双人跑酷小游戏大全:[分享]关于台湾流行的童话故事:三只小猪引发的远大目标思考 - 航行日志——理论与实践并行...

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一期:关于台湾流行的童话故事:三只小猪引发的远大目标思考三只小猪的童话故事在一个遥远的山村里,住着一位猪妈妈和她的三可爱的小猪。妈妈每天很辛苦,小猪们一天天长大了,可还是什么事都不做。一天晚上,吃过晚饭,猪妈妈把孩子们叫到面前郑重其事地说:"你们已经长大了,应该独立生活了,等你们盖好自己的房后就搬出去住吧。三只小猪谁也不想搬出去住,更不想自己动手盖房子,又不能不听妈妈的话。于是,他们开始琢磨什么样的房子。老大先动手了。他首先扛来许多稻草,选择了一片空地,在中间搭了一座简易的稻草屋,然后用草绳捆了捆。"哈哈!我有自己的房子了!"老大乐得欢蹦乱跳.第二天老大搬进了自己的新家,老二和老三好奇地前来参观。老二说:"老三,你看大哥的房子,也太简陋了,我要盖一座又漂亮、又舒适的房子。老二跑到山上砍下许多木头回来,锯成木板、木条,叮叮当当地敲个不停。不久,老二也盖好了自己的木房子。显然这比老大的要漂亮、结实得多。老二很快搬到自己的新家住了,老大和老三也过来参观。老大赞不绝口,深感自己的房子过于简陋;老三看后说:"我盖的房子还会更好的。" 老三回到家左思右想,终于决定建造一栋用砖石砌成的房子,因为这种房子非常坚固,不怕风吹雨打,可这需要付出许多努力啊!老三每天起早贪黑,一趟一趟地搬回一块一块的石头,堆在一旁,再一块一块地砌成一面面墙。哥哥们在一旁取笑道:"只有傻瓜才会这么做!" 小弟毫不理会,仍夜以继日地工作。哥哥们休息了,他还在不停地干。这样整整过了三个月,老三的新房子也盖好了!他好高兴啊!有一天来了一只大野狼。老大惊慌地躲进了他的稻草屋。野狼"嘿嘿"地冷笑了两声,狠狠吹了口气就把稻草屋吹倒了。老大只好撒腿就跑。老大径直跑到二弟家,边跑边喊:"二弟!快开门!救命啊!"二弟打开门一看,一只大野狼追了过来,赶紧让大哥进了屋,关好门。大野狼追到门前停了下来,心想:"你们以为木头房子就能难住我吗?"他一下一下地向大门撞去。"哗啦"一声,木头房子被撞倒了。兄弟俩又拼命逃到老三家,气喘吁吁地告诉老三所发生的一切。老三先关紧了门窗,然后胸有成竹地说:"别怕!没问题了!" 大野狼站在大门前,他知道房子里有三只小猪,可不知怎么才能进去。他只能重施旧技,对着房门呼呼吹气,结果无济于事。野狼有点儿急了,他又用力去撞。"当"的一声,野狼只觉得两眼直冒金星,再看房子,纹丝不动。野狼真的急了,转身去找了一把锤子。野狼憋足劲,挥起大铁锤敲了下去,没想到锤子把儿断了,锤子反弹回来,正砸在野狼的头上。"疼死我了!" 野狼大叫。他真的无技可施了。野狼只好满脸堆笑地请三只小猪一起去郊游。三只小猪很聪明,也很团结。他们提前到郊外摘了许多苹果。不久,野狼来了。三只小猪按计划迅速爬到苹果树上。野狼迷惑不解地问:"你们到树上去干什么?"老三回答说:"我们在吃苹果呢!你要不要来一个?" 野狼馋得直流口水,便满口答应了。老三摘了一个大苹果丢下去,苹果顺着山坡滚下好远,野狼在后面追,结果越跑越远。三只小猪趁机跑回了家。野狼气急败坏地返回来,他绕着房子转了一圈,最后爬上房顶,他想从烟囱溜进去。老三从窗口发现后,马上点起了火。野狼掉进火炉里,熏得够呛,整条尾巴都烧焦了。他嚎叫着夹着尾巴逃走了,再也不敢来找三只小猪的麻烦了。前阵子,台湾地区教育界的热门话题就是三只小猪,话题中有一句话引人注意,即是“你不要像三只小猪的猪老大.....” 。(Google上搜索为什么「三只小猪」不能变成语?)第一个疑问是,到底说者要表达什么意思?还是要制造更多的话题呢?还是我真的跟不上新时代的语言呢?因此,就近问了认识的大人,得到的响应大略是,”好象是三只猪盖房子,不清楚到底重点是什么?”就近问了小孩,有答案了,“猪老大好吃懒做,不要学猪老大”。接着,第二个疑问是,小孩怎么知道答案,而大人却不清楚呢?!原来,大人已不记得故事的细节,而小孩的记忆犹新,答案就在故事书里。 依一般的经验可推想,故事书的版本会因说故事人的需要而改编。先做个简单的网站资料搜寻,找到了一个国外的网址,刊载着三只小猪的故事(英文语言)。其中与上述中文版的故事,最大的区别有两点: (一)并未叙述三只小猪的行为模式以致于隐喻其性格,即是“有三只小猪,猪大哥贪吃贪睡,猪二哥懒惰爱玩,猪小弟最乖巧,它不但早睡早起,而且非常勤劳。有一天,猪妈妈对三只小猪说:孩子们,你们长大了,该出去自己去盖房子住了”。 (二)带出故事环境中的危险,妈妈警告小猪们,小心有大野狼,不要被牠抓到,即是"The three little pigs grew so big that their mother said to them, "You are too big to live here any longer. You must go and build houses for yourselves. But take care that the wolf does not catch you." 在这两种不同内容表述下,想一想这句话“你不要像三只小猪的猪老大”,现在你会如何推想,到底猪老大是怎样的猪啊?!进一步再想想,如果你给小孩说故事,你要使用哪一个版本呢?或者,无论哪个版本,要如何辅导孩童做出正当与合适的解读?进而,如何藉由故事延伸到日常生活的应用呢?  TOC的应用 在此,让我们做个练习,用TOC处理三只小猪的问题,看看如何使用TOC ( Thinking-Process )工具,来帮小猪解决问题好吗?!“你可以不往下读先自行想想,如何解析,然后再读读我的看法,请你也分享看法,大家交流,互动起来!” 首先,界定问题的范围,“故事情境中,主角是谁?而其所遭遇之改变的情况如何?”三只小猪是主角,他们必须离开妈妈家,住到别的地方。 第二,分辨问题的型态,“小猪可以选择,不搬离妈妈家吗?”不,妈妈告诉小猪,你们长大了,必须盖自己的房子。故事到此,你应该同意冲突图(Cloud)是不直接适用。故事并且指出小猪的目标是“拥有自己的房子”,因此远大目标图(Ambitious Target Tree)是适用于此的工具。 推演至其它的生活范畴来想想,例如,目标是“小孩拥有自己的计算机”,“某人拥有高等的英文能力”,“大人拥有自己的车子”,“公司员工拥有救难福利基金”,“公司设有24小时客户服务专线”.....等等。远大目标的特质是,对于目标的拥有者而言,欲达此目标并不容易,必须全力以赴方能达成;而其不容易之症结在于既有的作法,甚至藉以思考的蓝图未能轻易地提供答案,以致于有力不从心的感觉。 三只小猪故事里,“建造新房子”是达到目标的方式,推想其中依材料不同建造房子所采用的方法就不相同。总而言之,大猪用稻草盖房子,拥有一间稻草屋;二猪用木头盖房子,拥有一间木造屋;三猪用砖头盖房子,拥有一间砖头屋。故事到此,进入高潮,大野狼出现,它大力的吹走稻草屋,又推倒木头屋。因为吹不走推不倒砖头屋,从烟囱爬下去,被热水烫跑了。在上述中文版的内容,以写入三只猪的个性,作为为何大猪选择稻草,与二猪选择木头的理由,因为贪吃贪睡及懒惰爱玩,而稻草与木头容易建造,可以快点做完。英文版中,三只小猪选择不同材料的理由,在路上遇到不同的材料提供者,就使用了,没有大道理。而后遭到大野狼的攻击,得到不同的结果。因此,给予选用材料背后之不同的假设(assumption),会导致于不同的后续发展,以及最终的效果。这一点在解析故事,或是处理问题时十分的重要,往往是带动一连串变化的核心之处。 以TOC对处理问题之方案的要求来讨论,故事中没事先考虑到,所建的房子在现实中可能发生的副作用,如此方案便不足以完善地达到目标。需要加以考虑的问题是,在一个随时可能被大野狼抓去的环境里,拥有一间稻草,木头或砖头房子,是不是挡的住牠的攻击呢?如果在某些地方还有危及安全的漏洞,请问是否就放弃建造房子这个构想呢?还是加上配套补救之法呢?以三猪的砖头屋来看,大野狼吹不走推不倒,但是能从烟囱下来,如果在建造前就想到这个问题,是不是就放弃用砖头盖房子,或是就不盖房子呢?至于,大猪和二猪,如果事前知道大野狼能大力地吹走稻草与推倒木头,是不是会改变作法呢? 接着,将大猪与二猪的懒惰个性加进来谈,即使他们想偷懒找简单的方式盖房子,但如果牠们事先知道大野狼会吹走或推倒房子而陷入危险,还会选择使用稻草与木头吗?(如果,他们不相信现实环境中真的有大野狼,而坚持选择稻草与木头,这是另一个层面的问题,不在此讨论。) POOGI的会员们,谈到这里,是不是可以同意,TOC对处理问题之方案的要求,除能达到目标之外,得亦不导致负面效应。因此,在设计远大目标图时,需要清楚地界定问题直接相关的范围,设定具体之远大目标,写明验收目标的具体指针,提出达成目标所需之具体作法,提出预防副作用的配套作法。以三只小猪的远大目标图为例,范围:离开妈妈家,其中有大野狼功击的环境。
配套:调整薪资与考核奖励方式(可能之负面效应:因为工作量减少,而员工计件之薪资减少,或是加班收入减少。再用孩童按时完成工作来举例,一位小学生从一早醒来,就开始一系列的"工作"(在此称为工作只表示他必须做的事情),如梳洗,早餐,上学,上课,午餐,游戏,下课,回家,作业,上床睡觉。 范围:从他醒来开始到晚上上床睡觉,其间一系列的工作,其中有非排定的状况可能发生,例如打架,玩过头,作业不会做等。
作法:实行自我时间管理的方法,或TOC project management的方法。
配套:当遭遇到难题时,提出"求救"要求,由大人辅导或协助处理。(可能的负面效应:为完成工作,而工作结果的品质不佳。)分享完以TOC的远大目标图解决问题的方式,不知你是否有什么看法与联想,欢迎分享。意见分享三只小猪的故事给我的启示: 一、            谈论问题、谈论事件时,能够不预设观点、不预设立场,只陈述现况,这是后续具有建设性讨论的先决条件。 二、            现实环境的限制中,做这件事所要达到的目的为何?必须首先确定。 三、            能够解决问题的方法,绝对不是只有一种,所谓好的方法必须不会产生负效果,或者负效果是在预期与可控制的范围之内。而且,最重要的,这个方法能够带给他人及自己极高的满意度。
如果用三只小猪的故事的是来引导他人(孩童),方式是 (一)              先陈述故事 (二)              然后讨论出处理这个问题的目的 (三)              然后再引导他们思考有什么方法可以达到目的,并且了解使用这个方法有什么负面效应。 如此的作法能达到之优点有:(一)              他人(孩童)是解决方法的拥有者,而非被告知者。 (二)              解决方法是经过因果逻辑思考而得,具体可见可被执行的行径。(三)              思考过程中浮现可预见之负面效果,并一并处理,避免好事变坏事的遗憾。 遇到问题时,一般容易预设他人的行为模式,而骤然论定预设的结果。挑战在于:不管你遇到多么熟悉、直觉多么强的情境,是不是能够放下预设的观点,以开放的心态对待当下这个问题,经由客观的事实资料,通过逻辑性的解析,得到可信度高的结论。例如:你对某人的直觉跟经验告诉你,他做这件事必定会产生某种你不乐意见到的结果。如当下有一个新的事情发生了,一般的反应是,依据过去的结果跟经验,他还是会得到相同的结果。这里提出的挑战是:对当下这件事情,假设不知道对方会如何的反应,用开放的心态与正当的方法,引导他经历一场思考,得到不一样的结果。 TOC的方法用于辅导或教导时,强调不需要直接告诉他(一般情况说归说,不会被采纳)如何如何做才好,而是教会他如何解决问题,得到满意的结果。就是常听到的“教他如何钓鱼,此后他便总是有鱼吃。” 下一期的电子报,将进一步介绍远大目标图的应用案例,敬请期待更多的精采内容。如您对本期电子报有任何分享或回馈,欢迎E-mail与我们联系 tocpoogi@yahoo.com.cn ,本内容欢迎分享与转载,如需引用请E-mail来信告知,谢谢。参考资料  英文版:来源网上下载


Once upon a time there was a mother pig who had three little pigs.

The three little pigs grew so big that their mother said to them, "You are too big to live here any longer. You must go and build houses for yourselves. But take care that the wolf does not catch you."

The three little pigs set off. "We will take care that the wolf does not catch us," they said.

Soon they met a man who was carrying some straw. "Please will you give me some straw?" asked the first little pig. "I want to build a house for myself." "Yes," said the man and he gave the first little pig some straw.

Then the first little pig built himself a house of straw. He was very pleased with his house. He said, "Now the wolf won't catch me and eat me."

"I shall build a stronger house than yours," said the second little pig. "I shall build a stronger house than yours, too," said the third little pig.

The second little pig and the third little pig went on along the road. Soon they met a man who was carrying some sticks.

"Please will you give me some sticks ?" asked the second little pig. "I want to build a house for myself." "Yes," said the man and he gave the second little pig some sticks.

Then the second little pig built himself a house of sticks. It was stronger than the house of straw.

The second little pig was very pleased with his house. He said, "Now the wolf won't catch me and eat me." "I shall build a stronger house than yours," said the third little pig.

The third little pig walked on, along the road, by himself. Soon he met a man carrying some bricks.

"Please will you give me some bricks?" asked the third little pig. "I want to build a house for myself." "Yes," said the man and he gave the third little pig some bricks.

Then the third little pig built himself a house of bricks.

It took him a long time to build it, for it was a very strong house. The third little pig was very pleased with his house. He said, "Now the wolf won't catch me and eat me."

The next day the wolf CAMe along the road. He came to the house of straw which the first little pig had built.

When the first little pig saw the wolf coming, he ran inside his house and shut the door. The wolf knocked on the door and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

"No, no," said the little pig. "By the hair of my chinny chin chin, I will not let you come in."

"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in," said the wolf. So he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed. The house of straw fell down and the wolf ate up the first little pig.

The next day the wolf walked further along the road. He came to the house of sticks which the second little pig had built.

When the second little pig saw the wolf coming, he ran inside his house and shut the door. The wolf knocked on the door and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

"No, no," said the little pig. "By the hair of my chinny chin chin, I will not let you come in."

"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in," said the wolf. So he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed. The house of sticks fell down and the wolf ate up the second little pig.

The next day the wolf walked further along the road. He came to the house of bricks which the third little pig had built.

When the third little pig saw the wolf coming, he ran inside his house and shut the door. The wolf knocked on the door and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

"No, no," said the little pig. "By the hair of my chinny chin chin, I will not let you come in."

"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in," said the wolf. So he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed. But the house of bricks did not fall down.

The wolf was very angry, but he pretended not to be. He thought, "This is a clever little pig. If I want to catch him I must pretend to be his friend."

So the wolf said, "Little pig, if you will be ready at six o'clock in the morning, I will take you to Farmer Smith's field. We shall find some nice turnips for dinner."

"Very well," said the little pig. But the third little pig was a clever little pig. He knew that the wolf just wanted to eat him.

So the next morning the third little pig set off for Farmer Smith's field at five o'clock. He filled his basket with turnips. Then he hurried home before it was six o'clock.

At six o'clock the wolf knocked on the little pig's door. "Are you ready, little pig ?" he said.

"Oh! I have been to Farmer Smith's field," said the little pig. "I filled my basket with turnips and they are now cooking for my dinner." The wolf was very angry, but he pretended not to be.

Then the wolf said, "If you will be ready at five o'clock in the morning, I will take you to Farmer Brown's apple tree. We will pick some red apples."

"Very well," said the little pig. Next morning, the little pig set off at four o'clock. He found the apple tree. He was up in the tree, picking apples, when the wolf came along.

The little pig was very frightened, but he pretended not to be. He said, "These are fine apples, Mr. Wolf. I'll throw you one."

He threw down an apple, but it rolled away down the road. The wolf ran after it. Then the little pig jumped down from the tree. He ran all the way home and shut his door quickly.

The wolf was very angry, but he still pretended not to be.

He went to the little pig's house and knocked on the door. "Little pig," he said, "if you will be ready at four o'clock this afternoon, I will take you to the fair. We will have some fun on the swings and roundabouts." "Very well," said the little pig.

At two o'clock the little pig set off for the fair. He had great fun, riding on the swings and roundabouts.

Then he bought himself a butter churn. It looked like a big barrel. As little pig was going home he saw the wolf coming up the hill. Little pig was very frightened, so he jumped inside his butter churn.

The butter churn began to roll over and over, down the hill. It rolled faster and faster. It knocked the wolf down.

The wolf did not know what had knocked him down. He was so frightened that he ran away as quickly as he could. Little pig jumped out of his butter churn and carried it home.

The next day the wolf came and knocked on the little pig's door.

He said, "Little pig, I did not go to the fair yesterday. A great, big thing came rolling down the hill and knocked me over." "Ha-ha!" said the little pig. "That was me, inside my butter churn!"

When the wolf heard this he was very, very, very angry indeed.

He said, "Little pig, I am going to eat you up. I am going to climb down your chimney to get you." The little pig was very frightened, but he said nothing. He put a big pot of water on the fire, to boil.

The wolf climbed on the roof. Then he began to come down the chimney.

The little pig took off the lid from the pot. Into the pot fell the wolf, with a big splash. And that was the end of the wolf. The third little pig was too clever for him.  

- The End -