
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 00:42:41


In the womb 6

       After starting at a feeble(虚弱的) 20-25 beats per minute, it now pumps as fast as it will ever go, a frantic 157 beats every minute—an adult heartbeat is normally 70 to 80. After this peak, the heart rate will decrease as the heart, along with the rest of the body, gradually comes under the brain’s control.



      At 10 weeks old, the fetus has been hidden from the outside world, but the mother is about to get her first glimpse of the secret events unfolding inside her womb. Three months have passed since conception, and the time has arrived for the first ultrasound scan. Ultrasound scans that peer into the womb have revolutionized our understanding of fetal development and care for the mother.



       Professor Stuart Campbell of the Create Health Clinic in London is one of the world’s leading experts in obstetrics(产科).

       Stuart Campbell教授是伦敦生命健康诊所的教授,他是世界上顶尖的产科专家之一。


      The pictures are produced by sending ultrahigh frequency sound waves, far too high for us to hear, from probe(探明) into the body of mother. The waves penetrate through internal tissue, passing easily through fluid areas like amniotic(羊膜的) fluid, but bouncing back strongly off solids like bone.



      The reflected waves are collected to produce internal image similar to an X-ray but without the danger. Ultrasound scans aren’t known to cause any harm to the fetus.



      Inside the womb, the fetus lives in fluid—even the lungs are filled with fluid—and the ultrasound produces a moving image that to a trained eye reveals the important information about the health and development of the fetus.



      The first scan can also establish more accurate due date based on the fetus’s size instead of guessing from the date of mother’s last menstrual(月经的) period.The scan can also show early but not conclusive diagnostic features pointing toward genetic abnormalities.



       Until recently, noninvasive(入侵的) research into the development of the human fetus has been restricted to fetal autopsies(验尸) or grainy(粒状的), 2-dimensional ultrasound scans. But now this area of exploration has been revolutionized with the development of 3-dimensional scans, and even more remarkably, 3D scans which move in real time, known as 4D scans.



      Obstetricians(产科医师) can directly observe how the fetus grows, behaves, reacts to stimulation and how its reflexes help it prepare for birth and for survival outside the womb.Professor Campbell is a world-renowned pioneer of these new scans and is responsible for taking these incredible images. This scan shows a 30-week fetus yawning, and this one , a 32-week fetus playing with its nose.

