洪秀全玩苏三娘txt:考研英语词汇复习(42); abound、abundance; rich、abundant、 plentiful、 profuse

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 19:21:54




 richabundant plentiful profuse







       abound  动词,表示“充满”、“富于”,常见结构有:abound in ;  abound with ,指某处有充足的某物,其名词是abundance。


        1) Tropic plants abound in the jungle.

           The jungle abounds with tropic plants.


        2) Market opportunities abound in personal financial operation.


        3) Vast stretches of marsh that used to abound with reeds have been converted in arable land.


  4) Our country has an abundance of natural resources.


       5) Despite the abundance of food, we cannot afford the extravagant consumption of food.










rich  “丰富的” 普通用词,用于物时表示数量大、品种多,用于人则表示钱财较一般人多。


1) The orange is rich in vitamin C.


2) Found in 1980, the company has rich experience in technology and management.



    abundant “丰富的”,“充足的”,指物质十分丰富,供给特别,有时甚至有过多之意。该词还可形容具体事物和抽象概念。常用结构是: abundant in。


1) Sulfur is abundant in Japan and is found elsewhere in Asia in association with volcanic activity.


       2) Aluminum is an abundant metal, but it is not easy to separate from the other substances with which it is found mixed.


3) The cultural life in the city is more varied and abundant than that in the small town.



plentiful  “丰富的”、“充足的”,特指食物、水果、蔬菜等的供给丰富充足,足以满足需求。该词也可形容具体事物,但不可形容抽象概念。


       1) There is a plentiful supply of food and fruits in the market even during the lean years.


2) Edible fruits are so plentiful on this island that some of them rot in the trees or on the vine.


3) The island features fine beaches, coral reefs, and plentiful/abundant marine life



  profuse “丰富的”,正式用词,都用于修饰抽象概念。


       1) With persistent process of providing the specialized advisory service for the clients, Ms Wang also accumulates the profuse practice experience.


2) As a special cultural phenomenon, enterprise culture includes profuse connotation.

          (作为一种特殊的文化现象, 企业文化蕰藏丰富的内涵。)