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简析:答案为C。本题主要考察冠词的用法。in use 是习惯用法,use 前不加冠词;在序数词(thirteen)前面要加定冠词。因此要选C。

例:8. The result of the experiment was very good, _____ we hadn't expected.  (全国高考题)

    A. when    B. that    C. which    D. what

简析:答案为C。此处为非限定性定语从句,排除D( what 不能引导定语从句)和B( that 不能引导非限制性定语从句)。因为关系词在从句中要做动词( expected )的宾语,因此要用关系代词 which,排除关系副词when。

例:10. John said he'd been working in the office for an hour, _____ was true. (高考题)

    A. he    B. this    C. which    D. Who

简析:答案为C。这里是考查非限制性定语从句。需要用关系词,排除A和B。先行词代表前面整个句子所说的内容,因此关系词要用 which,而不能用表人的 who。


1. experiment [iks5perimEnt]n. 实验,试验//vi.进行实验(on,with)

例:They made the school a place for scientific experiment. 他们把学校变成一个科学实验的场所。

We made an experiment to explain air pressure. 我们做过一个实验来解释空气的压力。

Scientific truths are proved by experiments. 科学真理是通过实验来证实的。

[记忆技巧]联想记忆 experimental adj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的

[常用词组]experiments on frogs 用青蛙做实验/experiment with new teaching methods 新教学方法的试验

(=try; conduct; carry out)an experiment in chemistry 做化学实验/make experiment in physics 要物理实验。

2. gas [^As]n. 煤气;可燃气;气体;汽油

例:Air is a mixture of gases. 空气是几种气体的混合物。

Oxygen is one of the gases. 氧气是气体的一种。

Most matter has three states; solid, liquid and gas. 大多数物质具有三种状态:固态、液态和气态。

She cooks with gas.

[ 常用词组]be driven by gas 由气体驱动/gas burner煤气灶/gas furnace煤气炉/gas light 煤气灯/gas man/煤气厂工人/poison gas 毒气/gas fire煤气取暖器/gas pipe 煤气管道/ turn on the gas 打开煤气/waste gas 废气

/gas station 煤气站/gas holder 煤气库/gas mask 防毒面具/gas oil 汽油,瓦斯油/ gas stove 煤气灶

3. flame[fleim]n. 火焰,火苗;热情;光辉//v. 发出火焰,燃烧

例:The building burst into flames. 大楼起火了。

The sun was a flame on the horizon. 太阳象一团火出现在地平线上。

His face flamed wiht anger. 他气地脸都红了。

The campfire flamed. 篝火烧起来了。

Her anger flamed up at the sight. 她一看到这情况就勃然大怒。

[记忆技巧]联想记忆flaming adj. 燃烧的;火焰般的

4. wheel [wi:l]轮;车轮;机轮

例:A car runs on four wheels. 汽车用四个轮子行驶。

The wheel has come off. 轮子掉下来了

Change the left wheel of Mr. Green's car. 把格林先生车子的左轮换掉。

The wheels of history can not be turned back. 历史的车轮不能倒转。

Mary wheeled her bivycle up he hill. 玛丽把自行车推上山去。

[记忆技巧]联想记忆 wheelchair 轮椅

[常用词组]at the wheel 掌舵,驾驶;主管;负责/big wheel 要人;大人物/the wheels of state 国家的组织机构/wheel of fortune 命运之轮/wheel in 将(车)推进

5. engine [5endVin]n. 引擎,发动机;机车,火车头

例:The engine pulled a long line of freight cars. 这台机车拉了一长列货车。

The engine roared past. 机车呼啸而过。

[记忆技巧]联想记忆engineer 工程师,技师 / a jet engine 喷汽发动机/a  steam engine 蒸汽机/nuclear weapons 核武器

7. economy [i(:)5kCnEmi]n. 经济,经济制度;节约,节省;理财

例:We cannot develop our national economy without science and technology. 没有科学技术我们就不能发展国民经济。

We must practise strict economy.我们要厉行节约。

[记忆技巧]联想记忆economic 经济的;economics 经济学

[常用词组]state -owned economy 国有经济/develop economy 发展经济/collective economy 集体经济/domestic economy 私有经济。

8. unneccessary adj. 不需要的,没有必要的;不重要的

例:A coat is unnecessary on a hot day. 大热天不需要外套。

A bivycle is unnecessary if you live here. 住在这里不需要有自行车。

[记忆技巧]词根un-表示否定,例如:fair公平的-unfair 不公平的

9. comfort [5kQmfEt] n. 舒适;安逸;安慰;给予慰籍的人或事物//vt. 安慰;使舒服

例:He had saved enough money so that he could live in comfort. 他攒了不少钱,足以舒舒服服地过日子。

The medicine gave me some comfort. 药物减轻我的痛苦。

We could give him no comfort (We could not comfort him). 我们无法安慰他。

She was a great comfort to me. 她对于我来说是个安慰。

Your letter was a great comfort to me. He did his best to comfort (to give comfort to )the unfortunate man. 他尽力安慰那个不幸的人。

"Don't you want a candy, daddy?" he comforted. “爸,你吃不吃块糖?”他安慰说。

[记忆技巧]comfortable 舒服的 舒适的;discomfort  使不舒服; uncomfortable  不舒服的

[常用词组]creature (=material)comfort 物质享受/Dutch comfort不起作用的安慰/increase travel comfort 增加旅行的舒适 / ordinary comfort 普通的安慰/winter comforts 冬令用品/live in comfort 生活安逸/a source of comfort 享受的源泉/read with comfort 安逸地读书/comfort in adversity 逆境中的安慰/administer spiritual comfort 给予精神安慰/derive comfort from 从...得到安慰/enjoy eomforts of life过舒适生活/speak comfort to a person 对某人说些宽慰的话 /take comfort reading 从读书中求宽慰

10. conduct vt. [5kCndQkt]处理,管理;指挥,引导;传导//n. 举止,行为;指导

例: His conduct does not harmonize with his preaching.   他的行为与他的说教不一致。

Many pupils in this class got prizes for good conduct. 这个班的许多学生因为行为好而得了奖。

His conduct of the business was very successful. 他经营的商业非常成功。

He was conducts electricity. 金属导电。

Who is conducting this evening?今天晚上谁指挥?

[记忆技巧]conduct n.  (1)售票员,列车员,指导员;指挥(2)导体,导线;conduction n. [物]传导;输送

[常用词组]had(good)conduct 品行不端(端正)base(=low)conduct 卑劣的行为/degrading conduct 堕落的行为/diorderly conduct 暴乱的行为/highhanded conduct 高压的行为/impertinent conduct 无礼的行为/improper conduct 失当的行为/his conduct toward his brothers 他对兄弟的行为/amend one's conduct 改变自己的行为/be shocked by (=at)sb.'s conduct为某人的行为吃惊。

11. thunderstorm[5WQndEstC:m]n. 雷雨

例:A thunderstorm broke out. 雷雨发作了。

12. condenser [kEn5densE]n. 缩写者;冷凝器(或空气压缩器等)的操作者;电容器;冷凝器;空气压缩器;聚光器;聚光镜

例:A condenser is a device that cools gases into liquids.冷凝器是一种将气体转为液体的装置。

13. string [striN]n. 线;细绳;带子;一段绳子(或线);(乐器等的)的弦;串;(一)列;弦乐器;[美]条件;限制//vt. 装上弦;串起来;用绳子缚、挂;使紧张;使兴奋;连一串;联结;融合

He was pulling it along at the end of a string. 他用一截绳子拉着它走。

A string of cars parked on the square. 广场上放着一长串汽车。

He had his guitar strung. 他(请人)将吉它装了弦。

The child is stringing beads. 那小孩将珠子串起来。

String this note on the front doorknob. 把这张字条挂在前门的把手上。

[常用词组]a generous offer with no strings attached 一顶不带任何条件的慷慨给予/a piece (ball)of string一根(团)线(或绳)a string of horses 一列马匹/a string of pearls (beads, etc)一串珍珠(珠子)/the strings of a violin 小提琴的弦/tied up with string 用绳子扎起来的/string ideas together将各种想法贯通

14. charge [tFB:dV]v. (1)控告(2)委以任务或责任;使负荷(3)要求;命令(4)收货;要(人)支付(多少钱)(5)攻击;突击;(6)充电//n. (1)指控;控告(2)收费;要价(3)冲锋;猛冲(4)交与某人的工作责任;托付某人照料的事务或人;责任委托(5)攻击

例:The police charged the man with stealing the money. 警察指控这个人偷了钱。

We are charged with a heavy task. 我们被委以一件繁重的任务。

Speak, I charge you!我命令你说!

He charged me $1.50for mending the watch. 他要我付了一元五角修表费。

The angry elephants charged the men. 愤怒的象群向那些人冲过去。

He forgot to charge the battery. 他忘记给电池充电了。

These books are free of charge. 这些书是免费的。

I put the children i nyour charge. 我将孩子委托你照顾。

[常用词组]in charge of...负责....../in the charge of ...由......负责

15. electric [I5lektrIk]a. 电的;电气的,电动的,导电的

例:Some electric wells have been built. 已打了几眼机井。

[记忆技巧]electricity n. 电

[常用词组]an electric bell 电铃/an electric chair 电椅/an electric clock 电钟/an delectric current 电流/an electric fan 电扇/an electric generator 发电机/an electric heater 电热器/ an electric iron 电烫斗/an electric lamp 一盏电灯/electric light 电灯光,电灯/a toy electric motor 一台玩具电动机/an electric stove 电炉/an electric torch (手)电筒/electric waves 电波

16. shock [FCk]n. 冲击;震荡;震惊;(电流通过身体引起的电震//v. 使震动;震惊;电击;使电震

例:When the tree fell down, i could feel the shock in the house. 树倒下的时候,我能感到房子的震动。

earthquake shocks 地震引起的震动。

The news was a terrible shock. 这消息是巨大的震惊。

If you touch an electric wire, you'll get a shock. 如果你去碰一根带电的电线,你就会受电击。

his mother was shocked at the news. 他的母亲听到这消息感到震惊。

[常用词组]an electric shock 电击

17. deal[di:l]vt. 处理;应付;分配,配发(给若干人);发牌//vi. 发牌;做买卖,经营//n. 买卖,交易

例:I'll deal your problems later. 我以后再处理你的问题。

I tried to deal justice to all men.我力争对所有人都公正执法。

The teacher dealt out the books to the students. 老师把本子发给了学生。

Who deals next? 该谁出牌了?

This shop deals in electrical goods. 这家商店经营电气商品。

The factory has made a new deal with a buyer in Canada.这家工厂与加拿大的一位买主新做了一笔买卖。

[常用词组]a  packet deal 一揽子交易 /a square deal 公平的待遇/a great deal of work 大量工作

18. prove[pru:v]vt. (1)证明,证实(2)考验;试验(3)表现出//vi. 证明是;表现是

例:It was proved from another fact. 它由另一事实证明。

 I must prove his honesty.我必须考验他是否诚实。

The new typist proved to be useless. 这位新打字员证明是不合格的。

The treatment proved successful. 该疗法证明是成功的。

She proved a very strivt teacher. 结果证明她是一位严格的老师。

It proved to be of no practical help. 结果证明它没有什么实际作用。

[常用词组]prove to be ... 证明是……/It is proved that... 据证明……

19.  tear n. (1)(布、纸等上的)洞;裂缝//(1)v. 撕裂;弄破(2)夺走;撕下(3)破;碎(4)跑;奔;猛鸣//n. 泪

例:A nail tore a hole in his shirt. 钉子把他的衬衣撕破一个洞。

He was badly beaten. His colthes were tom.  他给打得很厉害,衣服也撕破了。

He was bare-footed, wearing a torn and dirty shirt. 他赤着脚,穿了一件又脏又破的衬衣。

Tear a page out of your notebook. 从你的笔记本上撕下一页。

The children tore out of the classroom when the bell rang. 下课一响孩子们就奔出教室。

He tore down the road.  他沿着马路飞跑。

She was in tears as she told the story of what had happened. 她一边流泪一边讲事情发生的经过。

Why is Erica in tears? 埃瑞卡为什么哭?

[常用词组]Wipe away your tears. 擦掉你的眼泪/answer in tears 含泪相答/ brush the tears away 挥泪/ drop tears 掉泪 /dry one's tears 擦干...的眼泪 /move sb. to tears 使某人感动得流泪/ruduce sb. to tears 使某人流泪/shed tears of happiness 流下幸福的热泪/a tear shell  催泪弹/be in tears 正哭着/brust into tears 突然哭起来

20. handkerchief [5hANkEtFi:f]n. 手帕,手绢;头巾,围巾

例:He blew his nose in his handkerchief. 他用手帕擦鼻子。

Cowboys and Boy Scouts wear handkerchiefs. 牛仔和童子军围头巾。

21. frame[freim]n. (1)骨架,构架(2)框子;框架(3)身材,体型(4)心境,思想状态(5)组织,体制//vt. (1)搭架子(2)制订,拟出,想象(3)陷害

例:A modern tent has colth walls over a metal frame. 现代帐篷都是金属架上盖布做墙。

He is a  man of strong frame. 他这人体格健壮。

She was in a cheerful frame of mind.她 心情愉快。

The frame of our government is described in the constituition . 我们的政府机构  宪法里作了说明。

Please frame of a shelter for bicycles. 请搭一个自行车蓬。

They have framed a plan of action . 他们已制定出行动计划。

That law was framed to protect freedom of speech. 制定法律保护言论自由。

He was framed by his enemies. 他被仇人陷害。

22.  sharp adj. (1)锋利的;快的(2)尖的;锐利的(3)清楚的;明显的(4)刺耳的;尖锐的(5)敏锐的,精明的(6)易怒的;尖刻的//adv. (1)尖锐的;突然(2)正;准

例:Be careful with that knife, it's very sharp. 当心那把刀子——它很锋利。

The tower stands sharp against the clear sky. 塔巍然屹立映着晴朗的天空。

I heard a sharp cry. 我听到一声尖叫。

He is as sharp as a needle. 他非常机智。

The  road turns sharp to the right. 路突然向右转个弯。

Come at two o'clock sharp. 两点正来。

[常用词组]look sharp 留神;注意/at 10 o'clock sharp 十点正 /sharp ears and eyes 敏锐的耳目/sharp eyed 眼快的;目光敏锐。

23. foot n.  (1)脚,足(2)最下部;底部(3)脚步,步法(4)英尺(略作ft.)

例:I wear sandals on my feet. 我脚上穿着凉鞋。

My house is at the foot of the hill. 我家在山脚下。

He has a swift foot.  他走得很快。

One foot (1 ft.)is 12 inches. 一英尺等于12英寸。

One metre is 3 1/4 feet. 一米等于三又四分之一英尺。

[ 常用词组]have a light foot 脚步轻快

24. fasten vt. (1)使牢固, 使固定,系住。捆在一起//vi. (1)变得牢固,锁住(2)抓紧,抓住

例:We use buttons to fasten our clothes. 我们用纽扣把衣服扣好。

Fasten these paper together. 把这些文件钉在一起。

Have you fastened all the doors and windows?  你把所有的门窗关牢了没有?

She fastened her eyes on me. 她用眼睛盯着我。

The window ill not fasten. 这窗户闩不上了。

He fastened on the idea at once. 他立刻坚持这种想法。

[记忆技巧]根据构词记忆,-en——是后缀“使得……”, 例如:sharp  锋利的——sharpen  使变锋利。

25. ribbon n. (1)丝带,缎带,绒带(2)(打字机、盖印器等的)色带(3)(勋章的)绶带,饰带(4)(帽檐上的)饰带(5)丝带状之物,细长片(6)裂成细条状之物。

例:We all like to tie up our hair with ribbons. 我们都喜欢用丝带扎头发。

[常用词组]tie up one's hair with a ribbon 用丝带扎头发/a ribbon -cutting ceremony 剪彩典礼/a ribbon of road (像丝带般蜿蜒的)一条道路/be torn to (hang in )ribbons 被撕裂成细长碎片(裂成细长碎片垂拄着)

26. explain v. 解释,说明;辩解

例:This bookd explains the meaning of words. 这本书是讲解词义的。

Can you explain what thsi means?你能讲一下这是什么意思吗?

She explained that she hadn't recognized me. 她解释说她没有认出我来。

Yesterday, some students didn't attend school, so the teacher asked them to explain themselves. 昨天有几个学生没来上学,老师要他们说明原因。

[记忆技巧]联想记忆explanation n. 解释,辩解

[常用词组]explain to ... 向……解释/explain oneself 陈述理由,说明清楚/explain away 辩解,辩明,解释……以除去

27. explain [iks5plein](1)选出,挑出;拣出(2)区别出;看出

例:Can you pick out the right one?你能找出正确的那一个吗?

I'm going to pick out a few books to send to some friends in Sounth China.我将挑选几本书寄给华南的几个朋友。

At registration I had trouble picking out my courses. 注册时,我不知道选读哪门功课好。

Pick out the participles or gerunds in the following wentences and give their functions. 区别下列句子中的分词和动名词,并说明它们的作用。

There's such a big crowd that I can't pick Samuel out. 人太多了,我找不出塞谬尔来。

28. monster[5mCnstE]n. (1)庞然大物,怪物(2)恶人,猛兽//adj. 极大的

例:Dragons are monsters. 龙是怪物。

This is a monster potato. 这是一个极大的土豆。

He is a  monster.  他是一个恶人。

[常用词组]a cruel monster  残忍的怪物/ghosts and monsters 妖魔鬼怪/a real monster 地地道道的怪物/an ugly monster 丑陋的怪物/ a sea monster 海中大怪物/subdue monsters 征服巨兽/ tame monsters 驯服巨兽

29. shampoo[FAm5pu:]n. (1)洗头(发)(2)洗发剂(粉,精)//vt. (1)用洗发精洗(头发等)(2)用洗发精给(某人)洗发。

例:When you shampoo your hair, you wash it with shampoo. 当你洗头发时,你用洗发精。

[常用词组]give oneself a shampoo( 自己)洗发/have a shampoo and set at the hairdresser's在美容院洗发和做头发

30. drug [drQ^]n . (1)药物(2)麻醉药品;成瘾性毒品

例:An effective drug is bitter. 良药苦口。

The doctor gave me mother a new drug dor her headaches. 医生给我母亲开了一种治头疼的新药。

Heroin is a dangerous drug. 海洛因是一种危险的毒品。

31. test[test]vt. (1)检验;检查(2)试验(3)考试;测验//n. (1)考试;测验(2)用以考验之物;试金石

例:The doctor tested my eyes.  医生检查了我的眼睛。

The teacher tested us to see if we had done our homework. 教员考我们,看我们是否做了家庭作业。

The examiner gave the children a test in arithmetic.考官为孩子们作了一次算术测验。

The test of practice is another leap in knowledge.实践的检验是知识的又一次飞跃。

Please help me give out these test papers. 请帮我分发这些试卷。

Poverty is often a xevere test of a man 's character. 贫穷往往是对人格最严厉的考验。

[常用词组]accurate test 精密的实验/a blood test 验血/a maths test 数学测验/a matriculation test 入学测验/a test of strength 体力的考验 /to be suubjected to severe tests 经受严峻的考验 /to give (take) a test in English 举行(参加)英语考试/to put ... to the test 把……试验一下;使……经受考验/to stand the test 经得起考验/test tube试管/test pilot(飞机)试飞员

32. doubt [daut]n. 怀疑;疑惑;疑问//vt. 怀疑;不信;拿不准

例:I have my doubts about it. 我对此有怀疑。

If there is any doubt, you had better make certain. 如果你有什么不能肯定的,一定要弄清楚。

Do you doubt that it is true?你怀疑它是真的吗?

We don't doubt that he can do a good job of it. 我们不怀疑(相信)他能把这件事做得很好。

I don't doubt very much whether he is coming or not. 我很怀疑他是否来。

No doubt we shall succeed by ourselves. 无疑,我们是能够独立取得成功的。

[常用词组]There is no doubt that ... 毫无疑问……/I doubt of ... 我怀疑是否……

33. cruel [5kruEl]a. 残酷的,残忍的,痛苦的

例:The cruel man was hitting the donkey.那个残酷的人正在抽打那头驴。

How could he be so cruel?他怎么能这样残酷无情?

They led the father and son to Gessler, the cruel governor.他们把泰勒父子领到残暴的总督盖勒面前。

[常用词组]a cruel man (boy, person, etc.) 残忍的男人(男孩,人)/cruel treatment 残酷的待遇

34. activist [5Aktivist]n.  行动(实践)主义者,行动队员,活动家;活跃的人

例:The police suspect the attack was a carried out by animal right activists. 警察怀疑这场袭击是动物权力活动家所做的。

[记忆技巧]根据构词法记忆-ist是后缀表示“……家,人,主义者”例如:Marxist 马克思主义者,communist共产主义者,socialist 社会主义者[常用词组]a student activist 搞活动的学生

35. pro[prEu]n. 职业选手,专家,行家//adj. 职业选手的,专家的,行家的

例:The girl always dreams that she can be a pro dancer. 这个女孩一直梦想她可以成为一位职业舞蹈家。

[常用词组]a pro boxer 职业拳击家

36. conclusion[kEn5klu:VEn]n. (1)结束(2)推断;结论(3)缔结;解决;安排

例:The discussion was brought to a conclusion .讨论结合了。

Finally they came to this conclusion. 最后,他们得出了这个结论。

His conclusion certainly sounded reasonable.他的结论听起来确实有一定的道理。

The rapprochement between France and Italy will lead to conclusion of peace. 法易两国的谅解是缔结和平的先导。

[记忆技巧]根据构词法记忆-sion 构成名词 例如:comprehend v. -comprehension n. 理解

[常用词组]make an conclusion 得出结论


1.辨析 go on with,go on to do 和 go on doing:

三个词都有“继续”之意,go on to do 意为“继续做另一件事”,go on with 和 go on doing 意为“继续做同一件事”;但 go on with 有时强调做同一件事时中间有间隔和停顿。还有“发生,(时间)流逝”等意义。如:

What is going on out there? 外面那里发生什么事?

As time went on, things began to change. 随着时间的流逝,情况开始发生变化。

2.辨析Dark 和 darkness:

(1)两词均可表“黑暗”,“夜色”之意,但 dark 通常指较长时间的情况,且常与 the 连用,darkness 则指暂时的情况,不常与 the 连用。如:

Cats can see in the dark. 猫能在黑暗中看见东西。

The room was in complete darkness. 室内一片漆黑。

(2)作“傍晚”讲时,应用 dark,且前面通常不加 the,此时,不可用 darkness 替换。如:

before / after / at dark 在天黑以前/天黑以后/天黑时。

3.辨析 discover 和 invent:


Gillbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb. 吉尔伯发现了电,而爱迪生发明了灯泡。


Unit17 Famous women








Mother Teresa(1990-1997)

一位天使英雄(angel hero),一生为普通民众行善的修女,有一段评价为证——“on September5, 1997, late in the evening around 9:30 p.m., Mother Teresa goes to Heaven in the Mother house in Calcutta. Totally finished and worn out, as she had given herself totally, wholeheartedly, freely and unconditionally to the poorest of the poor, for the love of jesus."”

Helen Thayer

著名的探险家和作家(Adventurer and author),第一位独立到北极,和撒哈拉沙漠的女性(first solo woman to make the North Pole trekking, the first woman to walk across the Sahara Desert)。

Thayer 有很多精彩的话语,既反映了他的真实心态,也激励着千万人不畏艰难挑战人生。这里仅列举几则——”push on even when it seems impossible." ," A goal is only a dream if you don't have a plan." ;"  My journey was like life itself," " We all have our problems as we traver to our goals, but we cai all reach our goals just as I did, one step at a time, never giving up on ourselves. If we reach for the top and believe we can do it, we can all make our dreams come true."; "Age is no barrier to your dreams and goals," ;"We regard our bodies as finely tuned machines that have to be maintained," "Once people start thinking they're over the hill, they are." ;" I like to see what's on the other side of the hill." 。

Oprah Winfrey

美国著名电视节目主持人( a successful TV personality,entertainment executive ),她出身黑人家庭,但事业卓群,她的娱乐节目有极高的艺术性,也富有浓郁的人情味,因而被誉为“荧屏常青树”,获得系列殊荣,“Oprah Winfrey was named one of the 100 Most Influential People of the 20th century by Time Magazine,and in 1998 received a lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences。

When Forbes magazine published its list of America'a billionaires for the year 2003, it disclosed that Oprah Winfrey was the first African-American woman to become a billionaire.


1. Alone in Antarctica 独自在南极


[答]作为形容词,along 意为“单独地,独自地,独一无二的”, 一般用作表语,用在名词或代词之后时为“只有,唯有,仅仅”等, alone还可用作副词,意为“单独;独自”,例如:He was alone in the house .他独自一人在家里。

I am not alone in thinking so. 并非只有我才这样想的。

Smith alone knew what happened. 只有史密斯知道发生了什么事。

[习惯用法]all alone独自一人,孤零零地; leave sb. (sth.) alone 听其自然,不要去管,让某人(某物)独自留在那儿;let sb. (sth). alone 听其自然,不要去管,让某人(某物)独自留在那儿;leave severely alone 绝对不理,不介入;敬而远之;不再打交道,不再去干;let alone 至于……更不必说;let sb. (sth.)alone 随它去;不干涉(打扰);stand alone in 在……方面独一无二。
