大金vrv p系列优缺点:PPT不象胸罩的32个理由(中英)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 21:47:38


   1. I wear a bra every day, but could do without daily PowerPoint.

   2. Personally, I think most other women would benefit more from a bra than PowerPoint too.

   3. You can’t buy a PowerPoint slide deck off the shelf.

   4. There’s no such thing as a Push-up PowerPoint deck.
   5. There’s no such thing as a Miracle PowerPoint deck, not even from Nancy Duarte or Garr Reynolds.
      没有惊人(大) 的PPT,即使 Nancy Duarte 或者 Garr Reynolds--胸罩有C罩杯或者更大的

   6. You can’t improve a bra, but you can improve a slide deck.

   7. You can’t give away your slide deck to someone who would fit it better.

   8. Bras don’t have annoying transition effects like “window blinds“, “newsflash”, and “fade out”.

   9. Bras don’t have annoying sound effects.

  10. It’s never a surprise when someone pulls out a PowerPoint slide deck in a business meeting.

  11. People will fall asleep in front of a PowerPoint slide deck.

  12. No one anticipates the Victoria’s Secret PowerPoint catalog.

  13. A bra works perfectly even if there’s no projector, screen, or laptop in the room.

  14. Nobody ever asks for a copy of my bra after a meeting.

  15. A PowerPoint slide deck is completely useless when exercising, while a bra is only somewhat useless.

  16. You can’t craft a bra to suit your purpose.

  17. Bras might be persuasive or motivational, but are rarely educational.

  18. The Rule of Thirds says a slide contains four “power points”;  human anatomy says a bra contains two “power points”.

  19. Death by PowerPoint is an overused cliche.Death by Bra is not (yet).

  20. 40 point bold text on a slide deck is acceptable.On bras? Not so much.

  21. Only one Nobel Peace Prize winner uses PowerPoint, but nine wear bras. (An inconvenient truth or fiction?)Nine women have won the Nobel Peace Prize

  22. You can’t use the same slide deck all day long, day after day.

  23. Slide decks don’t transition well from day to evening.

  24. Teenagers know how to use bras, but adults still have trouble with PowerPoint.

  25. Your mom will usually buy your first bra for you.

  26. With bras, only teen-aged girls pad them with useless fluff.

  27. It’s socially acceptable for men to use a slide deck, as long as it’s a good one.

  28. PowerPoint slides look best when projected on a flat surface.

  29. Guy Kawasaki has no 10-20-30 rule for bras.
      Guy Kawasaki没有关于胸罩的10-20-30原则

  30. Establishments that outlaw bras are labeled “trashy.” Companies that outlaw PowerPoint are labeled “forward-thinking.”

  31. Your employer will likely issue you a standard slide deck in corporate colors.

  32. A laser pointer rarely accompanies a bra.


Powerpoint is like a bra because… with a little practice, you can operate one handed.

Most men know how to undo a bra with one hand but not a PowerPoint presentation.
绝大多数男人知道如何单手解开胸罩,却不会单手操作PPT演示 --单手解开胸罩是男人的基本功啊!

(本文由ExcelPro的图表博客原创,转载请注明出处。ExcelPro的图表博客 探讨专业有效的商务图表沟通之道,欢迎交流讨论!)   32 Reasons a PowerPoint Slide Deck is Nothing Like a Bra  by Linda WuOct 13th, 2009

Editor’s Note: Comedian Adam Lawrence recently compiled the Top 10 Reasons a PowerPoint Slide Deck is Just Like a Bra.

To prop up the debate a bit, I invited a colleague with a little more first-hand experience with both technologies to provide support to the counter-argument.

Thanks to her, here are 32 reasons a PowerPoint slide deck is nothing like a bra.

  1. I wear a bra every day, but could do without daily PowerPoint.
  2. Personally, I think most other women would benefit more from a bra than PowerPoint too.
  3. You can’t buy a PowerPoint slide deck off the shelf.
  4. There’s no such thing as a Push-up PowerPoint deck.
  5. There’s no such thing as a Miracle PowerPoint deck, not even from Nancy Duarte or Garr Reynolds.
  6. You can’t improve a bra, but you can improve a slide deck.
  7. You can’t give away your slide deck to someone who would fit it better.

    “Nobody ever asks for a copy of my bra after a meeting.”

  8. Bras don’t have annoying transition effects like “window blinds“, “newsflash”, and “fade out”.
  9. Bras don’t have annoying sound effects.
  10. It’s never a surprise when someone pulls out a PowerPoint slide deck in a business meeting.
  11. People will fall asleep in front of a PowerPoint slide deck.
  12. No one anticipates the Victoria’s Secret PowerPoint catalog.
  13. A bra works perfectly even if there’s no projector, screen, or laptop in the room.
  14. Nobody ever asks for a copy of my bra after a meeting.
  15. A PowerPoint slide deck is completely useless when exercising, while a bra is only somewhat useless.
  16. You can’t craft a bra to suit your purpose.

    “Your employer will likely issue you a standard slide deck in corporate colors.”

  17. Bras might be persuasive or motivational, but are rarely educational.
  18. The Rule of Thirds says a slide contains four “power points”;
    human anatomy says a bra contains two “power points”.
  19. Death by PowerPoint is an overused cliche.
    Death by Bra is not (yet).
  20. 40 point bold text on a slide deck is acceptable.
    On bras? Not so much.
  21. Only one Nobel Peace Prize winner uses PowerPoint, but nine wear bras. (An inconvenient truth or fiction?)
  22. You can’t use the same slide deck all day long, day after day.
  23. Slide decks don’t transition well from day to evening.
  24. Teenagers know how to use bras, but adults still have trouble with PowerPoint.
  25. Your mom will usually buy your first bra for you.
  26. With bras, only teen-aged girls pad them with useless fluff.

    “Bras might be persuasive or motivational, but are rarely educational.”

  27. It’s socially acceptable for men to use a slide deck, as long as it’s a good one.
  28. PowerPoint slides look best when projected on a flat surface.
  29. Guy Kawasaki has no 10-20-30 rule for bras.
  30. Establishments that outlaw bras are labeled “trashy.”
    Companies that outlaw PowerPoint are labeled “forward-thinking.”
  31. Your employer will likely issue you a standard slide deck in corporate colors.
  32. A laser pointer rarely accompanies a bra.

Can You Add One?

What differences did we miss? Or maybe you’ve got a similarity to add to the debate?

Send in your suggestions, or add them in the comments.