网球双打场地宽:考研英语词汇复习(32): decrease、reduce、diminish、 dwindle、 lessen、 ower

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 19:23:25



                            decreasereducediminish dwindle lessen ower













decrease  常用词,可用作动词和名词,指减少部分不需要的东西,也可用于抽象事物,表示逐步减少、下降。


       1)Because of the slack business, they decided to decrease the number of employees by 40%.


2) The researchers have suggested some methods that can decrease costs and increase production efficiency.


3) As we know, materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.



reduce   普通用词,使用范围广。多指人为地造成的减少、降低。名词是reduction。


1) What can be done to reduce the poisonous and harmful substances being poured out in the air every day?


       2) Double glazed windows can reduce thermal transmission for higher cooling effectiveness.


       3) One thing is certain: a substantial reduction in Iran’s energy output would have a significant impact on global oil prices.

          (有一点是肯定的: 大量减少伊朗能源产量将会对全球石油价格产生重大的影响。


diminish  主要用于表示整体数量减少,也可指表示抽象物的减少。


1) The tropical forests are rapidly diminished because of indiscriminate felling and shifting cultivation.


       2) Poor crops have diminished the food supply and there is an acute shortage of food in the region


       3) The consumer’s desire for a commodity tends to diminish as he buys more units of that commodity.



       dwindle   指减少程度大,已接近殆尽。


1) The fortune he inherited gradually dwindled to a few hundred pounds as the result of his extravagance.


       2) As we grow older, the passion for learning and success gradually dwindle in most of us.

(当我们变老时, 我们大多数人对学习和成功的热情逐渐会减弱。)


       lessen   虽然表示减少数量有关,但一般不表示减少具体的数目。


       1) As a general rule, our energy lessens gradually with age.


       2)The governments of many countries have decided to do something to lessen the impact of the world economic depression.



      lower    指数量、价格、程度、声誉、高度、声音等减少、下降、变小。


1) The landlord decided to lower the rent of the house he lent me.


       2) Blue and green surroundings can also lower blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing rate.


3) His recent behaviors lowered him in the eyes of the people around him.
