窃听风暴女主与部长:一年五个悲情期 你被戳中了几个(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 20:53:35

一年五个最悲伤时期 你被戳中了几个(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月08日 11:14   沪江英语  什么时候我们最悲伤


  Just exactly why weather affects us so severely, though, is still a matter of controversy. Some scientists say that the culprit is serotonin -- the chemical that makes us happy -- which controlled by the amount of light we receive. When there's a lack of light, serotonin converts into melatonin, which controls our sleep. Consequently, come winter, we become sadder and sleepier.


  But researchers based in Norway have found that in Scandinavian countries, seasonal affective disorder affects people during spring and summer, but not as much during the winter months, thereby calling into question the light-brain-chemical theory.


  But when are we likely to be saddest? While no official data exists, there are times of the year that are well-known for their depression-inducing qualities. Take a look.


  Mid/Late Autumn


  Dr. Rosenthal says that there is a "special sadness about autumn." Particularly cold autumn days tend to come as a rude shock when you're still in the summer mindset.


  "We just had a bad snowstorm. When you have a bad autumn, you're not prepared for it. You think winter is stil six weeks away, but it's actually right around the corner," says Dr. Rosenthal.


  Daylight Savings Time


  When you're out at a party that first Saturday of November, you're usually excited about the extra hour of sleep you'll get when the clock goes back an hour.


  Later that week, though, daylight savings time will mean that you'll see the sun for an hour less every evening -- especially if you're not hitting the outdoors at 7 A.M. every morning.


  Immediately After The Holidays


  According to Dr. Rosenthal, post-Christmas can be a stressful time for many.


  "People are usually buoyed by the thought of the holidays. But after, when you have go back to your dreary job with nothing to look forward to, it can be very depressing," he says。



  Third Monday Of January


  According to British psychologist Cliff Arnall, the third Monday of January is the saddest day of the year.


  Arnall's prediction is based on a scientific formula that takes into account the dreary weather, debt from the holidays and broken New Year's resolutions.


  This year, that date was January 17.


  The Beginning Of Spring


  "Spring is a terrible tease," says Dr. Rosenthal. "You get a warm day or two and you start thinking that winter is over. You think you'll be able to put on all your summer clothes, but actually, there's usually a lot of dreary weather still left," he says.


  Spring is usually the last stretch before summer kicks in, and waiting for it to get over can make one feel surprisingly low.


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