
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/02 22:17:02


(2011-10-28 08:34:20)


  Among the English, gossip about one’s own privatedoings is reserved for intimates; gossip about the private lives offriends and family is shared with a slightly wider social circle;gossip about the personal affairs of acquaintances。 colleagues and neighbours with a largergroup; and gossip about the intimate details of public figures’ orcelebrities’ lives with almost anyone. This is the distance rule.The more ‘distant’ from you the subject of gossip, the wider thecircle of people with whom you may gossip about thatperson.


    The distancerule allows gossip to perform its vital social functions – socialbonding; clarification of position and status; assessment andmanagement of reputations; transmission of social skills, norms andvalues – without undue invasion of privacy. More importantly, italso allows nosey-parker anthropologists to formulate their pryingquestions in such a roundabout manner as to bypass the privacyrules.

    If, forexample, you want to find out about an English person’s attitudesand feelings on a sensitive subject, such as, say, marriage, you donot ask about his or her own marriage – you talk about someoneelse’s marriage, preferably that of a remote public figure notpersonally known to either of you. When you are better acquaintedwith the person, you can discuss the domestic difficulties of acolleague or neighbour, or perhaps even a friend or relative. (Ifyou do not happen to  havecolleagues or relatives with suitably dysfunctional marriages, youcan always invent thesepeople.)

世界上最远的距离是 我站在你面前 你却不知我爱你 咩最大的距离就系我在你身边却不知我爱你 ”不知道你的距离究竟有多远,我的梦骑着马儿要走多年不知你的距离究竟有多远”是哪首歌的歌词 形态美的法则(家具造型构图法则) 当社交遇到失败时或不知怎么办的事时就心慌,什么都忘了,严重影社交! 如何让你的社交表现的更出色? 世界上最远的距离不是站在对面,而不知道心里爱你。而是明明相爱却不能在一起。 根据自然美法则谈你对自然美的认识 眼的问题(你可能不知) "世界上最远的距离不是生与死,是我站在你面前而你不知到我爱你"这句话的原作者是谁? <世界上最远的距离是我在你身边,你却不知我爱你>这句用法语,英语,西班牙语,德语,日语,韩语,俄语如何翻译?? <世界上最远的距离是我在你身边,你却不知我爱你>这句用法语,英语,西班牙语,德语,日语,韩语,俄语如何翻译?? <世界上最远的距离是我在你身边,你却不知我爱你>这句话用西班牙语,俄语分别如何翻译??? <世界上最远的距离是我在你身边,你却不知我爱你>这句话用日语,韩语分别如何翻译??? <世界上最远的距离是我在你身边,你却不知我爱你>这句用法语,英语,德语如何翻译?? 有理数的加法法则是( ) 通常我们使用的第5类双绞线的有效传输距离不得超过多少米? 孙艳姿有首歌我记不得名字了:歌词是:听见冬天你的声音。。。。。。(忘了) 烦人的社交 社交的关键是什么? 社交礼仪的作用? 有关社交的问题 西方国家的社交礼仪 西方国家的社交礼仪