
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 05:23:45



Angelina Jolie is an American actress often named one of the most beautiful people in the world.  You can see her profile in this picture, and in the mirror you can see the reflection of her back, which includes a blurry view of some of her lower back tattoos.  Here you can see her trademark full lips and figure.  Her very revealing backless dark grey mini-dress is tied on at the back of her neck, and it shows some side cleavage.  She has a short hairdo and her hair is slicked back.  She is resting her hand in the middle of her chest. 




Jennifer Love Hewitt has been successful in both the movies and music industries.  Here she can be seen in a very artistic shot.  Her long wavy hair drops down to the sides of her chest and in the front she is wearing it in bangs that cover her eyebrows.  Her face is thin, with sunken cheeks and she has an austere look on her face.  On her top she is wearing a very low cut black button-up blouse which reveals cleavage.  The shoulders of her blouse are partially transparent.  On the bottom she is wearing a matching black skirt. Overall there is a nice contrast of light and dark colors, with most of the background and her clothing being dark, with a streak of light behind her, and her brownish skin tone balancing the two. 




Former American Idol contestant Katharine Mcphee might not have won her contest but that hasn’t stopped her from reaching success.  This picture illustrates her optimistic personality.  Her picture was snapped mid-laugh, and most of her bright white teeth can be seen between her wide lips.  The lack of wrinkles on her face suggests that she is still quite young.  She is wearing a short thigh-high one-piece dark dress.  Her short dress exposes her shapely legs.  For her accessories she is wearing a bracelet on her right wrist as well as a studded leather belt.  She seems to be enjoying her day sitting on a see-through chair outdoors. 



British Actress Kiera Knightley made it big in her starring role in The Pirates of the Caribbean.  She has alluring brown eyes and delicate features.  Her hair is tied back and accented with blonde highlights.  On her top she is wearing a white cotton laced blouse, and the laces are loosely tied up, revealing much of her chest.  On her bottom she is wearing extra short shorts.  She is sitting on the ground barefoot with her legs crossed.  Her short shorts certainly accentuate her attractive, tanned legs. 



Kristin Kreuk is the Canadian mixed-race star of Smallville, an American sitcom about Superman’s teenage years.  Her exotic facial features reflect her Dutch and Chinese ancestry.  Kristin is lying on the floor propping herself up with her arms to pose for the camera.  She has a slight Mona Lisa smile and her hair looks like it is barely combed through the back lighting.  She is wearing a medium length, conservative red summer dress with a flower pattern on.  Kristin might want to consider going to the gym more, as it looks like her arms are getting a bit out of shape. 



Leighton Meester, star of Gossip Girl has come a long way.  When she was born, her mother was in prison.  Now at the young age of 24, she is a famous actress and musician.  Here she shows off her sassy attitude with an unsmiling, slightly annoyed expression.  She is wearing her fiery red hair in curls.  Her flesh colored polka-dot patterned tight dress looks sexy as it matches her skin tone and reveals both cleavage and most of her legs.  Instead of crossing her legs, she is raising her left leg up and resting her right elbow on her knee. 

《绯闻少女》(Gossip Girl)女主角莉顿·梅斯特24岁就已经成名成家,在演艺和音乐两栖发展。此图展示了她野性的一面,不苟言笑、微微愠怒的神情。肉色的束身上衣亮出乳沟与大腿,背景色透视冰冷的美感,正如女星的神情与身体所诠释的,女人应该展现自身的美,而不被世俗视为玩偶,并赋予冷静的思考,以图平等和公正的社会待遇。


Taiwanese model and actress Lin Zhi Ling is displaying her domesticated side here.  Usually seen in skimpy lingerie or bikinis, she is seen here for a change with a very conservative outfit.  It almost looks like something a housewife would wear.  Additionally she is doing a very domestic activity – knitting a quilt.  Zhi Ling has long wavy hair, an earring on her exposed left ear, large eyes, a thin nose, and a cheery expression on her face.  She is wearing a round necked blue sweater and is holding the sewing needle in her right hand and the quilt in her left hand. 


Marilyn Monroe is a classic American Actress famous for having an affair with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  This is a famous scene from the movie “Some Like it Hot”, and in this scene Marilyn is walking over a subway grate.  As a subway car passes by, the rush of air lifts her skirt up and she rushes to push it down with both arms.  She is laughing as she finds the whole situation quite embarrassing.  She is wearing high heeled sandals and a long frilled white dress which at the time would have probably been quite racy.



Tyra Banks is a black American born model and she has worked extensively in the fashion world and lately has been working on her talk show.  She has a great personality as illustrated by her colorful, orange-dyed hair, which is flying in all directions, and her greenish hazel eyes.  Her lips are full and inviting.  She has giant hoop earrings on both ears, and is wearing a provocative dress that consists of two thin pieces of cloth covering her breasts, and leaving the middle of her chest and stomach exposed.  Overall this is a picture that perfectly reflects Tyra’s outgoing and sexy personality. 

提拉·班克斯是如今最红的真人秀节目《全美模特大赛》(American's Next Top Model,简称ANTM) 主持人。那张窄窄的瓜子脸,那双会说话的眼睛和丰富的肢体语言,使她在竞争激烈的模特生涯中一直处于不败之地。提拉·班克斯 (Tyra Banks)自信的向世界宣布: “黑人女孩的身体自然有她们身体无尽的魅力。”  她的美丽似乎跨越了洲界和国籍,在她身上 不仅拥有黑人的健美和高挑的身材,似乎还拥有了东方美人的柔媚,这对于其他模特来说是难能有这种清丽的,一种纯洁而又难以琢磨的美丽。她卓越的容貌和肢体一直在告诉所有人:我很美,我是独一无二的!此图的发式和衣着,是她流光个性的绝佳体现。

