
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 02:20:07


Give you little color see see.(给你点颜色看看)
We two, who and who.(咱俩谁跟谁)
How are you? How old are you?(怎么是你?怎么老是你?)
Heart flower angry open.(心花怒放)
One car come , one car go ,two car pengpeng, one man died!(对车祸现场的描述)
Good good study , day day up.(好好学习,天天向上)
Horse horse tiger tiger.(马马虎虎)
People mountain people sea.(人山人海)
Tiger head snake tail.(虎头蛇尾)
You ask me, me ask who? (你问我,我问谁?)
Who get up early who call who.(谁起得早,谁叫谁。)
To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty.(小心路滑。)
To put out Xuanda Expressway, To put in Jingzhang Expressway.(离开北京四环路,进入京张高速公路。)
Decimbing path(下坡路)
Rain or snow day, Bridge, slow-driving.(在雨天或雪天时过桥请减速行驶。)
Oil gate(加油站)
Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(禁止吸烟,违者罚款50元)
Please come down from your bicycle.(请从你的自行车上下来。)
If you have trouble find police.(有困难,找警察)
Being urgent call 110 quickly.(遇到紧急情况时请拨打110。)
Complaining telephone(客服电话)
When you leave car, please turn off door and window, take your valuable object.(下车时请关好车门和车窗并带好你的行李。)
Engine room is serious place.(机房重地)
Don't forget to take your thing.(别忘了带上你的东西。)
Visit in civilisation, pay attention to hygiene!(请文明游览,保持环境整洁。)
Deformed man toilet(残疾人厕所)
When you across hard you can ring 110(紧急时请拨打110。)
Danger! Inhibition astraddle transgress.(危险,不许进入!)
X Bank Beijing Cent Company(X银行北京分公司)这里的“分”被翻译成了一分钱的“分”
To run business或者Runming business(营业中)
Many Function Hall(多功能厅)
We can't stand the sight of mattress fragrant grass(请勿践踏草坪)
Burnt meat biscuit(肉味饼干)
Please Drive Correctly(请按交通规则驾驶)
Welcome to our fine restaurant(欢迎光临我们的餐厅)
Small two pots of heads(二锅头)
Deep fried ghost variant和deep fried devil和oil fried ghost(油条)
Bake the cell-phone(烘手机)
New Open(新开幕)
Up/off bus pay tick cash(上下车收费)
Shopping's center(购物中心)
Do not be occupying while stabilizing和Do not (火车停车时禁止使用卫生间)
Long time no see(好久不见)
Excellent Room(职员专用房间)
Don't Drive Tiredly(禁止疲劳驾车)
Protect circumstance begin with me(保护环境从我做起)
Hong Kong foot(香港脚)
Mang out after s h i t(便后请冲水)

2009-7-14 17:21:54 上传下载附件 (46.36 KB)
{:4_225:} 英语翻译的也太直接了吧?toilet?

2009-7-14 17:21:54 上传下载附件 (58.08 KB)

s h i t……我快疯了……

