dear diary歌曲:辞职小技巧:如何离开一个你讨厌的工作

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 05:46:09

受伤地按下发送按钮,发送一封全员的电子邮件远远不是辞职的好办法。但是,安静的离开显然也并不理想。“大张旗鼓的离开并不特别的富有成效,但什么也不说、一味等待也不是个办法,这样只会让自己满腹牢骚。”心理学家David Ballard这样说,他是美国心理协会健康职场计划的负责人。

Instead, shoot for a middle ground. Some tips: 


Tame the tension: " Know your own stress level so it doesn't creep up on you," Ballard says. "Often, there are low-level signs before it gets to a boiling point."


Many overwrought workers eat junk food, drink excessive alcohol or zone out in front of the TV, he says. Healthier choices, such as taking short workday breaks, exercising and staying socially connected, "will help you manage things better."


Sometimes, talking issues through with a boss or co-workers can help, as can speaking up in meetings.


Many folks who go out big "feel they haven't been heard," says Ballard. "They haven't had the opportunities or channels to express their dissatisfaction."

很多人辞职的重要原因是他们“感觉没有被倾听”, Ballard说。“他们没有机会或者渠道来表达他们的不满。”

Refocus: Those without a new job opportunity should explore alternate exits, such as asking for a sabbatical or a new assignment, says executive search consultant Charley Polachi. Frustrated workers should also take constructive steps, such as networking and creating an exceptional LinkedIn profile, he says.

重新聚焦:那些没有新工作机会的人应当探索一个新的出路,诸如要求一个假期或是一个新的任务,猎头顾问Charley Polachi说。他认为,沮丧的员工应当也采取一些建设性的措施,诸如建立关系网络、建立一份特殊的LinkedIn(一家社交服务网站)资料。

Unhappy workers should also focus on things that bring enjoyment. "Try to concentrate as much as possible on (aspects) other than your work life," says human resources consultant Peter Ronza. Think, "Tonight, I'm going to that art exhibit or I'm going to play with my son in the backyard," he says. "You have to find a focus, an anchor to get you through those bad times."

不快乐的员工也应当关注那些愉快的事情。“尽量试着去关注你的工作之外的事情”,人力资源顾问 Peter Ronza说。“今晚我要去看艺术展,或者是晚上我要和我儿子一起在后院玩,”他说,“你必须要找到一个焦点,让你度过那些糟糕的时候。”

Think twice: When the time come to resign, "do not send an e-mail or a letter without letting it sit on your desk for 24 hours," says Polachi. Reread it, and also have a level-headed friend or family member review it. 

再次考虑:当你要辞职的时候,“不要急着发送电子邮件或是信件,如果它们没在你的办公桌上呆上24个小时的话” ,Polachi说。重新阅读一下辞职信,也找一个冷静的朋友或是家人好好审视一下。

Also consider how a role model would feel about your resignation strategy, advises Travis Gregory, Imperial Valley College Dean of Human Resources. "How would the people that you care most about react if they saw the way you've resigned?" he says.

还要考虑一下行为榜样会如何感受你的辞职策略,Travis Gregory——帝王谷学院人力资源主任提出建议,“如果他们看到你们已经辞职了,你最关心的人会怎样反应?”

Consider the end game: For those who want to foster change, going out in fury can have the opposite effect. Management "is more likely to hear those points if they don't think of you as a disgruntled worker," says Ballard. "With big, showy behavior, it's a lot easier for them to discount the issue versus if you brought it up in a serious tone."


Pick your parting words. Take advantage of exit interviews, and diplomatically explain your stance. It's OK to say, "The reason I'm leaving is because I feel my supervisor lacks these skills," says Ronza. "But keep it professional. Don't make it personal."

选择离开的言辞。好好利用告别的面谈,婉转的解释你的立场。可以这样说,“我之所以离开是因为感觉我的上司缺乏这些能力” ,Ronza说,“但是这是出自专业立场,而非个人立场。”

Another option is to contact a higher level. "Write a letter to the board and/or the CEO," says Gregory. "Keep the theme positive and focused on the organization versus a tantrum about personal dissatisfaction."


Know your value: Often, the best revenge is having a manager miss you once you're gone. "Look, you got them by handing in your resignation — especially if they did rely on you," says Ronza. "Then they are going to realize that you were critical."


By Laura Petrecca
著者:Laura Petrecca