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Oct 18th 2011, 14:00 by The Economist online 

2011年10月18日   在线经济学家

GONE are the days when surgery meant cutting a patient open. Modern medicine offers doctors a panoply of less invasive tools to thrust inside disease-stricken bodies. One popular method is to insert long, thin, flexible tubes called catheters into the body and administer treatment through them. Patients tend to recover more quickly from such procedures than they would going under the knife. A drawback is that a catheter-toting surgeon only has a limited view of the afflicted region. Now, though, Philips, a Dutch engineering giant, may broaden that picture with the help of a tiny new scanner.


One treatment commonly administered with a catheter is cardiac ablation therapy. It is used to treat some forms of irregular heartbeat, such as atrial fibrillation. It can be carried out under local anaesthetic and involves inserting a catheter into a blood vessel, guiding it into the heart and using high-frequency radio waves released from the probe’s tip to apply heat to the bit of tissue causing the problem. The resulting scar tissue blocks the abnormal flow of electrical signals that can cause irregular heartbeats.


The procedure has plenty to commend it. However, it takes four to six hours. And, crucially, one patient in three needs to have it repeated. That is because although assorted imaging devices, like live X-rays, can help put the catheter in the right place, they are unable accurately to measure how much scar tissue builds up when the heat from the catheter is applied. Too little, and the abnormal signals will not be blocked; too much, and serious damage could be caused to nearby organs.


To give surgeons a clearer picture of the scar tissue, the Philips researchers squeezed an ultrasound transducer down to just 1mm (0.04 inches) and inserted it into the tip of an ablation catheter. Ultrasound has, of course, long been used in medical imaging. It relies on the fact that sound travels faster through denser tissues. So, when a transducer—built using materials that vibrate when a current is passed through them—sends a sound wave through the body, the time it takes for the echoes to return to it can be used to construct a picture of different tissues and organs. 


The size of ultrasound scanners has been falling. Some machines, complete with the screens on which the images are shown, are now no bigger than a mobile phone. Probes are already applied from inside the body, too, like those inserted down the oesophagus to examine abnormal growths or to get a clearer image of the heart. But these probes are clunky and need a wide tract to move through.


Philips’s device, by contrast, is small enough to squeeze through a blood vessel and examine the heart from the inside, something that has never been done before. The company will not disclose precisely how it managed to engineer an ultrasound transducer down to such a small scale, but fitting one into the tip of a catheter allows measurements to be taken accurately enough for surgeons to monitor the build up of scar tissue in real time.


The experimental system, which is bound to have other uses in medical imaging (and possibly beyond), still has several years of clinical trials ahead of it. But if these go to plan, fewer procedures like cardiac ablation will need to be repeated, lowering the number of readmissions, and with it cost of treatment. Both patients and hospitals will certainly like the sound of that.


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