成都幼师招聘最新消息:Military attachés visit Chinese Aviation Museum

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 08:35:15
(China Military Online)
15:34, November 14, 2011
Edited and translated by People's Daily Online
Beijing, Nov.14 (People's Daily Online) --A group of 54 military attachés from 51 countries, including Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the United States and Russia, visited the Chinese Aviation Museum located in the northern part of Beijing on Nov. 10.
During the visit, they praised the Chinese air force's great progress in recent years and expressed congratulations on the 62nd founding anniversary of the PLA Air Force.
As China's only and Asia's largest aviation museum, the Chinese Aviation Museum collected more than 300 aircraft of about 200 types and more than 13,000 other weapons, including more than 100 national grade-2 cultural relics.
Furthermore, some new exhibits such as the J-8, JH-7, J-10 and J-11 fighter aircraft as well as the H-9 and H-12 surface-to-air missiles have shown the remarkable development of China's air force weapons over the past 30 years since the reform and opening-up.
"The museum's exhibits showed the history of China's increasingly powerful air force," said Col. Drago Horvat, head of the Defense Staff under the Croatian embassy in China.
Horvat and other military attachés stopped before an aircraft reviewed at the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, took pictures in front of the bombers and attack aircrafts that took part in nuclear tests and asked many questions when they saw a model J-10 fighter aircraft. All military attachés said that they were impressed with the development of China's air force. After hearing about the situation of aviation equipment maintenance in the Chinese air force, the director of the Club for Foreign Military Attachés in China and a French air attaché Lieutenant Colonel Piercy said that while China was urgently withdrawing its people from Libya at the beginning of 2011, the four large transportation planes of the Chinese air force flew among six domestic and overseas airports and across five countries and six time zones, transported 1,655 people from Libya to Khartoum, the capital of Sudan ,and transported 287 people to Beijing safely. It reflected the extremely responsible spirit of China and the reliability of the Chinese air force's aviation equipment.
Piercy, on behalf of all the foreign attachés in China, expressed congratulations for the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the Chinese air force.
The vice-director of China's Air Force Headquarters Office Liao Xiangwu, who is in charge of organizing the activity, said that the Chinese air force invites foreign military attachés to for a visit and inspection every year.
Chinese air force invited 54 foreign attachés from 51 countries to visit the Chinese Aviation Museum for the 62nd founding anniversary of the Chinese air force. It has special significance for deepening mutual trust and promoting exchanges.
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