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话说有一个组织叫Global Language Monitor,专门跟踪英语在世界范围内使用的趋势,对互联网、博客和全球7.5万个媒体以及社交媒体进行统计,日前公布了今年最流行的10大单词、词组和姓名(The Top Words of 2011、The Top Phrases of 2011、The Top Names of 2011)。


最值得瞩目的还不是“占领”(occupy)、“阿拉伯之春”(Arab Spring)、斯蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)这些个字词或名字,这都是意料之中的事,但是中国最高领导人的名字排在奥巴马前面入榜,更让老外感到匪夷所思的是中国网民发明的“3Q”进入十大单字,再次铁证了中国的崛起,不仅外汇储备多的要去买美债救欧洲,现在连我们的现代文化也开始反刍,他们不说“三克油”也难。 

2011年十大单字(The Top Words of 2011) 

1. Occupy(占领) – ‘Occupy’ has risen to pre-eminence through Occupy Movement, the occupation of Iraq, and the so-called ‘Occupied Territories’. 

2. Deficit (赤字)– Growing and possibly intractable problem for the economies of the developed world. 

3. Fracking (油气水力压裂钻探法)– Hydraulic fracturing is a controversial method for extracting fossil fuels from hitherto unreachable deposits. 

4. Drone(无人机) – The ever increasing number of remotely piloted aircraft used for reconnaissance and attack purposes. 

5. Non-veg (荤菜)– A meal served with meat, originally from India, now catching on worldwide. 

6. Kummerspeck (因感情问题导致暴饮暴食,源于德语)– From the German seeing wider acceptance in the English, excess weight gained from emotional overeating (grief bacon). 

7. Haboob (沙尘暴,源于阿拉伯语)– A name imported from the Arabic for massive sandstorms in the American Southwest. 

8. 3Q(三克油) – Near universal term for ‘thank you’ now earning additional status after being banned from official Chinese dictionaries. Another example of the ever increasing mixing of numbers and letters to form words.

9. Trustafarians (信托基金娃娃,洋富二代)– Well-to-do youth (trust-funders) living a faux-Bohemian life style, now associated with the London Riots.

10. (The Other) 99 (与百分之一的巨富相对的其他百分之九十九的百姓)– Referring to the majority of those living in Western Democracies who are left out of the dramatic rise in earnings associated with “the Top 1%”.

2011年十大词组(The Top Phrases of 2011)

1. Arab Spring (阿拉伯之春)– The series of uprisings, social protests, and rebellions occurring among many nations of the Arab World beginning this spring. 

2. Royal Wedding (皇室大婚)– The wedding of the former Kate Middleton and heir-to-the-British-Throne, Prince William that captivated millions around the world. 

3. Anger and Rage (发狂失望恨)– Characterizations of the global electorate by the pundits, though closer analyses has revealed more frustration than anger and more disappointment than rage. 

4. Climate Change (气候变化)– No. 1 phrase for the first decade of the 21st century; still resonates into its second decade. 

5. The Great Recession (大衰退)– Though officially over, the media term most frequently used to describe the on-going global economic restructuring. 

6. Tahrir Square (解放广场)– The scene of the ‘25th of January’ demonstrations in Cairo against Hosni Mubarak. 

7. Linear No Threshold (LNT,线性无阈,指不管受到多小剂量的辐射,都会面对同比例的风险) – The methodology to calculate risk from exposure to radioactive elements from the Fukushima Daiiachi disaster. 

8. Bunga Bunga (性爱派对)– Re-emerged in the language through ‘bunga-bunga’ parties hosted by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

9. ‘How’s that working out for you?’ (佩林语录)– The New York Times credits Sarah Palin, but it predates her use of the phrase by several decades. 

10. “Make no mistake about it!” (奥巴马语录)– President Obama has repeated the phrase thousands of times since his 2008 election. 

2011年10大姓名The Top Names of 2011 

1. Steve Jobs (乔布斯)– The citations for Steve Jobs topped those for No. 2 (Osama bin-Laden and Seal Team 6) by more than 30%. 

2. Osama bin-Laden & Seal Team 6 (本-拉登和海豹突击队第六队)– Who changed the world more? Al-qaeda or Steve Jobs? 

3. Fukashima (福岛)– The epicenter of the Japanese Triple Disaster (earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown). 

4. Mohamed Bouazizi(阿拉伯之春在突尼斯自焚的青年) – the Tunisian fruit vendor who set himself afire and became the symbol of Tunisian resistance – and the Arab spring. 

5. Chinese Paramount Leader Hu Jintao (中国最高领导人)– The Rise of the Tiger being a primary cause of the Global Economic Restructuring. 

6. Kate Middleton (凯特·米德尔顿)– She captivated the world with her elegance and style and continues to do so as the Duchess of Cambridge. 

7. Muammar Gaddafi(卡扎菲) – Libyan strongman toppled in the recent insurrection. 

8. President Obama (奥巴马总统)– Hope and Change retreat further into the history books; the game plan is now for survival. 

9. PIIGS (欧猪五国)– The nations of Portugal, Ireland, Italy Greece and Spain taken together for their untenable deficits possibly affecting the economic health of the Eurozone. 

10. Yaroslavl Lokomotiv (不幸遭遇空难的俄罗斯雅罗斯拉夫尔火车头冰球队)– The ill-fated elite Russian hockey team that was virtually wiped out in the crash of a three-engine Yak-42.