黄河捞尸人古枚笛来历:新目标九年级Unit 8 同步辅导资料

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新目标九年级Unit 8 同步辅导资料一


 1.I’ll help clean up the city parks.

 此句中clean up the city parks前面省略了不定式符号to,是不定式短语作动词help的宾语。


 I often help him(to)clean the room. 我常帮他打扫房间。

 2.I’d like to help homeless people.




 3.These three students a11 volunteer their time to help other people.


    Volunteer sth./to do sth./for sth,例如:

    He volunteered some information to help the army.他自愿提供了一些资料来帮助军队。


    She sings at a local hospital to cheer 11p sick people as a volunteer.
















1. Young man, _______! Don’t cry for the over spilt milk.

A. set up         B. cheer up      C. give up     D. fix up

2. Tom is a volunteer in his spare time. He nearly spends every Sunday evening _______ in an orphanage(孤儿院).

A. working         B. work      C. to work      D. worked

3. I haven’t a bean now (身无分文). I’ve _______ all of the money in my pocket.

A. call up          B. hand out       C. put off      D. run out

4. It’s raining outside. We have to _________ our sports meeting.(根据汉语提示完成句子)


5. A new bridge is set up over the river. (同义释义)

A. established         B. set off      C. taken off     D. begun

有效信息:1. B      2. A     3. D      4. put off     5. A






1. Not only he but also I ________ (be ) good at English.


2. Pei says he ____________ (learn) more about animals.

解析:此句是一个宾语从句,主句用一般现在时态,从句表达的是已完成的事情,应用现在完成时态,故答案为has learned/ learnt.



1. I’ll help clean up the city parks.

另外还有help sb. (to)do sth. 句型和help sb. with sth. 如:

Tom often helps Kate (to) do her homework.

Tom often helps Kate with her homework.

2. I take after my mother.



(1)He ______ a monkey. 你看起来像个猴子。

(2)He _______ his brother. 他长得像他哥哥。

参考答案:(1)looks like   (2) takes after/ is like




  When answering the questions raised by his daughters Jenny and Laura, Marx wrote:     


  What moral character do you value most?  你最珍视的品德是什么?


  What is that characterizes you personality?  你的主要特点是什么?

  An unswerving aim. 目标始终如一。

  How do you understand happiness?  你对幸福的理解是什么?

  Struggle. 斗争。

  How do you understand misfortune? 你对不幸的理解是什么?

  Giving in. 屈服。

  What weakness is it that you can never tolerate?  你最不能容忍的缺点是什么?

  Sycophancy and servile flattery.如颜婢膝。              

  What do you like to do best?  你最喜欢做的事是什么?                

  Delving into books. 啃书本。                         

  What colour do you like best? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?               



Unit 8单元知识讲解二


  I'll help clean up the city parks.



二、重点词组 (Key phrases)

1.cheer up 使振奋、高兴                    2.clean up 打扫干净

3.set up 摆放,建立                        4.come up with 提出(问题)

5.hand out 分发,发放                      6.put up 建立,发布

7.write down 写下,记下                    8.try to do sth 尽力做某事

9.help out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境            10.run out of 耗尽,用光

11.take after 与…相像                     12.fix up 修理

13.give away 赠送,分发                    14.work out 制定出,算出

15.give out 发放,消耗尽                   16.ask for 要求、索要

17.not only...but also 不但…而且…        18.not... any more 不再

19.be similar to 与…相似

三、重点句型(Target Language

1. I’d like to work outside.

2. I’ll help clean up the city parks.

3. You could volunteer in an after-school study program.

4. I would like to fix up the desks.

5. If you see these things, or problems, what will you do?

6. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

四、重点难点释]Language Points

语法重点  (Grammar Focus)----- 短语动词 (verb phrases)

1. 现代英语中,动词之后加介词或副词构成短语,表达一种特定的含义,称为短语动词。短语动词如果被


如:look 看

look for 寻找、寻求

look after 照顾、照看

look out 小心、注意

    在这个例子中,我们清楚的看到,look 的后面加上不同的介词或副词,意义截然不同。因此,对于短语动词,我们要善于积累、巩固。

2. 短语动词也有及物的和不及物的分别,及物的短语动词必须接宾语,不及物的短语动词则不需要接宾语。如:

look for 是及物短语动词:

I am looking for my passport. 我在找我的护照。(my passport是look for 的宾语)

  look out是不及物短语动词:

Look out! The ice isn’t safe! 当心!这冰危险!(look out后面没有宾语)


   如:take off 可意为“拿掉”,是及物的。

       e.g. He takes off his hat. 他摘下他的帽子。

       take off 也可意为“起飞”(用于飞机),这时它是不及物的。

       e.g. The plane took off at ten o’clock. 飞机是10点钟起飞的。

3. 及物短语动词所带宾语的位置


      e.g. He took off his coat. / He took his coat off.


      e .g. He took it off. 他把它脱掉了。

            I’m looking for them. 我正在找他们。

          I will give away this old coat away. /give away this old coat =give this old coat away.



      e.g. He kept on blowing his horn. 他不断地吹喇叭。

      e.g. It is up to you to decide this for yourself. 这事全由你自己决定。

4. 认真背诵重点词组中涉及到的常见短语动词,掌握其用法。

五、疑难解析  (Key points)

1. What is a food bank?

    A food bank is a place where you can bring all kinds of food (like cans of soup, peanut butter, baby food) to help other people who are hungry. People can come to the food bank to get food to help feed their families. What else do you think you could bring to the food bank? Do you know what a food bank looks like?

2. could 的用法 到目前为止,我们多次用到could,下面,把它的用法总结如下:

 (1)could 是can的过去式,意思是“能够”。

     e.g. He could speak English when he was a child.他小时候就能说英语了。


     e.g. Could I help you? 我能帮你做点什么?(比Can I help you?委婉)

     e.g. If I could go, I should be glad.假如我能去,那我会很高兴。(表虚拟语气)


      e.g. This book could be Mei’s. She studies French.这本书可能是梅的,她学法语。

 (4)could 用于提出建议。

      e.g. ---I’d like to help kids with their schoolwork.我愿意帮孩子们复习功课。

           ---You could volunteer in an after-school study program.你可以在课外学习班做义工。

3. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spending time doing what I love to do. 


not only … but also… 不但…而且…

(1)它可以连接句子的主语、谓语、表语、宾语等,强调but also引出的内容。当用来连接主语时,谓语应与最近的主语保持一致。如:

a. I went to see not only him but also his brother. (连接宾语)


b. Not only the students but also their teacher likes football.



(2)not only…but also…中的also可以省略。

  e.g. Not only Mary but Tom and Jack are going to see the film.

(3)not only…but also 是个并列连词短语,连接谓语时,不能用not去构成否定句,更不能用缩写形式。如:

He not only gave me some English books but also told me how to learn English.

不能写成:He did not only gave me some English books but also told me how to learn English.

    或 He didn’t only gave me some English books but also told me how to learn English.

(4)当not only位于句首时,前一个分句倒装,即谓语或部分谓语提到主语前面。并列主语时除外。

 如: Not only did he come, but also he was very happy.

4. volunteer :A person who performs or offers to perform a service of his or her own free  will. 志愿按他或她自己的自由意愿进行或要求进行服务的人.

an information booth staffed by volunteers(志愿者任职的咨询台); hospital volunteers(医院志愿人员);volunteer firefighters(志愿消防员);volunteer tutoring(志愿导游)。

5. These three students all volunteer their time to help other people. 这三个学生都自愿花时间来帮助别人。 Volunteer.. to do sth .自愿做某事。

6. He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital. 他每周六上午在一家动物医院


(1)spend 的主语必须是人,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等,用法如下

     a. spend …on (for)+名词

        e.g. He spends much money on books. 他用很多钱在买书上。

     b. spend …(in) doing sth.

         e.g. Every morning he spends half an hour(in) reading English.



     e.g. The book costs him one dollar. 这本书用了他一美元。

     Making experiments like this costs much time and labor.



      常用 “It takes(took) sb some time to do sth.” 结构。

      e.g. It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.到邮局用去了我十分钟的时间。

      另外,如:Painting the picture took me all week.画这幅画用了我整整一周的时间。

(4)pay 意思是“支付”,作为及物动词,宾语可以是人、钱。如:

     He paid the taxi and hurried to the station. 他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。

     They had to pay two hundred francs. 他得付二百法郎。

     pay for 的宾语为物、事。for 表示支付的原因。

     e.g. You’ll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.



九年级英语Unit 8知识点三




 1.动词+副词 如:give up 放弃 turn off 关掉 stay up 熬夜




2. 动词+介词 如:listen of 听 look at 看 belong to 属于


3. 动词+副词+介词 如:come up with 提出,想出

  run out of 用完,耗尽

  4. 动词+名词(介词) 如:take part in参加 catch hold of 抓住

1.cheer (sb.) up  使(某人)高兴、振作 如:cheer me up 使我高兴

  clean up  打扫   clean-up n. 打扫

2. homeless adj. 无家可归的  a homeless boy 一个无家可归的男孩

   home  n. 

3. hand out  分发  hand out bananas

   give out 分发    give out sth to sb. 分….给某人

   give up doing 放弃…  give up smoking 放弃吸烟

   give away 赠送 捐赠  give away sth. to …. give away money to kids

   give sb. sth. 给某人某东西  give me money 给我钱

   give sth. to sb. 给某人某东西 give money to me 给我线

4. sick  adj. 生病的  作表语、定语

   ill  adj. 生病的    作表语 ,不能作定语

5. volunteer to do  v. 志愿效劳、主动贡献 

   volunteer  n. 志愿者

6. come up with  提出 想出 === think up 想出

   catch up with  赶上 追上

7. put off doing 推迟做某事

   put on  穿上 (指过程)

   put up  张贴

8. write down 写下  记下

9. call up 打电话

   make a telephone call 打电话

10. set up 成立 建立

   The new hospital was set up in 2000. 这座医院是在2000年成立的。

11. each 每个 各自的 强调第一个人或事物的个别情况 常与of 连用

   every 每个 每一个的 一切的 则有“全体”的意思不能与of 连用

12. put …to use 把… 投入使用,利用

    They put the new machine to use. 他们把新机器投入使用

13. help sb. (to) do 帮助某人做某事 help him (to) study

    help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 help him with English

    help do  帮助做某事  help study

14. plan to do 计划做某事

    plan + 从句

    I plan to go to Beijing. === I plan (that) I will go to Beijing. 我计划去北京。

15. spend … doing 花费…做… I spent a day visiting Beijing. 我花了一天的时间去参观北京。

    spend… on sth.  花费…在… I spent 3 years on English.

16.not only … but (also) … 不但… 而且… 用来连接两个并列的成分

  (1)引导以 not only …but (also)… 开头的句子往往引起部分倒装

因此 ⑴Not only do I feel good but (also)…. 是倒装句。也是说得要


    ①Not only can I do it but (also) I can do best.


  Not only…but (also)… 接两主语时,谓语动词随后面的主语人称和数的变化 也就是就近原则如:

  ①Not only Lily but (also) you like cat. 不仅莉莉而且你也喜欢猫。

  ②Not only you but (also) Lily likes cat. 不仅你而且莉莉喜欢猫。



     Neither… nor…即不…也不… (两者都不)

      Neither you nor I like him. 我和你都不喜欢他。

     Either… or… 不是…就是… (两者中的一个)

     Either Lily or you are a student.

     Not only …but (also)…

     There be

17. join 参加 (指参加团体、组织 如:join the Party 入党

    take part in 参加 (指参加活动)  如:

    take part in sports meeting 参加运动会

18. ①run out of == use up 用完 用尽

      I have run out of money.== I have used up money. 我已经用完了钱。

   ②run away 逃跑  The monkey has run away from the zoo.


   ③run to + 地方 跑到某地 

19.  take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像

     be similar to 与..相像

     take after 相像

     look after 照顾

     take care of 照顾

20. work out   算出   结局

    The situation worked out quite well. 情况的结局非常好

    Have you worked out this math problem? 你已经算出这道数学问题了吗?

21. hang out 闲荡 闲逛

    I like to hang out at mall with my friends. 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去购物中心闲荡。

22. be able to do  

    be unable to do 不能 不会

23. thank you for doing 谢谢做某事 如:

    thank you for helping me 谢谢做帮助我

24. for sure  确实如此,毫无疑问

    You don’t have money. That’s for sure. 你没有钱,这是毫无疑问的。

25. fill… with… 使…充满…  用…填充…

    She filled the bowl with water. 她用水填满碗。

26. like  prep. 像…

27. help sb. out 帮助…做事,解决难题(摆脱困境)

    I can’t work out this math problem. Please help me out.


28. train n. 火车

    train v. 训练

    train sb. to do. 训练某人做某事

    She trains her dog to fetch things. 她训练她的狗去取东西。

29. at once == right away 立刻 马上 如:

    Do it at once. 马上去做。

    I’ll go there at once/ right away. 我马上去那里。

30. one day 有一天 (指将来/过去)

   some day 有一天(指将来) 如:

    One day I went to Beijing. 有一天我去了北京。

    Some day I’ll go to Beijing. 有一天我将去北京。

31. specially adv. 特意地 专门地 特别地   special adj. 特别的

32. donation n. 捐赠物    donate v. 捐赠 赠送

33. part of speech  词性 词类

34. disabled adj. 肢体有残疾的   disable v. 不能