生逢灿烂的日子 年龄:专四应试技巧

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 08:28:18


  × The lecture was given in such an interersting way.
  √ The lecture was given in such an inereresting way that everyone enjoyed it very much.
  × We are going to visit John, and he is our English friend.
  √ We are going to visit John who is our English friend.
  3) 连接词使用不当
  × The main reason he was absent was because he was ill.
  √ The main reason he was absent was that he was ill.
  4) 主谓不一致
  × Every teacher and student were invited to go to the party.
  √ Every teacher and student was invited to go to the party.
  5) 中心不明白
  × I was watching a film last night, I suddenly found Mary sitting in front of me.
  √ When I was watching a film last night, I suddenly found Mary sitting in front of me.  练习:
  1)The old man always goes for a walk in that park, and it’s near to his apartment.
  2)Each of the houses are painted different colours.
  3)The real reason I was sleepy was because I got up early this morning.
  4)He walked along the street, he suddenly realized he was lost.
  5)The party was so dull.
  1) The old man always goes for a walk in that park which is near to his apartment.
  2) Each of the houses is painted a different colour.
  3) The real reason I was sleepy was that I got up early this morning.
  4) He walked along the street and then suddenly realized he was lost.
  5) The party was so dull that everyone wanted to join the one held in the apartment opposite.


  a)使用相同的语法来表达具有相同功能的句子成分,可运用并列连词and, but或or等。
  × If you want to learn a foreign language well, you’d better try to think in it and speak it as much as possible.
  √ If you want to learn a foreign language well, you’d better try to think in it and to speak it as much as possible.
  b)正确使用相关连词,如both…and, not … but, not only … but also等。
  × Wang Lan is not only clever but also she is helpful.
  √ Wang Lan is not only clever but also helpful.
  × One reason I like to go to school on foot is the physical exercise I get from it.
  √ I like to go to school on foot I regard it as a kind of physical exercise.
  We each are responsible for our own jobs.
  We are each responsible for his own jobs.
  × The old woman told the little girl that she was wrong.
  √ The old woman told the little girl,”I am wrong.”
  √ The old woman told the little girl,”You are wrong.”
  1)He asked the policeman what had happened to him.
  2)Not only he did make a promise, but he kept.
  3)All are ready, isn’t it?
  4)Listening to the wind and smell the fragrant of the lily, you will found that the summer is coming.
  5)The most important reason I accept his advice is his knowledge of marketing I know from his words.
  1)He asked the policeman,“What happened to you?”
  / He asked the policeman,“What happened to me?”
  2)Not only did he make a promise, but he kept.
  连词使用不当(not only前置一定要用倒装句)
  3)All are ready, aren't they?
  4)Listening to the wind and smelling the fragrant of the lily, you will found that the summer is coming.结构不平行
  5)I accept his advice because I know he is keen in marketing.
  繁琐 My little bother always disappears from view when it is time for dinner.
简洁 My little bother always disappears when it is time for dinner.
  繁琐 The point I am trying to make is that practice makes perfect.
简洁 I believe that practice makes perfect.
  繁琐 I am writing to call your attention to the fact that…
简洁 I am writing to remind you that…
  1)There are several things which are interesting here.
  2)It is encouraging and inspiring to note that sales which are reported right now have increased this month.
  3)Another factor that adds to the persuasive power of this speech is the vivid example is gives.
  1)There are several things which are interesting here.
  Several things are interesting here.
  2)It is encouraging and inspiring to note that sales which are reported right now have increased this month.
  Sales have increased this month; the figures are encouraging.(特别说明一下,这句句子是商务英语写作的范畴,一般不用形式主语,不用从句,所以这里不要用it is + aj.句型。)
  3)Another factor that adds to the persuasive power of this speech is the vivid example is gives.
  The vivid example also makes the speech mor persuasive专四应试技巧(写作篇4:句子的强调)
  1)句尾强调(End Emphasis)英语句子中通常将需要强调的部分置于句子末尾。
  弱:He has achieved success, I believe.
  强:He has, I believe, achieved success.
  2)倒装语序(Inverted Order)运用点到正常语序的手法达到强调。
  正常:I did not believe what she said for a moment.
  倒装:Not for a moment did I believe what she said.
…that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
  1)I have never dreamed about it.
  2)She was so angry that he could not speak.
  3)He will be back, I’m sure.
  4)If he is your best friend, he would help you.
  1)I have never dreamed about it.
  Never have I dreamed about it.
  2)She was so angry that she could not speak.
  So angry was she that she could not speak.
  3)He will be back, I’m sure.
  He will, I’m sure, be back.
  4)If he is your best friend, he would help you.
  Were he your best friend, he would help you.
  A. 明喻(Simile)
  —— Only the chiming of sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children. (Henry W. Longfellow)
  B. 暗喻(Metaphor)
  —— Spring, the sweet Spring, is the years’s pleasant king.(Thomas Nash)
  C. 拟人(Personification)
  —— But the pine is trained to need nothing and endure everything. It is resolvedly whole, self-contained, desiring nothing but rightness, content with restricted completion. (John Ruskin)
  D. 夸张(Exaggeration)
  —— Hamlet: I love Ophelia, forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum. (Shakespare)
  E. 借代(Metonymy)
  —— Have you ever read Shakespeare?   练习:
  A. 明喻(Simile)
  Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal.
  B. 暗喻(Metaphor)
  "But he is not a man-- he is a mushroom!"
  C. 拟人(Personification)
  The white moon heard it, and she forgot the dawn, and lingered on in the sky. 明月听着歌声,竟然忘记了黎明,只顾在天空中徘徊。
  D. 夸张(Exaggeration)
  He thought two of his ribs might already have cracked from trying not to laugh.
  E. 借代(Metonymy)
  You can come in, but your filter-tipped little buddy has to stay outside!
  F. 排比(Parallelism)
  —— …the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.(Martin Luther King)
  G. 倒装(Anastrophe)
  —— Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket; most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.)
  H. 反复(Reiteration)
  —— And she forgot the stars, the moon, and the sun,
  And she forgot the blue above the trees,
  And she forgot the dells where waters run,
  And she forgot the chilly autumn breeze…(J. Keeds)
  I. 反问(Rhetorical Question)
  —— What is student life like on “The Farm”?
