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(2011-11-07 12:28:08) 标签:








分类: 生活调色板



Most of us can't bear the sound of nails on a chalkboard , but now, researchers have a possible explanation as to why the sound makes us cringe and cover our ears.


It turns out our adverse reaction to the piercing sound is partly physical and partly psychological, and that the part of the noise that makes us wince has a frequency between 2,000 and 4,000 Hz (hertz), a range naturally amplified by the shape of our ear canals, Wired Science explains.

我们对刺耳的声音做出的不良反应一部分是生理的,一部分是心理的。这种让我们难受的声音一般是在2000-4000赫兹之间,由于我们耳廓的形状,这个区间内的声音会被放大,Wired Science解释说。

Researchers from the Macromedia University for Media and Communication in Germany and the University of Vienna worked together to get to the bottom of the sound's bad rep.


They exposed participants to the sound of nails on a chalkboard as well as similar sounds, such as a fork scraping a plate and Styrofoam squeak, according to ScienceNow.


Some were told the sound was part of a "musical composition," while others were told the source of the noise. The researchers measured the physical reactions (blood pressure, heart rate, skin conductivity) of all persons. All participants were told to rate how pleasant or unpleasant they found each noise to be.


Researchers also experimented with removing certain parts of the sound in an effort to identify which parts participants found unpleasant.


If people knew what caused the noise, they tended to rate it as more unpleasant. Those who were told the noise was part of a tune rated it as less unpleasant. However, both groups had measurable physical reactions to the displeasing frequencies, despite how they rated the sound, Wired Science points out.

如果人们知道造成这种噪声的是什么,觉得难受的几率会增加。而被告知这是乐音的人,觉得难以忍受的几率则会较低。Wired Science指出,不论他们怎么看待这段声音,两组受测试者对这种让人难受的音频频率都表现出了一定的身体反应。

请问为什么有的人会受不了指甲刮黑板或者金属碰撞的声音? 为什么在我们听到指甲刮黑板或是小勺和金属碗相刮的声音时会很难受? 为什么人在抓黑板时的声音让人很受不了? 为什么我们听不了刮黑板之类的声音? 用指甲抓黑板为什么会有刺耳的声音? 为什么指甲划过黑板的声音使人难受? 为什么用指甲刮黑板的声音会让人感到非常难受? 为什么用指甲刮黑板,用勺搅饭盆心里会有说不出的难受? 为什么用指甲刮黑板,用勺搅饭盆.心里会有说不出的难受? 指甲摩擦黑板发出的声音 为什么很多人都厌恶? 一听到指甲刮黑板的声音就全身发毛怎么回事? 为什么手指甲刮黑板的声音很难听? 为什么人听到类似指甲划黑板的尖锐声音会觉得心不舒服,心痛,惊慌等? 为什么用指甲刮铁或黑板的时候很多人都会起鸡皮疙瘩 为什么有些人在听到一些声音比如说指甲划到黑板上发出的刺耳的声音的时候会起鸡皮疙瘩?感觉很不舒服 为什么人们不喜欢听手指甲划黑板的声音?? 为什么人会怕听见瓷器、玻璃,粉笔硬处刮黑板之类摩擦的声音? 黑板“反光”是什么回事?为什么打磨黑板就可以改善黑板的“反光”? 双语的影片的声音播放问题??? 双语的影片的声音播放问题??? 为什么教室的门在黑板那边 害怕粉笔用力的划黑板的刺耳声音 指甲挠黑板铃声从那下载 为什么粉笔可以在黑板上写字,是黑板的原因还是粉笔?