巫师面对改变2怪:Working at the grassroots

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 21:44:18

Working at the grassroots

从大学生到公务员 挑战与成长同在

导读:成功人士大多不是起步就一帆风顺(plain sailing)的,生活中挑战无处不在。今天就让我们一起来看看看似平淡的公务员工作中存在的挑战吧。

Online applications for the civil service examination were opened on October 15. In two days more than 50,000 applicants nationwide had entered hoping to grab an “iron rice bowl”.

The number of civil service vacancies, at about 18,000, is believed to be the biggest in history, according to the Beijing Morning Post. And 73 percent of them are frontline jobs, in city-level units or below.

Two thirds of these posts are open to fresh college grads. 21st Century reporter Xu Jingxi interviewed three grads who are now civil servants at the frontline. Take a look at the challenges they have met at work and what they have learned from the experiences.

Yu Liangde, 24,

Tax bureau at the district level, Harbin

A job offer in the civil service is not a ticket for a gravy train.

Yu had expected that he could get off work on time before he took the job. But it has turned out that he often sacrifices lunchtimes for work. It’s not appropriate to leave queues of taxpayers and go for lunch.

Besides, taxpayers are usually surly-looking after waiting for a long time. Yu said: “As a civil servant, I have to keep a smile on my face at all times.”

At the front line, the office usually has a complex division of labor, according to Yu. For example, he has been giving invoices to taxpayers and taking them back for 18 months.

Yu admitted that it could be monotonous, but it was still challenging.

“The civil service examination is mainly about applicants’ general qualities. It doesn’t involve much assessment on specific skills at work,” said Yu.

The grad majoring in law found that he hadn’t probed deep enough into tax laws. He also studies finance and accounting in his spare time.

Dai Shaoshuai, 25,

Huangdao Customs, Qingdao黄岛海关,青岛

Heavy trucks come and go on the wharf. The noise and exhaust can make Dai dizzy. To examine goods, he goes from one container to another in the chilling sea wind.
码头上重卡来来往往,噪音和废气令戴邵帅感到头昏。为了检查货物,他得在凛冽的海风中穿行于一个个集装箱之间。Dai and his colleagues work in shifts round the clock. Staying up late on a night shift may harm their health. But Dai and his colleagues offered to do a 24-hour service of custom declarations.
戴邵帅和同事们每天24小时倒班工作。尽管上夜班熬夜会伤身体,但他和同事们还是提出进行24小时的海关申报工作。The service used to be available from 8 am to 10 pm. Truck drivers sometimes had to waited on the wharf all night to go through the procedures.

“It’s important to know about the people we serve,” said Dai. “We wouldn’t have revised our policy in response to drivers’ needs if we didn’t get out of the office and talk to them.”
“了解我们所服务的人群这很重要。”戴邵帅说道,“如果不走出办公室与司机师傅们交谈的话,我们可能不会根据他们的需求来改进我们的制度。”Compared to the office work, it’s also eye-opening for Dai to work at the frontline. He enjoys meeting people from different backgrounds ― truck drivers, longshoremen, importers and exporters ― sharing their stories and learning from them.

“This is good for a fresh college grad, whose life used to be restricted mainly to the campus,” said Dai.

Liang Simin, 24,梁思敏(音译),现年24岁

Subdistrict office, Shenzhen
社区街道办事处,深圳When you work at the frontline, you should be prepared to deal with emergencies.

Liang ran into a riot in a factory when she was on duty for the first time. The workers cut off the water and electricity and demanded their salaries.
梁思敏第一次当班就赶上了一起工厂闹事。工人们切断水电,要求拿到自己的薪水。She handed out water to the protesting workers but got fierce stares.

“That’s how I realized that people may sometimes have misunderstandings about the civil service. We need to be patient,” said Liang.
“这令我意识到人们有时可能会对公务员的工作产生误解。我们需要耐心。”梁思敏说。It’s a bit understaffed at the frontline, Liang added. For example, she was the only one to organize an event promoting popular science in her community.
梁思敏还表示,一线工作的人员配备有些不足。例如,在她所在的社区,只有她一人组织活动,推广大众科普知识。She did the marketing job, going from government offices to schools and to museums. She also did the PR job of taking care of the guests.
她奔走于政府机关、学校和博物馆来做推广,同时也包办了接待来宾这样的公关工作。“But it’s good to have explored my potential by being a jack of all trades,” said Liang.

(Liang Simin and Yu Liangde are not the real names of the interviewees.)

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