
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 18:24:26
冠    词

  冠词分为不定冠词(a, an )和定冠词 (the)


  一、 不定冠词的用法


     She is a girl.

     Pass me an apple , please.


     A boy is waiting for you

     We work six days a week.

   3). 表示 "一"这个数量,但数的概念没有one 强烈.例如:

    We are going to have an English lesson tomorrow.

   I have a mouth , a nose, two eyes and two ears.

   4). 用于某些固定的词组中.例如:

    a few, a little, a lot of

  注: 用a 还是an, 要看后面的词读音以辅音开头还是以元音开头.


   1) 特指某(些)人或某(些)物.例如: the photo of the boy

   2) 指双方都知道的人或物.例如:

     -Where are the new books, Jim?

    - They are on the small table.

   3)  指上文提过的人或物.例如:

    Today he is making a machine.

    He wants to ride the machine like a bike and fly it like a plane.

   4). 用在世界上独一无二的事物前.例如:

    The sun is bigger than the moon.

   5). 用在序数词或形容词最高级前.例如:

    The first truck is carrying a few baskets.

   The third one is carrying the fewest of all.

  6). 用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前.例如:

     the Great Wall 

    the North Street Hospital

  7). 用在一些习惯用语中.例如:

    in the morning (afternoon, evening),

    on the left(right)

    at the end of



  China, Grade Two, Bill Smith, milk

   2)名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any 等代词。例如:

      The letter is in her pocket.

  I think the shop is closed at this time of day.


      My father and mother are teachers.

  I like cakes.


      It is Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)

      Today is Mid-Autumn Day.

  It is cold in winter.


      Uncle Wang likes making things.

  What colour are Mrs Green's shoes?


      He went to school after breakfast.

     Can you play basketball?

  注: 在某些固定词组中,如:at home, by bus, go to school 等的名词前不用冠词。


  1. _______ milk is food. ________ milk in this cup has gone bad.

  2. ---Do you like playing _________ football?

    ---Yes. But I have only _________ basketball.

  3. Do you know _______girl on ________another side of ________ lake?

  4. There's ________ "u" and ________ "s" in ________work "use".

  5. She says ________animals cant's live without __________air, either.

  6. His father, who is ________honest man, is teaching in ________ university.

  7. Which is heavier, ________elephant or ________ horse?

  8. ________ cold wind was blowing from the north.

  9. He is always ready to help _________ old and ________ young.

  10. ________ Greens are traveling in _________ South China.

  11. Although ________ most of us like to drink beer, those who drink ________most are _______    least healthy.

  12.Xiaomei saw _________ interesting film last night. ________ film was about _________ kind doctor.

  13. You can have _________ second try if you fail _______ first time.

  14. Tom went to _________ school as usual, but he didn't know his father went to ________school for a parent meeting.

  15. ________ knowledge begins with _________ practice.

  解析:1./, the  (milk 是物质名词,一般不用冠词, 但后面加上一个定语in the cup 后,使其成为特指,所以需要用定冠词the.)

  2. / , the  (球类运动前不用the ; 指一个物体要用不定冠词a )

  3. the,/, the ( 特指这个女孩用the;名词前已有定语another;)

  4. a, an, the ("u" 发音以辅音开头所以用a;"s" 发音以元音开头所以用an; 特指这个单词用the)

  5. /,/ (泛指动物所以不用任何冠词; air 不可数名词,其前一般不用冠词)

  6. an, the ( honest 发音以元音开头,故用an, 在大学里为in the university)

  7. an, a 或the ,the ( 不定冠词a , an 和 定冠词the与名词单数连用表示种类)

  8. a (物质名词coffee, food, tea, fog, rain, snow, wind等,在表示 "一种"或 "一场"的意义时,前面要加不定冠词。

  9. the, the ( 形容词前加定冠词,表示一类人)

  10. The ,/ ( 姓氏的复数前加定冠词the 表示一家人;在华南是in South China)

  11. /, the, the ( most当大多数讲时前面不用the;后两空均为形容词的最高级,前面要加the)

  12. a, the, a ( 第一空和第三空都指一个事物,第二空是特指前面提到的电影)

  13. a, the (a second try 指的是第二次)

  14./, the (go to school 去上学, go to the school 去那所学校)

  15./,/ (具有单纯意义的物质名词或抽象名词前,一般不用冠词)


  一、在空白处填入a / an 或the。

  1. ---Mum, what shall we have for _______dinner?


     ---Oh, what _______ wonderful dinner! I enjoy it very much.

  2. _________ PLA was founded on __________August 1st,1927

  3. _______ Kings came to us at _________ noon.

  4. The scientists from ________ United States live in __________ Ninth Street.

  5. The doctor to him, "Take ________ medicine twice ________day. Stay in _________ bed and you'll be better soon."

  6. September 10th is ____________ Teachers' Day.

  7. Mr Black arrived here on __________ Tuesday morning.

  8. There are four seasons in _______year. ________ first season is spring. It is __________ best one of __________ four.

  9. Some people have been to _________moon, in _______ spaceship.

  10. _______ China is _________ old country with _________ long history


  1. /, a  2. the, / 3.the , /  4. the, the  5. the, a, /  6. /   7. /   8. a, the ,the , the  9.the, /  10../,an,/ a

  二、选择填空:  A. /   B. a   C. an   D. the

  1. They are living ______happy life now.

  2. ______bag on ______desk is mine.

  3. There is ______empty box on the table.

  4. Do you like ______music of the film "Titanic"?

  5. On ______Saturday, I stay in ______bed till 12:00.

  6. ______Browns have been to China twice.

  7. Don't make any noise in ______class.

  8. This is such ______interesting story that you must listen to it.

  9. Next week they will go to Australia by ______air.

  10. Which is bigger, ______sun or ______moon?

   Key: 1----5 BDCDA    6----10 DACAD

  三、在空白处填入a / an或the。

  1. This morning I bought _____ newspaper and _____ magazine. _______ newspaper is in my bag but I don't know where I put ______ magazine.

  2. I saw ______ accident this morning. ______ car crashed into ______ tree. ______ driver of ______ car wasn't hurt but ______ car was badly damaged.

  3. There are two cars parked outside: ______ blue one and _______ grey one. _______ blue one is my neighbour's; I don't know who ______ owner of _______ grey one is.

  4. My friends live in _______ old house in _______ small village. There is _______ beautiful garden behind _______ house. I would like to have ______ garden like that.

  1.a ,a, The the      2.an, a, a, The ,the, the      3. A, a, the the, the   4. an, a, a, the, a