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来源What I Know at 64 that I Didn’t Know at 24

What I Know at 64 that I Didn’t Know at 24


This is a guest post written by my father, Drew.  He is a wise man.  I am honored by his decision to contribute to our blog.  In his own words, here are 10 life lessons he has learned over the last 40 years.


Key to a Happy Marriage: Listen to the story, then listen some more, then listen even more. Don’t try to offer brainy solutions. Occasionally state in a quiet, respectful tone the words, “Yes, Dear”.


You are what you eat. Read about nutrition – certain foods agree with you, others don’t. Experiment with your own body chemistry. I try to avoid coffee and sugar.

2. 饮食决定你的健康。读读营养学方面的书籍——有些食物适合你,而有些并不一定适合。用自己的身体机制去体验。我是尽量远离咖啡和糖。

The French have an aphorism that you don’t appreciate something until you don’t have it anymore. In 40 years from now what is it that you will regret not having accomplished, appreciated or attempted?  Do it, appreciate it, attempt it NOW!

3. 法国有句老话,“不到失去,不会重视”。40年后,你会为什么事情没有完成,没有受过重视或是没有被尝试过而感到遗憾呢?现在就重视起来,尝试去做,行动起来吧!

The greatest “adventure” is the ability to INQUIRE, TO ASK QUESTIONS. Sometimes in the process of inquiry, the search is more significant than the answers.  Answers come from other people, from the universe of knowledge and history, and from the intuition and deep wisdom inside yourself.

4. 质疑、提问是最了不起的冒险。在质疑时,有时寻觅本身比答案更重要。答案可以来自他人,来自知识体系、历史体系,来自直觉和你内心的智慧。

Physical exercise is important at any age to reduce stress and optimize well being. Include the full range of cardiovascular, muscle building and stretching –yoga. Join a health club with a swimming pool.  When you can’t get to the health club, take 30 minute brisk walks, breathe and be in the moment.

5. 体育锻炼在任何时候都很重要,既能缓解压力又有益健康。诸如(对心血管系统和肌肉塑造、伸拉有益处的)瑜伽;诸如加入一个有泳池的健身俱乐部。要是不能参加健身俱乐部,那就花上半小时快跑。

Life gives and takes away. During difficult times, be committed to resolving problems, but also lighten up and ride the waves of impermanence. What is a monster problem today will be a forgotten thought in the future.

6. 生活既会制造问题也会将它们挪走。身处困境时既要用心解决问题,也要…… 此刻难缠的问题将来也会成为过去。

Achievements are the result of preparation.

7. 成就源自准备。

Supporting, guiding, and making contributions to other people is one of life’s greatest rewards. In order to get, you have to give.

8. 支持、引导和援助他人是人生最大的酬劳之一。要获得,你必须给予。

Time is of the essence. You are born and you will die. Don’t waste the time in between. Use a time management system to control events, rather than have events controlling you.  Read Getting Things Done by David Allen.

9. 时间是很宝贵的。(生死有命,不要浪费时间。)运用时间管理体系处理事情,别让事情控制你。读一读戴维德.阿伦写的《尽管去做:无压工作的艺术》。

Shakespeare’s character Hamlet tells us that “nothing is good or bad as thinking makes it so”.   As a problem solver, or at any point to gain clarity with your own mind and emotional state, try this inquiry from the author Byron Katie: What is the “story” that is going on in my mind at this moment?  Is it true?  How do I know  that it is true?  What is the situation like with this story?  What would my life be like at this point without this story?

10. 莎士比亚小说中的人物哈姆雷特告诉我们:“凡事无好坏,庸人自扰之。”在解决问题或是需凭自己的情智辨清问题时,试试作家拜伦.凯蒂的这套质疑方法:此刻我烦恼的事情是什么?它正确吗?我如何知道它是正确的?这样下去会是什么状况?不这样我的人生又会是什么样子?