万博存款为什么送东西:使用Crypto++ 5.5.2完成SHA加密

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 05:25:48



使用Crypto+5.5.2需要注意的地方,已在 《使用Crypto++5.5.2完成RSA加解密》一文做了说明。如果你遇到任何问题,最好先查看该文。如果还有其他问题,欢迎给我留言!贴代码吧!

/************************ MySHA.h******************************/
#ifndef __MYSHA_H__
#define __MYSHA_H__


using namespace std;

class CMySHA
    virtual ~CMySHA(void);

    virtual void CalculateDigest(string &Digest, conststring &Message) = 0;
    virtual bool VerifyDigest(const string &Digest, conststring &Message) = 0;

        void uCharToHex(char *Dst, constunsigned char *Src, const int SrcLen);
        void HexTouChar(unsigned char *Dst,const char *Src, const int SrcLen);

#endif /* End of __MYSHA_H__ */

/************************ MySHA.cpp******************************/

#include "MySHA.h"

using namespace std;





void CMySHA::uCharToHex(char *Dst, const unsigned char *Src, const int SrcLen)
    char *Temp = Dst;
    int i;

    if (Dst == NULL || Src == NULL || SrcLen <= 0)

    for (i = 0; i < SrcLen; ++i)
        sprintf(Temp, "%02X",Src[i]);
        Temp += 2;

void CMySHA::HexTouChar(unsigned char *Dst, const char *Src, const int SrcLen)
    unsigned char *Temp = Dst;
    int i;
    if (Dst == NULL || Src == NULL || (SrcLen & 1 != 0) ||SrcLen <= 0)
    for (i = 0; i < SrcLen; i +=2)
        sscanf(Src + i, "%02X",Temp);

/************************ MySHA512.h******************************/
#ifndef __MYSHA512_H__
#define __MYSHA512_H__

#include "MySHA.h"

class CMySHA512 : CMySHA
    void CalculateDigest(string &Digest, const string&Message);
    bool VerifyDigest(const string &Digest, const string&Message);

#endif /* End of __MYSHA512_H__ */

/************************ MySHA512.cpp******************************/


#include "MySHA512.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace CryptoPP;

void CMySHA512::CalculateDigest(string &Digest, const string &Message)
    SHA512 sha512;
    int DigestSize = sha512.DigestSize();
    byte byDigest[DigestSize];
        char strDigest[DigestSize*2 + 1];

    sha512.CalculateDigest(byDigest, (const byte *)Message.c_str(),Message.size());
    memset(strDigest, 0, sizeof(strDigest));
        uCharToHex(strDigest, byDigest,DigestSize);
    Digest = strDigest;

bool CMySHA512::VerifyDigest(const string &Digest, const string&Message)
    bool Result;
    SHA512 sha512;
        byte byDigest[sha512.DigestSize()];
        HexTouChar(byDigest, Digest.c_str(),Digest.size());
    Result = sha512.VerifyDigest(byDigest, (const byte*)Message.c_str(), Message.size());
    return Result;

/************************ Main.cpp******************************/


#include "MySHA512.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace CryptoPP;

int main(void)
    bool Result = false;
    CMySHA512 MySHA512;
    string Message = "Hello, garry!";
    string Digest;

    MySHA512.CalculateDigest(Digest, Message);
    cout << "The size of Digest = " <    cout << "Digest : " << Digest <
    Result = MySHA512.VerifyDigest(Digest, Message);
    if (Result)
        cout << "Verifysucceful." << endl;
        cout << "Verify failed."<< endl;

    return 0;

/************************ Makefile ******************************/
# Usage:
#    $make           compile andlink the program.
#    $ make objs      compile only (nolinking. Rarely used).
#    $ make clean     clean the objectivesand dependencies.
#    $ make cleanall clean the objectives, dependencies andexecutable.
#    $ make rebuild   rebuild the program. The same asmake clean && make all.
# The executable file name.
PROGRAM := mysha2

# The directories in which source files reside.
SRCDIRS := . # current directory

# The source file types (headers excluded).
SRCEXTS := .cpp

# The flags used by the cpp (man cpp for more).

# The compiling flags used only for C.
# If it is a C++ program, no need to set these flags.
# If it is a C and C++ merging program, set these flags for the C parts.



# The compiling flags used only for C++.
# If it is a C program, no need to set these flags.
# If it is a C and C++ merging program, set these flags for the C++ parts.

CXXFLAGS := -g -O2 -I./include


# The library and the link options ( C and C++ common).

LDFLAGS := -L./lib -lcryptopp


## Implict Section: change the following only when necessary.


# The C program compiler. Uncomment it to specify yours explicitly.

#CC = gcc

# The C++ program compiler. Uncomment it to specify yours explicitly.

CXX = g++

# Uncomment the 2 lines to compile C programs as C++ ones.

CC = $(CXX)


# The command used to delete file.

RM = rm -f

## Stable Section: usually no need to be changed. But you can add more.


SHELL = /bin/sh

SOURCES = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(SRCEXTS))))

OBJS = $(foreach x,$(SRCEXTS), \
      $(patsubst %$(x),%.o,$(filter %$(x),$(SOURCES))))

DEPS = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJS))

.PHONY : all objs clean cleanall rebuild

all : $(PROGRAM)

# Rules for creating the dependency files (.d).


%.d : %.c

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.C

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cc

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cpp

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.CPP

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.c++

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cp

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.d : %.cxx

    @$(CC) -MM -MD $(CXXFLAGS) $<

# Rules for producing the objects.


objs : $(OBJS)

%.o : %.c

    $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.C

    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cc

    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cpp

    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.CPP

    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.c++

    $(CXX -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cp

    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

%.o : %.cxx

    $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

# Rules for producing the executable.



ifeq ($(strip $(SRCEXTS)), .c) # C file

    $(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)

else                           # C++ file

    $(CXX) -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)


-include $(DEPS)

rebuild: clean all

clean :
    @$(RM) *.o *.d
cleanall: clean
    @$(RM) $(PROGRAM) $(PROGRAM).exe