
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 05:09:57


英语中动词是一个变化多端的词性,时时在变,处处在变。所以在学习英语的过程中,要时时想着动词的变化。动词分为系动词 、助动词、实义动词和情态动词。这里主要讲系动词、助动词、和实义动词、情态动词。

第一节    系动词


常见的系动词是be  ,它的三种变化形式为:am , is , are . 除了 be 动词之外还有一些,他们大致可分为四类:

1) 表示“ 似乎“  如:  appear  , seem

    2) 表示“感觉” 如:   look , sound , feel , taste , smell 

    3)  表示  “变化 ”如:  become , come , get , grow , turn , fall, go

    4)  表示其他含义  如:  keep ,remain , stay , stand , prove


    1. The old man  seems  deaf . 那个老头似乎聋了。

    2.He  appears quite well . 她显得很健康。

    3. She didn't feel safe enough . 她不感觉足够的安全。

    4. The mixture tasted  terrible . 这个混合物闻起来很难闻。

    5. Now my dream has come true . 现在我的梦想已经变成了现实。

    6. James grew bigger every year  . 詹姆斯一年年地长大。

    7.You must  keep healthy . 你必须保持身体健康。

    8. Country music today  remains  much the same as before . 今天的乡村音乐还是与从前一个样。


(一)除去be以外的系动词在用法上与be有点不同,有be 动词的句子变为疑问句或否定句时,直接前提或加not 。例如:

  He is in the classroom .   他在教室。

  Is he in the classroom ?  他在教室吗?

  He is not in the classroom. 他不在教室。


The language spoken in these places stayed the same .那些地方讲的语言都是一样。

Did the language spoken in these places stay the same ?那些地方讲的语言都是一样吗?

The language spoken in these places didn't stay the same .那些地方讲的语言不 都一样。


She proved a very strict teacher . 他证明是一位非常严格的教师。

Did she prove a very strict teacher?  他证明是一位非常严格的教师吗?

She didn't prove a very strict teacher . 他不证明是一位非常严格的教师。

(二 )一般来讲,系动词之后用形容词作表语能表示主语的性质、特征,这时回答“怎么样”的问题。如: The book is interesting . ( interesting 是形容词,表示主语book 的性质,对表语进行提问可以说:How is the book ? (这本书怎么样?)。

    名词作表语表示主语的身份,回答“什么”问题。如: He is a teacher .  ( teacher 是名词 ,它表示主语的身份,对表语进行提问可以说:What is he ?)


义。如: The professor is  at home .  教授在家。 at home 为介词短语

      The computer is  mine .  这台计算机是我的。mine 为代词

      Five and six is  eleven .  五加六等于十一。eleven为数词     

      He is out .  他出去了。  out 为副词

      My job is looking after the children . 我的工作是照看小孩。 looking...为动名词短语

      The film is moving .   电影很动人。  moving 为分词



1.Our class are all out on the playground .

2. What are the women doing over there ?

3.What we need are good textbooks .

4.The door was opened by the boy.

5. The  window is open .

6. I turned to  the left and saw a strange man .

7.There are five trees over there.

8.I felt the desk and the desk felt cool.

9.Please look at the picture.

10.It looks very nice.

11.It sounds a good idea.Please sound the bell and ask him to come in.

12.The plant which I grew in my garden is growing higher and higher.

答案:1.are 3. are 5.is 8.第二个 felt是系动词 10. looks 11. sounds  12 is growing


1. It ____ he who found the lost  purse .

2. ____ the students looking over the animals  now?

3. The news  ______  exciting .

4. _____ the answer sound reasonable ?

5. ____ a  new  factory set up last year ?

6. ____ he careful about his studies ?

答案:1.was 2.Are 3.is 4.Does 5.Was 6.Is

第二节      助动词

助动词是用来帮助构成疑问句、否定句、倒装句、强调句以及各种时态、语态、语气等的词,助动词没有词义。常见的助动词有:be , have, do , shall , will   它们随着人称和数的变化而变化。例如: 

They  are  dancing and singing . ( are 帮助构成现在进行时)

English is spoken by many people . ( is  帮助构成被动语态)

We have studied English for five years. ( have 帮助构成现在完成时)

She did not go to town yesterday . (did帮助构成否定句)

Only then did I realize that I was wrong . ( did 帮助构成倒装句型)

Do give her my regards . ( do 帮助构成强调句,强调 动词give )

I shall write you a letter next month . ( shall 帮助构成一般将来时)

If it were fine yesterday , I could have come to see you . (could , have 帮助构成虚拟语气)要是明天好天,我回去看你的。


I. 找出下列句子中的助动词

1. Never does he get up at five o'clock .

2. They did remember the date when they met at he spot .

3.They have been married for ten years .

4. I said that they would accept our thanks .

5.They haven't finished what they were asked to do .

6. They seldom call at  this lonely place , do they ?

7. The Smiths  have a pretty daughter .

8. The computer is for the teacher not for the students.

答案:1.does 2.did 3.have  been 4.would 5.have , were 6. do 7.have 不是助动词8.is 不是助动词


1.We ____ go to Shanghai  next Sunday .

2.They _____ not  hear the sound last night .

3. He ____  not smoke and neither ____ his brother.

4. Hardly  ____ he gone to bed when there was a knock at the door .

5._____ the doctors giving  the first aid to the dying child ?

6. It _____ said that a lot of flowers have _____ planted  recently .

7.He suggested that we _____ follow the way the teacher had showed us.

8.They ____ lived here since this village _______ celebrated .

9._____ you ever been to the Great Wall ?

10. _____ she usually write to you ?

答案:1.will 2. did  3. does , does 4. had 5. Are 6. is , been 7. should 8.have, was 9.Have 10.Does

第三节     实义动词

     实义动词又叫行为动词, 它分为及物动词和不及物动词。所谓及物动词是指动词后需要宾语的动词,如:We all love our motherland .(我们都热爱我们的祖国。 love 为及物动词)所谓不及物动词是指不能跟宾语的动词,只能接状语或其他成分。如:He smiled when he saw her. (他见到她时笑了。smiled 为不及物动词。)有些动词既是及物动词又是不及物动词,如: We study English . ( 我们学习英语study 为及物动词。 We study hard .      ( 我们努力学习。study 为不及物动词。)及物动词又被动语态而不及物动词没有被动语态,因为不及物动词不能跟宾语。实义动词在句中变化无常,时时在变,处处在变,学好英语掌握实义动词的变化最重要,它主要随主语人称和数的变化以及动作发生时间的不同而变化。以 work 为例,

He  often works . ( 他经常工作。)

We often work. . 我们经常工作。)

He  worked  yesterday .( 他昨天工作。)

He has worked for three hours .(他已经工作三个小时了。)

He is  working  now . .( 他正在工作。)

He will work tomorrow .(他明天将要工作。)

He had worked for three hours by the end of last Sunday .(到上星期日末他已经工作三个小时了。)

He said that he would work  the next day .(他说第二天他将要工作。)

实义动词又分为状态动词和动作动词,状态动词时表示状态的动词,它所表示的不是具体动作,这类动词一般是延续性的。如:have, keep ,belong,be,  exist 

动作动词是表示具体动作的动词,一部分是延续性动词,一部分是非延续性动词。如 :非延续性动词 hit ,stop  , buy , jump ,borrow ;延续性动词 sit , talk  ,do , sing 



1. A pair of glasses _______ been found . ( have )

2. There _______ a bus and several cars.  ( come )

3.Half of them  ______ gone. ( be)

4.Fred _______ a waiter for two years before he went to university .( be )

5. When I entered the room , I ______ him drawing.( find )

6. The football match _______ this  afternoon . ( hold )

7. We can do nothing unless we ________ more time .  ( give )

8. Our plan ________ at the next meeting  . (  discuss )

9. A new  high building _______ near our school now . ( build )

10.They _______ about a chair when the teacher came in . ( quarrel )

答案:1. has 2.comes 3.are 4. had been 5.found 6.will be held  7.are given 8.will be discussed 9. is being built 10. were quarrelling                               第四节情态动词 本身词义不完整,其后要跟实义动词或系动词原形一起构成谓语成分;表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能”、“应当”、“必要”等;情态动词没有人称和数的变化,只有原形和过去式两种形式,过去式往往比原形表意更委婉,可能性更小。

Eg) She can speak a little English.

      You should drink more water.

      No one dare say anything.


will,would,need,dare,ought to,have to,had better,used to等。