京都旧事全本靡宝:[英语词汇(150)die off、die out、die down、die away

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 20:02:16


                                       die offdie outdie downdie away




die off   

die out  

die down

die away


die 组成的这四个动词短语比较常用。


die off  指“相继死去”;


1) The poultry on the farm died off from the disease, which caused great economic loss.


          2) If the snow storm does not stop blowing over, the cattle will die off.

            (如果暴风雪不停来, 牛群会一头一头地死去。)


die out  “灭绝”,指物种、种族、家族、风俗、习惯等逐渐灭绝消失。相当于become extinct。


1) Endangered species are animals that are in danger of dying out / becoming extinct completely, often because of exploitation by humans.

           (濒危物种指的是处于完全灭绝危险的动物, 常常是由人类过度捕杀造成的。)

2) With the development of transport and the building of new factories, many of the traditional crafts have died out. / become extinct.



die down die away  指风、火、声音等逐渐变小、变弱、逐渐消失。如表示 “随着距离而远去”的意思需要用die away。


 1) The audience in the hall got very excited and it took quite a long time before the excitement eventually died down.

             (大厅里的观众非常激动,很长时间后才最终平息下来。)         2) The storm was so fierce that we had to find a place to take shelter until the storm died down/away.


        3) Ronny’s steps had died away in the distance, and there was a moment of absolute silence.
