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色拉英语091 Flea problem

What a cute dog! 多可爱的小狗啊!

Whats its name? 它叫什么名字?

Oh thank you! 哦,谢谢你!His name is Gucci! 它叫古奇!

Looks like Gucci has some fleas! 看起来古奇有虱子!

Yeah but its no problem. 是啊,不过没关系。

What do you mean? 你什么意思?

You should get some flea powder for him. 你应该给他买些去虱粉。

Why 为什么?Well fleas are bad for a dog! 嗯,虱子对狗有害!

Theyll make him very uncomfortable! 它们会使他很不舒服!

Really for Gucci fleas are no problem. 是的,对古奇而言虱子不成问题。

Huh? Why not?  啊?为什么不成问题?

Whenever he has fleas he gets rid of them by himself! 每次他有虱子,你会自已去掉它们!

By himself? 靠他自已?Thats impossible! 不可能!

色拉英语092 Hunting interruption

Hey whats going on? 嘿!发生什么事了?Im so sorry! 我很抱歉!

I didnt mean to disturb your hunting! 我不是有意要打扰你打猎的!

Dont worry about it! 不用担心!

I shouldn’t have been hunting so close to your cave anyway.


Really I feel terrible about it! 真的,我为此感到十分抱歉!

I hope this wont come between us. 我希望这件事不会影响到我们的关系。

No problem. 没问题。Its nothing really! 真的没什么!

There are plenty of other animals to catch. 这里有很多其他的动物可以捕捉。

Okay Im glad you feel that way. 好,我很高兴你能这么想!

The beast is returning! 野兽回来了!

This time I guarantee I wont disturb you! 这次我保证不会打扰你了!


色拉英语093 Matadors revenge

I just love being a hero! 我就是喜欢成为英雄!

The shouting, the clapping, the GLORY! 有欢呼,有掌声,有荣誉!

I just hate the color red. 我就是讨厌红色。

Its irritating, maddening, INFURIATING! 它使人愤怒,让人发狂, 令人狂怒!

Come on! Come on! 来啊!来啊!Good evening. 晚上好。

Are you ready to order? 可以点菜了吗?

Say, you look like that matador who was boxed by the bull today!


Thats me all right. 正是我。I cant stand bulls! 我受不了牛!

And now Im ready for a little revenge: bring me a steak! 现在我准备报复:给我一份牛排!

Wait, make that TEN steaks! 等一下,给我来10份牛排!

色拉英语094  Pesticide plug

Ladies and gentlemen good evening. 女士们,先生们,晚上好。

And welcome to Salad time! 欢迎收看色拉时间!

Tonight we have a very special guest Superspide. 今晚我们的特别嘉宾---蜘蛛王。

Okay for tonights topic we want to talk about problems. 好了,今晚的话题我们来谈谈烦恼。

Superspide as a famous star do you have any problems? 蜘蛛王,作为一个大明星你有没有烦恼?

As a famous star do you have any problems? 蜘蛛王,作为一个大明星,你有没有烦恼?

Of course everyone has problems! 当然,每个人都会有烦恼!

In my job I spend a lot of time crawling around. 我的工作就是花很多时间爬来爬去。

But you know things dont always go so well.


Ahhh! Mom! A bug! 啊!妈妈!有虫子!Incredible! 令人难以置信!

Do you have any advice for our audience? 你对我们的观众有什么忠告吗?Sure! 当然!

Whenever you’re bothered by insects be sure to use Bidu Pest Spray!

当你们被小虫子骚扰时,请使用Bidu 牌杀虫喷雾。

Hey! What are you doing? 嘿,您在做什么?

This isnt supposed to be an advertisement! 这可不是广告栏目!

Dont forget: always use Bidu Pest Spray! 请别忘了使用Bidu牌杀虫喷雾!


色拉英语095  Ill send them a short message!

Hahahaha! What an idiot! 哈哈哈哈!真是个白痴!

Ive got to tell my friends about this! 我得把这件事告诉我的朋友们!

Ill send them a Short Message! 我要给他们发条短信。

Thats hilarious! 太好玩了!How stupid! 真蠢!

Excuse me if you don’t mind, could I Send a short Message to my friends? 对不起,如果你不介意,能让我给我的朋友们发个短信吗?

Cant you see Im busy? 你没看见我正忙着吗?

What a moron! 真是个傻子!Thats so funny! 太有意思了!

How can you send Short Messages on that kind of phone? 你在电话机上怎么能发短信的?

Its easy! 简单!You can use this kind of phone for many things including sending jokes! 还有许多功能呢,比如,发笑话!What an idiot! 真是个白痴!

色拉英语096  The absolute worst job

Its just not fair! 真是不公平!

Every day I have to do such filthy work. 我每天都得干些那么脏的工作。

This must be the worst job in the world! 这一定是世界上最糟糕的工作!

Tell me about it! 就是嘛!

My dream is to be a tube of toothpaste. 我的梦想是做一支牙膏!

Just imagine what a sweet clean comfortable job!


Just like just like a 就像…… 就像个……

a white collar! ……像个白领!

Yeah thats it -- a white collar! 对,对----像个白领!

Oh shut up! 哦,住嘴!

We might look pretty and clean. 我们看上去可能漂亮又干净。

But everyday were pinched and squeezed可每天要被人挤来挤去。

We just dont complain about it. 只是我们从不抱怨。

Maybe so but your job is better than ours! 也许是这样,但你的工作总比我们好!

Yeah! 就是!

Enough! Enough! 够了!够了!

Youve got nothing to complain about. 你们没什么可抱怨的。

Just think about MY job! 想想我的工作吧!


色拉英语097  Scrambled eggs

Mom I have something to tell you. 妈妈,我有些事要告诉你。

But I dont know how to start. 但我不知如何开口。

What is it? 什么事?What are you talking about, son? 孩子,你在说些什么?

Uh. I was careless and uh knocked over the table. 嗯,我不小心,嗯,打翻了桌子。

Is that all? 就这些?

Dont worry about it honey. 别担心,亲爱的。

But um I also broke the bowls sitting on the table 可是,嗯,我把桌子上的碗也打翻了。

Oh those were old bowls. 哦,那些是旧碗。

Everybody makes mistakes forget about it. 每个人都会犯错,忘了它吧!

Uh. theres something else: 嗯,还有些事:

I broke the eggs that were in the bowls. 我打碎了碗里的鸡蛋。

Im really sorry! 真的很抱歉!

Im sure it was an accident right? 我敢肯定那是意外,是吗?

Dont worry! 不用担心!

Youll have other brothers and sisters soon enough. 你很快会有弟弟妹妹的。

Will I ? 真的吗?Im really sorry Mom! 我真的很抱歉,妈妈!

Forget it, its nothing!  别放在心上,没事!

Now go and play 现在去玩吧。



色拉英语098  Ticket thicket

Dont you know this is a one-way street? 难道你不知道这条是单行道?

Im going to have to write you a ticket. 我不得不给你开张罚单。

Wait! 等一下!

I uh. I how about if I turn around right now?


Sorry no U-turns permitted on this street. 对不起,这条街上禁止掉头。

Okay! Okay! 好吧!好吧!Ill just stop right here! 我就把车停在这里!

Parking is prohibited on this block. 这个街区严禁停车。Uh 嗯……

Hey! No horn honking allowed here! 嘿!这里禁止鸣笛!

Hey tell you what. 嘿,我有主意了。

Give me a reasonable offer, and this car is yours! 开个合理的价格,这辆车就归你!

How about it? 怎么样?Cant you read the sign? 难道你看不见那个标志吗?

No street vendors allowed! 这里禁止设摊买卖!


色拉英语099  New style

Good afternoon, how are you today? 下午好,今天过的怎么样?

Okay what do you have in mind? 好吧,你想剪什么样的发型?

I really have no idea. 我真的不知道。

Im bored with this style. 我厌倦了现在的发型。

So I think I’d like to try something new, something different, something that suits me better. 


What do you think? 你看呢?

Hmm wait -- Ive got it! 嗯……等一下----我有主意了!

There? 这个怎么样?

A very natural look, dont you think? 看上去很自然,你不这么认为吗?

Hmm I think its a little too traditional 嗯,我觉得这个太……普通了。

All right, lets try something else. 好吧,让我们再试试别的。

How about this? 这个怎么样?

Romantic eh? 很浪漫,是吧?

Well its nice but its not very fashionable. 嗯,这个不错…… 但是不够时髦。

Not fashionable enough? 还不够时髦?

No problem! 没问题!

Oh now thats creative! 哦,太有创意了!

I like it, I like it! 我喜欢,我喜欢!

Hahaha! 哈哈哈!

You want to know what I think of your new style? 你想知道我怎么看你的新发型吗?

Oh what do you know! 哦,你懂什么!

This is the latest look. 这是最新的装扮。

It cost me a fortune! 我可是花了大代价的!



色拉英语100  Peta primer

Please tell our listeners something about your lives.


Sure! Our lives are terrible! 当然!我们的生活真是太糟糕了!

What do you mean? 什么意思?You know, 你知道,

we hens are less productive when were in a bad mood.


Yeah! Just take a look around this place! 是的!看看这个地方吧!

Life is so meaningless! 生活是多么的没有意义!

No TV no Karaoke no dates. 没有电视,没有卡拉OK,没有约会。

And never a single party! 就连一个聚会也没有!

Have you thought of any way out? 你有没有想出解决的办法?

Not yet! 还没有!

I just want a more comfortable life! 我只是希望生活得更舒服些!

Everybody has dreams even---hens! 每个人都有梦想---甚至母鸡也有!

Maybe you should think of that next time, you’re eating in a fast food restaurant.


This is your Salad Time reporter at a poultry farm. 色拉时间记者,在农场为您报道。


色拉英语101  The frog prince

Im in a jam. 我碰到个难题。If I kiss this frog. 如果我吻一下这只青蛙。

I dont know if hell become a prince .


Well. 嗯。

My great-great-great-grandfather said that’s what would happen.


If you dont mind kissing a frog. 如果你不介意吻一只青蛙。

I dont mind being kissed by a beautiful girl!


Really! Its no problem! 真的!没问题!

What if you become a prince and fall in love with me?


What then? 然后呢?Who knows? 谁知道?

Theres only one way to find out! 只有一个办法!

So hurry dear Princess! 所以请快一点,亲爱的公主!

Its time for lunch I have bugs to catch! 该是吃午饭的时候了,我还要去捉虫子呢!

I dont know. 我不知道。

Enough of this nonsense. 别说废话了。

Who wants to be a prince anyway. 谁想做什么王子啊!

Well maybe Ill give it a try. 嗯,也许我该试试。



色拉英语102  Wired for sound

Good evening and welcome once again to Salad Time! 晚上好,欢迎再次来到色拉时间!

Tonight Id like to introduce a friend of mine. 今晚我要向大家介绍我的一个朋友。

A man who has distinguished himself by designing the most fashionable spectacular jacket of the year. 他因为设计出今年最时髦最令人惊叹的夹克而出名。

Lets have a warm welcome for Mr. Idea! 让我们热烈欢迎……创意先生!

Hello Mr. Idea nice to see you! 你好,创意先生,很高兴见到你!

Can you tell us about your jacket design? 能向我们介绍一下您设计的夹克吗?

Sure! Its really cool! 当然!它太酷了!

I’ve got a cell phone, an MP3 player, a personal computer, a headset a remote PDA.


and, a DVD player, all integrated into my jacket! 一台掌上电脑和一台DVD

Wow! Thats really amazing! 哇!真是令人吃惊啊!

Next Im going to add a Playstation 2! 接下来,我想把PS2也装上。

Incredible! 真是不可思议!

Im sure it will be one of the years hottest sellers! 我肯定它将是今年最畅销的商品之一!

Thanks for giving us a preview! 谢谢你给我们做预告!

Say, whats in the backpack? 嗨,你的背包里是什么东西?

Uhthe batteries. 嗯…… 是电池。

色拉英语103  The harmony of nature

How charming! 多迷人啊!

These flowers are all so alike so harmonious so peaceful.


Hmmm I wonder how they see themselves. 哦,我想知道她们如何看待自己。

WhewWhat a smell! 哟!什么味道啊!

Like cheap Cologne! 像廉价的香水!Youre an idiot ! 你是白痴!

Thats the scent of fine French perfume! 那是上等法国香水的味道!

French perfume you understand? 法国香水,你懂吗?

So romantic! So elegant! 多浪漫!多优雅!

I don’t think a hayseed like you could appreciate such a thing.


Who are you calling a hayseed? 你叫谁“乡巴佬”?

Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊?

Take that! 当心点!So boring. 好无聊。

What do you mean boring? 你什么意思“无聊”?

Yeah were not boring.  就是,我们根本不无聊。

The ladies love the way we smell! 女士们喜爱我们的味道!

They love to smell flowers in a vase. 她们喜爱闻花瓶中的花。

Were for admiring. 我们是用来被赞美的。

Were not lucky enough to have out throats cut are we? 我们可没那种运气被摘下,不是吗?

Did you hear something? 听到什么了?

Just some stupid weeds arguing.  只不过是些愚蠢的杂草在争吵。

Enough! Enough! 够了!够了!I cant take this! 我受不了了!

No more imagining, its better to appreciate them as they are.不要想象了,最好就这样欣赏它们。Ah so lovely! 啊,好可爱!