大话西游 菩提:北京首席美女翻译再显才华 英译古词精彩传神(图) 明报

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 02:39:06
北京首席美女翻译再显才华 英译古词精彩传神(图) 明报



  「政如农功,日夜思之,思其始而成其终。」温总开场白时谈及剩下两年任期,便引用了春秋时期子产的古句。张璐翻译道:「I do my job as diligently as the farmer attends to his field. I have it on my mind day and night. I work for a thorough planning from the start, and i'm determined to carry it through to a successfully end.」

  说到台湾与大陆是的「骨肉之亲,析而不殊」,她译道,「we are compatriots,and I believe brothers though geographically apart, will always bound by their blood ties.」
