杨树花提取物:Libyan leader delivers a scolding in U.N. debut 卡扎菲:语不惊人誓不休

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导读:利比亚领导人穆阿迈尔-卡扎菲23日在联合国大会一般性辩论上发言时语出惊人,炮轰联合国安全理事会(U.N. Security Council)。在联合国大会厅,卡扎菲是这样被介绍的--革命领袖,非洲联盟主席,非洲的王中之王。之后,卡扎菲不仅撕毁《联合国宪章》,更不顾15分钟的演讲上限,愤然发表了长达90分钟的演说。
Libyan leader delivers a scolding in U.N. debut
FROM The New York Times
PUBLISHED: 2009-09-28

The New York Times:Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, spoke to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday.

XINHUA:卡扎菲初次亮相联合国 炮轰安理会(资料图)


Internet:卡扎菲在联合国大会发表即兴演讲 代表或离场或睡觉。
The blaring cavalcade of world leaders whisking through the streets of New York has been a fall rite for 64 years, with one leader often thrusting himself above the din - a role played this year almost inevitably by Libya`s leader, Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi, making his first appearance despite 40 years in power.
After being introduced in the General Assembly Hall as the "leader of the revolution, the president of the African Union, the king of kings of Africa," Colonel Qaddafi shattered protocol by giving a rambling speech that stretched for 90 minutes instead of the allotted 15.
Colonel Qaddafi - dressed in a brown traditional Libyan robe, embroidered vest and shirt, with a black pin of the African continent pinned to his chest - took about 17 minutes to get to the main point of his speech, which was a demand for an African seat on the Security Council.
He offered to move the United Nations headquarters to Libya because leaders coming here had to endure jet lag and because the understandable security against another attack on New York by Al Qaeda was too stringent. And he repeated his longstanding proposal that Israel and the Palestinian territories be combined into one state called Isratine.
Although a red warning light illuminates after the 15-minute time limit, United Nations officials said they could not remember anyone interrupting a head of state to explain that the allotted time had expired.
At one point in his speech, Colonel Qaddafi waved aloft a copy of the United Nations charter and seemed to tear it, saying he did not recognize the authority of the document. Speaking later in the day from the same podium, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain said, "I stand here to reaffirm the United Nations charter, not to tear it up."
Many seats in the grand hall were empty, as they often remain during the speeches because leaders prefer to chat in the hallways or simply escape the grandstanding on stage.
当一个领导人结束演讲后,按照传统,其它领导人可以上前和他/她握手。所以,当美国总统奥巴马结束演讲后,许多领导人上前问候,过了约20分钟会场才恢复平静。当时,新任大会主席Ali Treiki(利比亚人),不停击槌,并用阿拉伯语、英语、法语反复说“请就座”。
When a leader finishes speaking, there is a tradition of other heads of state going to shake his or her hand if they so desire. So many leaders leapt up to greet Mr. Obama that it took some 20 minutes to settle the hall back down, with the new assembly president, Ali Treiki, also a Libyan, pounding the gavel and saying, "Please take your seats," over and over, in Arabic, English and French.
Colonel Qaddafi, who immediately followed Mr. Obama and whose speech contained no shortage of barbs against the United States without naming it directly, also heaped praise on the idea that the United States had elected a "son of Africa" as president.
In fact he suggested that Mr. Obama remain American president for a long time, not unlike his extended reign in Libya. (Colonel Qaddafi`s Green Book suggests that in a perfect state, the government disappears and the people rule, but Libyans note wryly that the colonel has never seemed to follow his own advice.)
(Translator & Editor: Sylvie AND Grace)
Libyan 利比亚的
cavalcade 行列
rite 仪式,典礼
protocol 草案, 协议,礼仪
allotted 被定量的
robe 长袍
Security Council 联合国安全理事会
longstanding (已持续)长时间的,为时甚久的
podium 平台
heap 堆积