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  这项发现被刊登在 美国膳食协会的会刊 ,表明绿茶可以减少人体总胆固醇含量的5%到6%或者更高。相对于胶囊或者其它治疗方法,绿茶会导致”坏”的低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平。

  相对于瓶装绿茶,在水杯中冲泡的绿茶拥有更持久的效果,尽管这些效果的整体水平相对较小,资深研究者Olivia Phung说,他是加利福尼亚州西部健康科学大学的助理教授。

"If someone is already taking medication for their cholesterol, they should stick with it and not try to trade it for green tea, either capsules or the beverage," says Phung.

“对于那些已经采取药物胶囊治疗胆固醇的人,他们应该坚持既有的疗法,不要试着去采用绿茶,无论是饮料还是绿茶胶囊,” Phung说。

But adding green tea to your diet could be one way to further improve cholesterol numbers, she says. 


The researchers, however, found no strong evidence that green tea boosted 'good' HDL cholesterol, or cut triglycerides, another type of blood fat.


The trials included in Phung's review involved a total of 1,415 adults.


Participants were randomly assigned to either use green tea every day, as a beverage or capsule, or be part of "control" groups that took placebo capsules, drank a low-catechin tea or downed water.


The trials lasted anywhere from three weeks to six months and the benefits seemed to be limited to people who already had high cholesterol when they entered the study.


Overall, tea seemed more effective than capsules, though Phung said there isn't enough data to be sure that the beverage is better than the extract.




A number of clinical trials that examined whether green tea, or its extracts, can benefit people's cholesterol levels have reached mixed conclusions. Most of the trials have been small, making them less reliable.


There are other questions too, including what dose of green tea catechins is ideal.


In the trials Phung's team studied, the researchers were unable to test for a 'dose-response' effect, which would have shown whether the cholesterol benefits increase as the catechin dose goes up.


"We would really need to have some head-to-head studies comparing the different forms of green tea in order to show which ones work more effectively," says Phung.

“我们真地需要更进一步的研究,比较不同品种的绿茶,这样可以检测出哪种绿茶的更具效果,” Phung说。

As for side effects, green tea is considered safe in moderate amounts, though the drink and the extracts contain caffeine, which some people may need to avoid.


There have also been a few dozen cases of liver damage reported among people using green tea extracts, but it's not certain that the supplements are to blame.
