q235 a的刚度:2012高考复习专题(一):名词、数词与主谓一致

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Langzi 编辑

【安徽师大附中一模】2. The British government often says that providing children with ______ to the information superhighway is of great importance.

A. prevention      B. protection        C. allowance        D. access


【解析】考查名词词义辨析。解题关键:掌握短语access to意为:进入。

【安徽师大附中一模】17.Although the used car seems in good ____________,it cannot run too fast.

A. state        B. situation        C. condition        D. occasion



【安徽师大附中一模】23. The man as well as his horse _________ crossed the river ________ from Tokyo.

 A. which, come        B. that ,comes   C. who ,came    D. who ,come


【解析】考查主谓一致及定语从句。第一空考查定语从句的连接词,因先行词既有人又有物故用that;此句真正的主语是the man故用单数。

【安徽泗县双语中学摸底】24. Mom used only half of the money, the rest of which ______ saved for other purposes.

  A. is               B. are                       C. was                 D. were


【安徽泗县双语中学摸底】32. We all felt a sense of ______ when we saw so many overseas Chinese coming back safe and sound from Libya.

  A. security                    B. relief            C. emergency             D. achievement


【成都七中入学测试】11. Now an increasing number of middle school students go abroad for further study at their own ________, trying hard to realize their dreams.

       A. price                 B. cost           C. expenses                D. pay


【甘肃天水三中第一次考试】14. She went to the bookstore and bought        

A. dozen books    B. dozens books    C. dozen of books    D. dozens of books


【广西桂林中学7月月考】29. The Tibetans have lived in the Himalayas for centuries and have adjusted to the conditions _________.

  A. at such great height                                     B. at such a great height 

C. on such great height                                       D. on such a great height


【广西桂林中学7月月考】34. After 1953 _______ people have succeeded in climbing the mountain.

A. several hundred of       B. several hundreds C. several hundreds of  D. several hundred


【河南卫辉一中第一次月考】30. We should bear in mind that social development and balance of nature should go  in         

A. company  B. sympathy C. association      D. harmony


【湖北部分重点中学起点考试】21.—Do you have anyone particular in____for the job?

       —In my opinion, Tom is the right person.

       A.head             B.heart      C.mind      D.brain


【湖北部分重点中学起点考试】22.Although the average reader spends more than 4, 000 pounds on books in their lifetime, 55 percent say they buy them for decoration and have no____of reading them.

       A.advantage             B.attempt          C.evidence        D.intention


【湖北部分重点中学起点考试】25.Our government is trying its best to ____the social security system to protect people's rights.

       A.balance          B.reform            C.conduct         D.press



【湖北黄州区一中模拟二】17.This sentence is difficult to understand.Can you make         of it?

A、sense       B、knowledge       C、idea        D、understanding

[解析] A  考查固定短语。句意:这个句子很难理解,你能弄明白吗?make sense of理解,懂,明白。又如:Can you make sense of what this American is saying?你能听懂这个美国人在说些什么吗?make sense讲得通,有意义;make no sense讲不通,没意义,毫无意义。

【湖北荆州中学第一次质检】22. In many ways China’s rapid growth has been seen as a(n) ______ to improve the cooperation with other countries.

A. attempt             B. motivation         C. conception       D. realization


【湖北荆州中学第一次质检】24. This map is drawn to the _______ of one inch for 1000 miles, so you can find out how far it is from Beijing to Shanghai.

A. route           B. line               C. scale              D. rate


【湖南衡阳八中第一次月考】31. Clearly, development aid together with food ______ the long-term solution to the problem of poverty.

A. are                        B. is                                 C. has                         D. have  


【陕西宝鸡群力中学入学模测】19. We all know that _______ speak louder than words.

  A. movements   B. performances   C. operations   D. actions


【陕西宝鸡群力中学入学模测】20. My parents always let me have my own _______ of living.

  A. way  B. method   C. manner   D. fashion


【陕西宝鸡群力中学入学模测】21. The new law will come into _____ on the day it is passed.

  A. effect   B. use   C. service   D. existence


【陕西宝鸡渭阳中学入学模测】19.—She got her first science fiction published. It turned out to be________.

—When was that?

—It was in 2009 ________ she was still in college.

A.success; that                B.a success; when

C.success; when               D.a success; that

19.  B 考查名词用法和句子结构。a success表示“一件成功的事情”;后一个空格处是when引导的定语从句。最后一句话不是强调句型。假如是强调句型,应该是“It was in 2009 when she was still in college that she got her first science fiction published.”

【浙江富阳场口中学暑期质检】34. At the meeting, they discussed three different __________ to the study of mathematics.

A. approaches    B. means     C. methods       D. ways


【浙江杭州学军中学第一次月考】39. The boss was accused of having a ______ against his female employees.

   A. prejudice    B. reputation                C. symptom                  D. profession


【浙江台州中学第一次统练】32. --What did he say in_______ of his stupid behavior?

--He admitted having made a serious mistake.

A. explanation       B. favor       C. case        D. fear


【重庆万州二中第一次月考】23. Not having a good ________ of English can be a serious barrier to achieving your goals.

A. demand            B. appreciation           C. command      D. experience


【河南卫辉一中第一次月考】23. The Japanese          suffering from the worst natural disasters          

A. are; ever since        B. are; of all time     

C. is; ever since          D. is; of all time


【山东枣庄16中9月月考】10.He had a burning ________ to win back the teacher’ s confidence in him.

       A.desire    B.feeling C.emotion       D.impression

10. A考查名词词义辨析。句意:他有一个强烈的愿望赢得老师的信心。此处desire意为:愿望。

【四川成都摸底测试】13.When and where to enjoy our summer vacation _____ yet.

       A.aren't decided                           B.isn't being decided

       C.hasn't been decided                 D.haven't been decided


【浙江杭州学军中学第一次月考】32. His answer was so confusing that I could hardly make any ______ of it at all.

A. meaning          B. sense                      C. idea                        D. significance



【江苏宝应安宜中学期初调研】4. Pink clothes don’t suit her at all, yet she still likes to wear her pink overcoat. I think it’s absolutely a matter of her personal ________.

    A. hobby                   B. preference                     C. habit               D. principle


【浙江温州八校联考】37. Mrs Read went to the market and bought several ______ eggs. 

A. dozen of      B. dozens         C. dozen        D. dozens of



【广西柳州二中第一次月考】24. — $1,500, but that’s my last offer.

— OK. It’s a ____.

A. cost         B. price     C. reward    D. deal


【浙江杭州中学第一次月考】2. Beijing opera is popular with lots of people in Beijing, but it is not to everyone’s _____ in other parts of China.

A. smell                      B. favor                            C. sound                            D. taste


【浙江杭州中学第一次月考】3. --- Is there a ______ as to when I should return the book?

--- Yes. You have to put it back here no later than next Friday.

A. boundary               B. limit                       C. length                   D. degree


【浙江杭州中学第一次月考】4. To give students more chances to practise English, the teacher has the students sit _________.

A. in two and three           B. in twos and threes C. in two or three       D. in twos or threes


【吉林长春外国语学校第一次月考】21. Her childhood dream became a _______ when she broke the 100m race world record.

       A. truth    B. fact      C. reality  D. certainty


【吉林长春外国语学校第一次月考】28. It was clear that he was ______ the people he owed money to.

       A. at the expense of             B. at the risk of

       C. at the mercy of               D. in the way of


【吉林长春外国语学校第一次月考】30. I have a ______ to talk too much when I’m nervous.

       A. meditation         B. tendency           

       C. reckon             D. expedition


【浙江温州十校期初考】28. The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major _____of global climate change.

A. cause                            B. result               C. warning          D. reflection


【浙江温州十校期初考】35. Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for       building.

A. character                B. friendship     C. reputation      D. respect
