
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 12:59:03



      1.The snow was like a white blanket drawn over the field.

      2.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.

      认真观察以上各例,我们会发现它们的特点,由(as)... as, like等引导,这些引导词被称作比喻词(acknowledging word),它们是辨别明喻的最显著的特征,明喻较为直白,比喻物和被比喻物之间相似点较为明显,所以明喻是一种比较好判断的修辞手法。



      1.His friend has become a thorn in his side.(他的朋友已变成眼中钉肉中刺。)

      2.You are your mother’s glass.(你是你母亲的翻版。)

      3.Hope is a good breakfast, but it’s a bad supper.

      由以上各例可知,暗喻没有引导词,这是明喻和暗喻在形式上的最大区别。换句话说,有为明喻,没有为暗喻。如:He has a heart of stone. He has a heart like stone.很显然,前句是暗喻,后句是明喻。暗喻时,比喻物和被比喻物之间的相似点较为含蓄,猛一看它们毫无关系,实际却有着某种内在联系。

      谈到暗喻,有必要说说它的两种变体(variety):博喻(sustained metaphor)和延喻(extended metaphor),它们是英语比喻中的特殊类型。



      There again came out the second flash, with the spring of a serpent and the shout of a fiend, looked green as an emerald, and the reverberation was stunning.(爆发了第二次闪电,她像蛇一样蜿蜒,如魔鬼般嘶叫,像翠玉般碧绿,轰隆隆震耳欲聋。)

      这个例子中对闪电的比喻就用了三个喻体,spring of a serpent(动态),shout of a fiend(声音),green as an emerald(颜色),它们从不同角度绘声绘色地把闪电呈现在读者面前。由此可见,多喻体的使用其优势是单一喻体所无法比拟的。它可以多角度、多侧面、多层次、多结构地表现主体。


      据Longman Modern English Dictionary解释,延喻即make an initial comparison and then develop it, expanding the author’s idea(作出初次比较再扩展,以延伸作者的意图)。请看下例:

      A photographer is a cod, which produces a million eggs in order that one may reach maturity. (摄影师像鳕鱼,产卵百万为的是长成一条。)





      a.The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills.(薄雾,如心灵深处的爱,在山的深处飘荡。)

      b.Her eyes, pools of love, were rippling in tenderness.(她的双眼似爱的池塘,正泛着柔情蜜意的涟漪。)


      a.The stone shaped as a kitten with crystal eyes.(石头形如小猫,眼似水晶。)

      b.The huge sunlight flamed like a monstrous dahlia with petals of yellow fire.(煤气灯燃得像一朵巨大的大丽花,黄黄的火舌恰似花瓣。)


      He is as poor as a church mouse, and a church mouse like him eats like a horse.



      The chess-board is the world, where the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature.





      1.Freedom blushed for shame.(自由因羞愧而脸红。)

      2.How rarely reasons guide the stubborn choice.(固执的选择很少是理智的。)

      3.The sun looks over the mountain’s rim.(太阳挂在山边。)

      4. The moans of the autumn wind wound in the deep of the mountains.(秋风的呻吟萦绕在大山深处。)

      5. Flu stalked about, touching one here and there with his evil finger. (流感四处游荡,用它罪恶的手指碰碰这个,碰碰那个。)


      委婉的英语定义是speak with good words,就是把话说得好听些,婉转些,使听者感到愉快。委婉法在各种语言中都有使用,十分广泛。


      1.Your painting is not so good. (画画得差,却说成“不太好”,good总比bad好听。)

      2.He wasn’t at all embarrassed by her low-income, and decided to marry her soon.(这里的low-income其实是贫穷poverty的婉转暗示。)

      3.Jackson, a black brought up in the inner city, ran swiftly along the track and beat all the others. (inner city用来婉称slum——贫民窟,表示了对那位黑人运动员的尊重。)

      5夸张(hyperbole  [hai'p?:b?li])


      1.The tumult reached the stars.(闹声震天。)

      2.My gray hair can make a long long rope.(白发三千丈。)

      3.I haven’t seen you for ages.(几辈子不见了。)

      4.Having been elected chairman, he felt as if he were on the top of the world.(被选为主席后,他感觉似乎站在了地球之巅。)

      5.He hurried to the railway station, looking at his watch a hundred times.(他匆匆朝火车站去,看了一百遍表。)



      ①His eyes fell on the page, but his mind was a million miles away.(他的眼睛在书页上,可心思却在十万八千里之外。)

      ②I am ten times better than you in handwriting.(我写字比你好十倍。)


      ①I’ll keep it a secret till the end of the world.(我将把秘密保持到世界末日。)

      ②I will love you till the seas gone dry, the rocks melt with the sun.(我爱你到海枯石烂。)


      ①The cost mounted to astronomical figures.(花销达到天文数字。)

      ②I am thirsty to death for the book.(我想那本书想得要命。)

      如果用terrible, terrific, awful, horrible, fantastic等感情强烈的词去修饰并不重要的事情,就具有夸张的成分。


      ①I’m the happiest man in the world.(我是世界上最幸福的人。)

      ②Shakespeare is universally well known. (莎士比亚名冠天下。)


      ①Bill Gates rounded up a wealth beyond calculation.(比尔·盖茨聚财无数。)

      ②Don’t let the chance slip through fingers.(不要让机会溜掉。)


      ①He is always punctual as the Big Ben.(他总是守时如大本钟。)

      ②They cried to high heaven for a timely rainfall.(他们喊声震天乞求及时雨。)