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2010-11-  很多同学片面认为:高分作文=难词+长句+特例。于是在考试中通常做的一件事情就是:冥思苦想,要创造一个单词或者句子,达到语不惊人死不休。其实“漂亮”“精彩”是建立在为表达中心主旨服务的基础之上,否则,再“漂亮”再“精彩”也只是累赘。因为许多时候简约平实,比繁花似锦更能打动人。当然,关键还在于平实中应富含真正的思想。这就是为什么“一语天然万古新,豪华落尽见其淳”,这就是为什么“虽然清水出芙蓉,却依然可以天然去雕饰”。那么怎样才能创造出一篇完美的文章呢?亚历山大用行动告诉我们:新概念三册可以让我们找到答案。

  新概念三册的优势在于两个方面。第一个优势就在于:经典句型。通过对各类精美句式的讲解和练习,着力把学员的句型运用能力提升到一个新的高度。课文中的优秀句式层出不穷,“钻石句型”贯穿于整本书。当然好的文章除了要有好的句型外,更需要有闪光点。即需要亮点词汇的点缀,并且恰当的运用修辞手法与表达技巧使文章读起来更加生动。而这则是新概念三册的第二个优势:靓点词汇。举个例子,在新概念三册的第一课当中,有一个词叫做spot,表示发现,大家最熟悉的一个发现的词叫做find , 发现形象的东西就叫做find sth,而发现了抽象的东西就是find out sth,这些都是大家所熟悉的。课文中为什么不用find 呢,spot原意是什么呢,是斑点,这个发现含有在某地发现某物的意思,而且透露着一种万绿丛中一点红的独特发现的意思,用在课文中格外恰当。


  Here is a story of an unfortunate boy.

  Jack, an undergraduate of English College, has long been assailed by grave disease. He was born in a miserable family where life is a perpetual struggle against poverty. His father works as a dustman with narrow wages, virtually the only source of income of the family. Life is wretched indeed. As if this were not enough to reduce them to tears, the father had his both legs broken some time ago and should be confined to bed. The loss of job makes the whole family faced with even more economic odds. Normal living proves to be a problem, not to mention the huge sums of medical expenses. Chances that Jack will be fully recovered are remote considering the lack of money and the absence of nursing staff.

  So, we shouldn't let the misfortune pass unnoticed. On behalf of the student union, I would like to ask for your help. Your kindness and generosity will put the family out of trouble. Whoever will make donations is requested to dial 315.

  Profound thanks from Student Union.


  1. sb has long been assailed by …

  说某人长期怎么样,如果再照搬以前的词组for a long time,已经有点落伍啦。新概念三册第38课The first calendar 《最早的日历》中给我们提供了一个很好的版本:Historians have long been puzzled by……课堂上老师一定会把这个句型分析扩展运用。

  2. 讲到家庭条件差,生活困苦不堪,这里的life is a perpetual struggle against poverty便是新概念三册中第45课The power of the press《新闻报道的威力》里面的原句。

  3.His father works as a dustman with narrow wages, virtually the only source of income of the family. 父亲做的是清洁工作,很多同学往往会说,his father is a dustman,而熟悉新概念三册的学生就会很自然想到运用第4课中work as这个结构,虽然语义上没有差别,但对却是英语功底的体现。

  4.家里条件已经很差了。但屋漏偏逢连夜雨,惟一的经济来源--父亲把脚摔断了,丢了工作,失去了收入。当你为“好像这情况还不够糟”英文怎么表达而犯愁的时候,那么想想新概念三册中有没有这样的例句呢?答案是肯定的,As if this were not enough to reduce sb to tears以及sb is faced with even more pressing economic odds 是新概念三册第33课文章中的原话。

  5.再来看第一段最后一句:Chances that Jack will be fully recovered are remote considering the lack of money and the absence of nursing staff。说到Jack尽快回复的可能性很小。如果用It is less likely that 当然可以,但这个句型缺乏新意,难以赢得阅卷老师的青睐。而新概念三册第59课Collecting《收藏》一文中有这么一句话:Chances that she will ever be able to afford such purchases are remote.学过这么一个经典句型(Chances that ……are remote …的希望很渺茫)。
