
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 18:32:23

这里我要改用著名遗传学家Snoop Dogg 曾说过的一句话:不管人生到达何处,那些成长中周遭的事物都将伴其一生。无论你到达何处,你的出身都无法改变(我认为Dogg教授其实是回忆起那首《老乡》中关于老同志的一句歌词——我知道,你们一定不会认同这个评论)。如今,在《国际流行性病学杂志》上刊登的一项发现证明,他也许是对的:无论之后的生存状况变成何样,早期的经济条件及生活水平也许确会改变DNA,并且携带终生。

In some ways, we already knew that. Some adult diseases--type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc.--have been linked to socio-economic disadvantages in early life. But we don’t really know why or how. Researchers in Canada and the UK may have just found the key.


Their sample size is admittedly small, but what they found was significant. In 40 research patients in the UK that are participating in an ongoing study that has documented many aspects of their lives, researchers looked at differences in gene methylation. Methylation is an epigenetic modification to one’s DNA that changes a gene’s activity, generally reducing that activity within the genome. Various factors can influence methylation, including environmental conditions.


In their sample, the researchers looked at DNA taken from the subjects at age 45. They chose subjects that had come from either very high or very low standards of living, and they looked at differences in DNA methylation across some 20,000 genes. They found that 1,252 methylation differences were associated with socio-economic circumstances in early life while just 545 were associated with socio-economic circumstances in adulthood, suggesting that where you come from really does make an impact on the very fiber of your biological being.


Moreover, the methylation patterns were clustered together in large swaths of DNA, suggesting an epigenetic pattern linked to humans’ early environments. That’s actually good news. If we know some diseases are linked to a person’t early upbringing, and we can see where there are changes happening in the DNA during early life, then we can narrow the window on where in the genome things like coronary heart disease and diabetes take root. Future research could peg where certain methylation differences are associated with specific diseases, then target those areas with drugs or other treatments.


她从小就生长在很糟的环境中。 在DNA 测序工作中,需要将某些 DNA上定位, 小龙虾生长在什么环境 地衣生长在什么环境? 下巴长大叮留下的痕迹怎么办啊.会变永久印记吗 下巴长大叮留下的痕迹怎么办啊.会变永久印记吗 怎样消除碘酊在皮肤上留下的印记? DNA 测序工作中,需要将某些限制性内切酶的限制位点在 DNA上定位,使其成为 DNA 分子中的物理参照点。 银杏树生长在什么环境下? 木蝴蝶在生长需要什么环境 跳蚤在什么环境能生长 请问蚊子叮的包下去之后会在身上留下印记,怎么做才能去掉这些印记?谢谢了! 青春痘留下的印记和疤痕有什么简易的方法淡化或消除它? 如果在太空中,植物种子萌芽后,根将如何生长? 如何将光盘中的内容永久的保存在电脑中 白杨树是在()的大戈壁,没有(),没有()的()环境中生长的。 你见到过无土栽培的水果和花草吗?在无土环境中生长的植物需不需要吸收营养物质? 我脸上去年张了很多痤疮,可留下了很多深深浅浅的印记,请问有什么物理疗法,可以让印记变浅或消失 蕨的生长有什环境特色或环境限制,特征,习性? 为什么在百度里点完的东西会留下紫色的印记啊 痤疮好了,但在脸上留下的印记怎样很快除了呢?谢谢啊~~~ 蛋糕掉在运动鞋上 干了后留下黑色印记 怎么办那 请问 ps 中如何将图片的背景去掉,而只留下图片中某物或人物 豆芽在什么生长环境下最有营养