjoying his time with psychedelic drugs.


Darren Rowse has shaped his passions for photography and blogging into two separate and very successful business models.

Darren Rowse 形成了热爱摄影和写博客成两个独立的和非常成功的商业模式。

Another Internet success story Johny B. Truant summarized the idea of focusing on one thing in life this way: “Carving out one aspect of yourself and saying “This is who I am” is dumb.” Who can argue with that?

另一个网络上成功的故事,Johny B. Truant 把在生活中专心致志的做一件事的想法进行了这样的总结:“拿出你自己的一个方面并且说‘这就是我’是愚蠢的。”谁可以和这话争论呢?

The next time you hear that you need to focus on one BIG thing in life just ignore the statement. Instead focus on different passions, do what you like because you like it (and not because it HAS to be a primary source of income for you), change your focus during the day and start as many projects as you think you are comfortable with. This is what a true balanced life is all about.


So, what personal development advice does work?


I am glad you asked. If you are tired sifting through all the feel-good nonsense and you are ready to make lasting changes to your life then I have created a guide just for you.


Click here to learn about the Reclaim Your Life home-study course right now. It is the most intense and only guaranteed-to-work ecourse that will help you do just one thing – improve your life. You can download it for 3 days only under this special offer. After that it’s gone!


In 15 days (this is the length of the ecourse) you will declutter your lifestyle, bring more balance into your life, learn practical ways to beat procrastination, create a “correct” positive mindset and learn to battle destructive thinking. The course will help you stop overextending yourself and start living your best life using practical and proven methods that make sense.


If you are ready to take your personal development to the next level in a way that is logical, straightforward and guaranteed to work then the Reclaim Your Life course is definitely for you.


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