
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 06:52:27
Discovery Team is also known as the core team. It's really 3 key people. The product owner officially responsible for the functionality, what product does, the lead designer which is usually an interaction designer responsible for the usability of the product, and the lead developer responsible for the feasibility. Is it possible to do what you'd like it to do?
The three of them together are working identify the minimum viable product which is really the smallest possible product that people will choose to buy, canfigure out how to use, and you can deliver it when you need it.
Now, those three people work together very closely. The product manager and designer are typicallyside by side full-time. The lead developer is more consulting his part-time 'cause their regular day job of course is to write software. Now even though officially product owner is responsible for functionality, the designer on usability and the engineer on feasibility the little secret in software teams is that (the truth is) usually the best innovations actually come from the lead developer. The reason for that is the lead developer typically knows what's possible better than anyone else.
So while officially you all have those responsibility. Really what's going on is all 3 of you trying identify that minimumviable product.
One last point in terms of location. But at all humanly possiblely you wanna keep those 3 core located right in the same location, and if you have to, have somebody remote, uh... the product manager and designer should absolutely be setting side by side.
最后强调一下,三种角色的办公位置。既然是产品"三兄弟" 把他们放在一个"桃园"里办公 再合适不过了,即使有角色要变动工作地点,也不能拆散产品经理和产品设计师。