
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 06:21:53


作者: 邵灵玲

学生们根据以上概念图,替Zoom进入各家餐馆问:Do you have any noodles today. ?相似的句式,降低了故事的难度;通过表演,学生进一步理解了故事语篇,有利于语篇整体信息的输出。如:

Today is Monday.Zoom and Zip are goingto a restaurant for dinner.Noodles are Zoom’S

favourite food.

Zoom : Do you h—av—e any noodles today,

Miss Gira

Miss Girafe:Sorry.Today is Monday.We have fish.We have noodles on Tuesday.

Zoom:Do you have any noodles,Mr Dog?

Mr Dog:I’m sorry. We have pork and

green beans today.We have noodles Oil Wednesday.

Zoom: Do you have any noodles, MissMonkey?

Miss Monkey:We have cabbage and routton.We have noodles on Thursday.

Zoom:Do you have any noodles,Miss Rabbit?

Miss Rabbit:W e have eggplant. We have noodles Oil Friday.

Zoom:Do you have any noodles,Mr Cat?

Mr Cat:Yes。we do.

Zoom:Great!It’S my favourlte food .

Uh-oh.They are too salty.Where are you.My yummy noodles?



Recycle 1为例加以说明(图9)。



首先从概念favorite出发,再从子概念teacher、day、fruit、food. 继续发散。这一过程把主动权留给学生,老师引领学生共同完成概念图,并设计相应的问题,为语篇顺利输出构建支架。如:Questions:

1.Who’S your favourite teacher?

2.Wh at’S your favourite teacher like?

3.Wh at day is your favourite day?

4.Wh at do you do on Sunday/ . ?

5.Wh at’S your favourite food?Why?


Hello!My naIne is— —. I’m— — yearsold.My favourite teacher is— — — — — —

teacher.He/She is— —and— —. My favourite day is— —. We Call— — ,— — and— —. My favorite food is because .It’s and — — — — 一.

6.概念图用于Grammar的语篇教学在浙派名师经典课堂教学展示中,夏恩力老师执教的“For a better tomorrow”是一节有关比较级的语法课,其教学目标是能听、说、认、读有关比较级的词汇longer、shorter、bigger、fatter、heavier、happier等,同时能使用句型“—— is.

-er than— —. ”夏老师首先在黑板上呈现了三把尺子,用线条连接并说:“Ruler 3 is Ion—ger than Ruler 1.but is shorter than Ruler 2.”然后在尺子上放了三个球,并说道:“Ball 3 is

smallel"than Ball 1.but bigger than Ball 2.”这时教学已层层递进,慢慢地“由点到面,由词到句”舒展开来,为下面的语篇“Story of Shooby and Dooby”作好了铺垫(图10)。

随着教学内容的进展,夏老师接着在Ball2外画BaJl 4,小于Ball 1和Ball 3,连好线,相当于天平秤在称东西,然后启发道,“Bal 1and Ball 3 are heavier than Bal 2 and Ball 4.”概念图又增加了相关的概念,如:heavy/fat、heavier/fatter,同时也适当增加了一些语篇的“景架”(图11)。



T:Look,what are they?They are two pigs.

One is named shooby.Th e other is named Dooby.Please talk about them ,using the drills“

— —is. 一er than — —.


Shooby and Dooby

Ali Baba has a little farm .On his farm ,he has two fat pigs. One is Shooby.One is Dooby.

Dooby:I am a fat pig.

Shooby:Haha!I am fatter than you!

Dooby:I am strong.

Shooby:Haha!I am stronger than you!

Dooby:I am big.

Shooby:Haha!I am bigger than you!

Dooby:I am pretty.

Shooby:Haha!I am prettier than you!

A1i Baba:Time for dinner!I am hungry

Let me see . Haha!Shooby is fatter.

OK!Shooby is my dinner!


Dooby:Haha!I am smarter than you!









1.中华人民共和国教育部 《英语课程标准(实验稿)》,北京师范大学出版社,2001年

2.贾传安 “利用图表的英语语篇策略研究”,《中小学英语教学与研究)zoo6年第5期
