特灵 输出模块型号:【英语酷词】Junk Food

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 20:32:50

 【英语酷词】                               Junk Food                     



       junk food 指“垃圾食物”。 junk food的说法来自于葡萄牙语。大约500年前,在葡萄

牙语里有一个词叫“junk”,意思是“old pieces of rope(旧缆绳)”。天长日久,这个词


人们将这些没有多少营养的食物称之为“junk food”。

看一句英语注释:The idiom "junk food" normally refers to factory-produced foods that have a lot of

damaging additives, such as hotdogs and frozen pizzas, or fried foods like hamburgers and french fries, or

sugary sweets and fizzy drinks like candy bars and cola drinks. (习语“垃圾食品”通常指的工厂生产





    1Junk food is bad for us because it contains large amounts of harmful substances like artificial colouring,

          and preservatives,   垃圾食品对我们有害,因为它们含有大量的有害物质,如人造色素和防腐剂


    2 As it is, several countries in Europe and various localities in America have banned trans fats, a particularly

          unhealthy ingredient in much junk food.     事实上,欧洲一些国家与美国各地已明令禁止使用反式


    3Eating lots of junk food may make it get harder to choose healthy food over time.   垃圾食物吃久了就会


  4The state of Texas bans the sale of all junk food on its school campuses during lunch time.        德克萨斯


    5Healthy food should be made cheaper, and the advertising of junk food to children clearly regulated.   


   6Stop eating junk food, get more sleep and exercise three times a week.    不要再吃东不健康的食物,保


   7Children brought up on healthy diets are more intelligent compared with their junk food eating counterparts,

         new research suggests.    新研究发现,那些饮食健康的孩子要比老吃垃圾食品的同龄人聪明。

   8Eating too much junk food with little nutritional value, like potato chips, makes one fat.         吃太多像土豆






                  Junk Foods and its Harmful Effects


Junk foods that taste yummy and spicy may be good with its delicious flavor but what does it carry? Healthy or

unhealthy stuff is always a big fact to analyze. Health complications are more in number today as most people

prefer eating junk foods and prepacked foods that are available in the stores. Most of us getting too busy with

these days opt for a quick food that fills our stomach instantly. We neither care for health value nor for the natural

calories in the foods but just the taste and quickness of the food comes on our mind.





        Junk foods that taste wonderful on our mouth have got more harmfulness within. As junk foods contain

excess of cholesterol, saturated fat, sugar, salt and more calories they are not recognized as stable food that

adds nutrients and energy to the body.


      Lack of energy and brain power

        Junk foods that we go for contains nothing but empty nutrients that calls for more calories. It does not hold

any good factors that support the immune system of our body. In most cases they are being filled with hurtful

carbohydrates, cholesterol and fat stuff that affect the general wellness of the body. Junk foods as a whole does

not support with any needful energy that mess up one’s wellbeing. As brain cells does not get the needful nutrients

and energy their activities get slowed down affecting the over all performance of the brain.


      Heart diseases

       Junk foods acts as the base to initiate heart diseases as they contain more salt and cholesterol and other

harmful ingredients. Excess salt that tastes good on junks are responsible to raise the blood pressure and

cholesterol that adds up to the inner walls of arteries forming plaque like matters thus resulting in heart blocks and

 sudden attacks. Cholesterol levels and blood pressure are to be kept under control to prevent heart diseases.


       Stomach, liver and intestine problems

       Besides initiation of heart disease junk foods also contribute their role affecting ones liver that hits the metabolic

activities. Junk food at times suppresses the normal activity of metabolism as there is not constant healthy food stuff

to digest. Insulin secretion is being regularized that harms the metabolic activities. Digestion of junks with excess

saturated fat releases more toxins that are harmful. The digestive system including the stomach, liver actions and

intestinal absorption are wholly affected by the un-hygiene food stuff.


      Nutritionists usually recommend natural food such as fresh fruits, vegetables and home cooked foods that are

more hygienic and safe for one’s health with limited taste makers and added colors.