犬戎 匈奴:健康忠告(丰富的链接)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/09/21 06:24:58



這不知花了多少時間和心血, 真的精彩! 能夠分享是一種福氣!...


2. 自己CPR的方法
  (The beat goes on)
3. 心臟病發?中風前兆
  (Heart attack, stroke warning signs)
4. 中風辨認常識
  (Stroke identification)
5. 聖心減肥良方
  (S.H.M. Diet program)
6. 十大營養食品
  (Top 10 Nutritious Food)
7. 治口臭食療方
  (Bad Breath Remedy)
9. 清心養血之良食
  (Healthy Food for Heart & Blo! od )
10. 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬
12. 果菜療能一覽表
  (What's Good For You)
13. 療能食物對照表
  (Cross-reference List)
14. 肉桂之天然食療
  (Cinnamon's Health Benefits)
15. 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎
  (Cranberry's Health Benefits)
16. 欥風筒的妙用
  (The Amazing Hair Dryer)
17. 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇
  (Honey plus Cinnamon)

18. 沒事多喝檸檬水
  (Ice Lemonade)
19. 人過中年不悲哀
  (Live after Middle Age)
20. 醫生之食療介紹
  (Food values from doctors)
21. 心肌梗塞急救法
  (Heart attack emergency treatment)
22. 枸杞消!
  (Chinese wolfberries for relaxation)
23. 紅棗保肝補氣
  (Jujubes-Chinese red dates)
24. 遠離糖尿病不難
  (Diabetes Mellitus)
25. 健康身心之最佳時間
  (Right Ti ming )
26. 世衛評選的最佳食品
  ( The Healthy Food)
27. 十大垃圾食物
  (The Junk Food)
28. 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖
  (Garlic, ginger, honey on rice)
29. 沒有阿茲海默的世界
    (Alzheimer Prevention)
30. 練太極可抗疫
  (Tai Chi stops shingles)
31. 飯後熱飲
  (Drink warm after meals)
32. 食物防春季過敏
  (Ready for the allergy season)
33. 香蕉的神奇 (a) 熟香蕉抗癌
  (The Amazing Bananas)
34. 癌症新知
  (Cancer updat! e - by a MD hospital)

35. 十大助排毒之食品
  (Toxin Excretion Assistants)
36. 腸道照顧好﹐百病不來找
  (Intestines Health)
37. 腸道簡易運動
  (The Exercise for Intestines)
38. 延年益壽十則
  (The Recipes for Living Longer)
39. 排汗和排尿的差別
  (Sweat, no sweat)
40. 補健清湯 (排毒,通血)
  (Soup to lower cholesterol)
a) American Heart Association
b) Harvard School of Public Health  
c) ? 偭矇T醇療方二例
42. 林燕妮治老花妙方
  (The Eyesight Enhancing Juice)
43. 治失眠良方
  (How To Sleep Fast)
44. 五大防癌水果
  (Fruits Prevent/Fight Cancers)45. 慎食非季節性水果
  (Beware of off season fruits)
46. 清洗蔬果勿用鹽
  (Washing Fruits With Salt)
47. 少林十巧手 [手部運動]
  (Hand Exercise for Health)
48. 食療
  (Healthy Food Poem)

49. 羅漢果的食療功效
  (Grosvenor Momordica Fruit)
50. 游離基是什麼﹖
  (Free Radicals)
51. 金雞獨立養生法
  (Stand on one leg)
52. 氣功按摩十八法
  (Body Massaging Qigong)
52. 多吃疏果能防癌嗎﹖
  (Fruits/veggies Effect! Cancers?)
53. 中風急救.黃金一小時
  (東華三院 MaBelle 合辦節目)
54. 簡易膝蓋保健
  (The simple knee maintenance)
55. 十四個徵兆預示長壽
  (The signs that predict longevity)
56. 心血管淤塞救命良方
  (Blood Vessels Plumbing)

58. 抗新流感漢方蔬果汁
  (Herbalist's Juices for Influenza)
59. 馬鈴薯鮮汁療法
  (The Amazing Potato Juice)
60. 打嗝放屁去濁氣
  (Hiccup/Farting Is Healthy)
61. 每天大笑不會老
  (Laugh to slow down aging)
62. 生活常識小秘密
  (Trivial for your daily life)
63. 靈芝治「未病」
  (Lingzhi's [Ganoderma] effects)
(Vegetarian's Mistakes)
(The Memory Boosters)
(Chestnuts good for elders)
(Diabetes helpful diets)












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