
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 19:51:06


◎ 可不可以抽菸?
  ◎ Is smoking allowed?

好像有一個人到外面抽香菸。回來我問他﹕ 「你抽了幾支香菸?」 「我沒有抽啊!」 「有人看見你抽了嘛!他來告訴我的。」 「噢!那,我就抽一個。」
  Another example is a person who went outside to smoke. When he came back, I asked him, “How many cigarettes did you smoke?” “I didn’t smoke.” he said. “Some people saw you.” I replied. “Oh. I smoked one cigarette," he said.

你看,他先是說他沒抽,以後又說抽一個。我說﹕ 「你現在還有幾個?」 「現在還有三個。」 「那七個到哪去了?」 「這…這…I don’t know.我不知道。」 我拿一個棍子照他頭就「啪」打一下, 「你知不知這是什麼?你覺不覺得痛?」 「覺得痛。」 「你覺得痛,為什麼你要講大話?」 「這…這戒律上沒有說戒菸的。」 「你讀過戒律了嗎?戒律上沒有說戒菸,你一定知道嗎?那個菸就包括在酒裡面。」 「啊!我不知道。」
  You see. He said he didn’t smoke and then said he smoked one cigarette. I said, “How many cigarettes have you got left?” “Three.” “Where are the other seven?” “Well…, I don’t know.” I picked up a club and hit him right on the head--Pow! “Do you know what this is? Does it hurt?” “Yes.” “Yes? Then why did you lie?” “Well…the Vinaya doesn’t prohibit smoking.” “Have you studied the Vinaya? Do you know for sure that it doesn’t prohibit smoking? Smoking is included in the precept against taking intoxicants.” “Oh! I didn’t know.”

  The smell from smoking is terrible. Not only does it make a person smell bad outside, it also makes the inside of his body smells bad. Bodhisattvas and Dharma-protecting good spirits will not want to protect you when they find out you smell like smoke. No matter how much merit and virtue you may have, they will leave you alone and many accidents will happen to you.

  We don’t have to talk about others; currently there is one person among us who smoked stealthily and caused a very dangerous incident to occur. It happened because he was smoking, but he still doesn't realize it.

  People who smoke will fall into the hell of Flames after they die. The hell of Flames is especially prepared for smokers. Whoever likes to smoke has the chance to go down there. If you refrain from smoking, you will avoid the path that leads to the hell of Flames. If you don’t, however, you may end up there in the future. People do not know the seriousness of such matters and do whatever they like. When you understand, you will not do it. Smoking is a more severe problem than drinking.

  Why didn’t Shakyamuni Buddha prohibit smoking but disallowed drinking? It is because during that time when the Buddha was in the world no one knew about smoking.