宿舍男孩 不得不爱:Peru, China cooperation has bilateral benefits

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 00:18:31

Peru, China cooperation has bilateral benefits


13:55, November 19, 2011

LIMA, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- Peru and China have enjoyed friendly relations which allow the development of business opportunities for both sides, Peruvian Prime Minister Salomon Lerner told Xinhua on Friday.

Lerner also confirmed that the Peruvian government doesn't have intention to review or modify the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed between Peru and China, which came into force since 2010.

The 5th China-Latin America Business Summit will be held in Lima on Nov. 21 and 22. In this framework, Lerner said Peru offers "a series of possibilities of investment" and cooperation in many fields.

"I reassert the invitation to the Chinese companies to explore possibilities of association with Peruvian companies," he added.

According to Lerner, Peru has a modern legal and stable framework with increasing participation in the global market, and boasts vast natural resources and climate diversity, which favor the agribusiness of products like grape and mangos.

"The international rating agencies like Standard & Poor's, Moody's and J. P. Morgan have improved the investment degree and the stable perspective of Peru," he pointed out, adding that the Peruvian economy has grown in a sustained manner in the last eight years. Besides, Peru enjoys a good location in the South Pacific, which can be a hub for several world companies.

And so, Peru is interested in achieving a sustained growth in investment. "We want investments which generate employment, foreign exchange and which strengthen the productive chains and allow technology transfer in benefit of the Peruvians," he added.

Lerner said the areas where cooperation should be enhanced are the energy fields like electricity, hydroelectric plants, thermoelectric centers and mining. 


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