贝多芬op2no1第二乐章:听着听着 就被征服了!!!《I always knew》-Jem

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 09:26:15
I always knew-Jem

≮I always knew-Jem≯
Jem这位苏格兰威尔士女生,人们常常拿她与Dido比较,也许在声线上有些相似,Jem依然走多方位的路线,曲风上融合多元素,融合Trip-Hop,folk,Electronic,对她当年的They,味道上依旧产生共鸣,相信大家也念念不念。 Jem没有太纯粹的英式,仿佛化成魔咒般,慵懒中透露着淡雅,异常动人的节拍,在半梦半醒之间吟唱游乐,无限延伸的想像着,听觉此时被唤醒了。
I always knew-Jem
I always knew I would one day be here
But I couldn’t be a puppet on a string
I’ve had my fights, often I’ve been KO’d
But I’ve got back up though I won’t give in
And now I know how it works
If you’re too nice you lose
I’m gonna make it to the top well let me show you
And if I’ve got to toughen up then that is what I’ll do
Don’t hate me. I’m not so crazy. You’d be crazy that’s for sure.
Becoming a bitch is not what I got into music for.
I remember back to a ________
Where two young boys started mocking me
I looked at them. Thought I’ll show you one day
But I didn’t fight or stand up for me.
And that young girls learn the hard way
If you’re too nice you lose.
I’m gonna make it to the top well let me show you
And if I’ve got to toughen up then that is what I’ll do
Don’t hate me. I’m not so crazy. You’d be crazy that’s for sure.
Becoming a bitch is not what I got into music for.
I’ll make it crystal clear that I am not going anywhere
As long as there is music, I’ll be here.
I’m gonna make it to the top well let me show you
And if I’ve got to toughen up then that is what I’ll do
Don’t hate me. I’m not so crazy. You’d be crazy that’s for sure.
Becoming a bitch is not what I got into music for.
I’m gonna make it to the top well let me show you
And if I’ve got to toughen up then that is what I’ll do
I’ve sold you a million baby, not just maybe that’s for sure
Given the chance I’ll show you I can sell a million more.
当你想征服一个人时,你就已经被他征服了。当你不想被一个人征服时,你也已经被他征服了”是出自耽美里么 《我,征服了年龄》, 为什么地球帝国可以玩 而地球帝国 征服的艺术就不能玩了 成吉思汗征服了哪些国家? 征服密码保护忘了怎么办 征服了自己,才能征服生活的一切的含义 ~我喜欢被女孩征服,看见女孩的脚我就非常兴奋,这是怎么回事 有了个好工作 又征服了美丽的女人 就可以称为真正的男人么??? 被一个人的爱融化了??怎么办?被征服的感觉!! 征服美洲 战国时代出了吗? 我安装了征服美洲:战国时代........ 征服仓库密码丢了怎么办 妇科检查 就写了个 I 是什么意思呀? 我不能征服你的心,就忘了你放了自己,我不相信不可以没有爱没有你,一个人活不下去 要得到一个人最本质的就是得到他的心!!得到了他的心就等于真正拥有了他!这就是征服!! 汉译英:汤姆不仅征服了海洋,他也征服了癌症。 电视剧《征服》中,刘华强一出场就放的背景音乐是什么 我在5460游戏世界下载的征服,网通新2里玩家,但是每次更新到一半时就不可以了?这是为什么啊? 女的被上了,就会被征服吗? 为什么欧洲从来没有被游牧民族征服? 预计癌症什么时候能被人类征服? 谁找到了《征服》的片尾曲《战衣飘飘》麻烦指点一下 为什么网络游戏《征服》里面的服务器消失了? 征服密码保护资料忘了能否找回密码~~??