痘痘破了能涂芦荟胶吗:iPhone launch in China to boost smartphone market, says iSuppli

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Press release; Jessie Shen, DIGITIMES [Friday 11 September 2009]
The arrival of Apple's iPhone in China is expected to help accelerate global shipment growth for smartphones in 2010 and 2011, following 2009 when growth is estimated to slow to 11.6%, down from 20.6% recorded in 2008, according to iSuppli.
Worldwide factory shipments of smartphones are expected to rise to 235.6 million units in 2010, up 27.9% from 184.2 million in 2009. Shipment growth will accelerate to 41.8% in 2011 to reach 334.1 million.
Although growth in the smartphone market is set to decelerate in 2009 compared to 2008, it still represents a rare bright spot for the overall handset market, iSuppli noted. Global handset shipments are set to decline by 12.3% in 2009, due to the global economic slowdown.
"China Unicom's move to start selling iPhones in China starting in the fourth quarter will sound the starting gun for the region's smartphone market," said Tina Teng, senior analyst for iSuppli. "The arrival of the iPhone has compelled China Unicom's competitor China Mobile to introduce its own smartphone products and app store, helping to boost the market."
Smartphone shipments to China will rise by 42.5% to 30.2 million units in 2010, up from 21.2 million in 2009, the fastest growth rate of any country tracked by iSuppli. China will experience the strongest growth in smartphone unit shipments of all global regions in the coming years. Shipments will grow at a 30.6% CAGR to 63.6 million units in 2013, up from 16.7 million in 2008, the research firm forecast.
Another factor contributing to the success of smartphones is the newfound maturity of the product's supply chain throughout the world, according to iSuppli. Wireless operators and handset brands are promoting the value smartphones deliver to consumers, rather than just playing up the hardware.
"The smartphone market now has moved past the infancy stage and has entered a period that presents enormous growth opportunities for a number of key players, including device manufacturers, operators, semiconductor vendors and platform providers," Teng said. "There has been broad deployment of 3G networks worldwide, a proliferation of wireless broadband services and the rising availability of various multimedia applications for mobile devices. With all this in place, wireless network operators are expected to offer competitive data service plans and aggressive subsidies to reduce consumer smartphone prices."

Source: iSuppli, compiled by Digitimes, September 2009

HTC announces new Android smartphone, Sep 9, 2009
HTC announces new Android smartphone

High Tech Computer has introduced the HTC Tattoo, a new Android-based smartphone that comes with a variety of hardware features including a 3.2-megapixel autofocus camera, 3.5mm stereo headset jack and expandable microSD memory.
The HTC Tattoo will be available in Europe first at the beginning of October, and will roll out in markets around the world in the following months, the company said.
Photo: Company, Sep 9, 2009

Huawei Android-powered U8230, Jun 29, 2009
Huawei Android-powered U8230

The U8230 smartphone allows users to switch between full and half QWERTY keyboards and to navigate programs via a 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen.
Huawei's U8230 uses the Google Chrome Internet browser which supports a variety of Google applications including Google Maps, Google Search, and Google Talk.
The company claimed that It is also fitted with a battery which has a capacity of 1500mAH - the longest battery capacity of any Android-powered handsets currently available.
The device will be available in the second half of 2009.
Photo: Company, Jun 29, 2009

Computex 2009: Acer Android netbook with Windows draws spotlight, Jul 7, 2009
Computex 2009: Acer Android netbook with Windows draws spotlight

Acer demonstrated an Android-powered netbook that will also run XP. Company chairman JT Wang said that the new Acer Android model will eventually ship as dual-boot systems with both Android and Windows.
Acer introduced its first Aspire One netbook at Computex 2008. In 2009, the PC vendor showcased a full range of netbook offerings targeting different mobile consumer needs. Of the lineup, the Aspire One AO531 and AOD250 with 10.1-inch panel displays are thinner and lighter than their predecessor, and ideal for anyone on the move.
Photo: Yen-Shyang Hwang, Jul 7, 2009
HTC unveils new Android-powered Tattoo smartphone
Press release, September 8; Steve Shen, DIGITIMES [Tuesday 8 September 2009]
HTC (High Tech Computer) has unveiled the new Android-powered smartphone, the Tattoo, targeting the consumer segment.
The HTC Tattoo integrates Google's mobile services including: Google Maps, search, Google Mail, and Android market where users can download thousands of applications and games, HTC said.
The Android-powered smartphone also comes complete with a variety of hardware features, including a 3.2-megapixel autofocus camera, 3.5mm stereo headset jack and expandable memory via microSD, HTC added.
The HTC Tattoo will be available in Europe first at the beginning of October, and will roll out in markets around the world in the following months.

HTC Tattoo
Photo: Company
MediaTek to see challenges in China market
Cage Chao, Taipei; Meiling Chen, DIGITIMES [Wednesday 9 September 2009]
MediaTek is expected to be challenged in the China market by decreasing demand partly due to high inventory levels and price competition from Taiwan-based MStar Semiconductor, despite hitting record consolidated revenues in August, according to sources with Taiwan's IC design sector.
Despite strong revenues growth for August, MediaTek has said its revenues in September will decline slightly since orders from China customers have slowed down. It said that its third-quarter guidance of a 15-20% growth will remain unchanged.
The sources added the inventory level in China channels have extended to 6-8 weeks, more than enough for China's October holiday season demand. As the shortage of handset chips has already eased, customers who have overbooked are now reducing their orders.
MStar has introduced a GSM/GPRS reference board that adopts ARM9 processor core, the sources said. The reference board, which supports EDGE connectivity, 5-megapixel camera controller and RMVB coding/decoding function, is expected to create an impact on MediaTek's handset chip business, the sources indicated.
Other Taiwan-based analog IC design houses have also said they have seen decreased orders from panel, handset and consumer electronics customers in China.
Smart phones defy slowdown
- Nokia retains lead, with Apple and RIM rising fast, but Microsoft loses ground
Palo Alto (US), Singapore and Reading (UK) – Monday, 17 August 2009
For immediate release
Nokia maintains global lead, although its performance varies by region Touchscreens become the preferred interface, representing 40% of all shipments Apple’s success continues, as the iPhone takes 23% of the North American market RIM continues to gain share, succeeding with its push into the consumer market Operating system choices are proliferating, primarily at Microsoft’s expense
Q2 research highlights
Smart phones continue to shine as one of the brightest spots of the technology industry, with shipments growing despite the global recession. Innovation in interfaces, design, applications and promotion continue to excite consumers, which, in contrast to the PC industry, is helping to keep average selling prices stable. The rise in data traffic seen by mobile network operators is finally generating a return on their investment in broadband capacity and will drive further infrastructure expenditure.

Apple has established industry leadership in terms of industrial design, ease of use and application availability, offering one of the most desirable devices on the market and setting a standard that rivals are striving to emulate. It reinforced its position during the quarter by launching the iPhone 3GS. Pete Cunningham, Canalys senior analyst, said, “Apple has revolutionised the smart phone sector, leapfrogging more experienced rivals. The competition must move much faster to close the gap in terms of functionality and design and at the same time try to target Apple’s weak spots. These are primarily related to its business model, which requires premium upfront pricing, high cost of ownership and, in many countries, a restricted operator line-up.”

Competition is building in a number of different forms. RIM has successfully expanded its product portfolio to include a wide selection of devices and interfaces that appeal to a range of customers at different price points. This includes 2.5G models that are smaller, lighter, lower cost and have better battery life than most of its 3G rivals. Palm has received widespread acclaim following the launch of the Pre in the US during Q2. Chris Jones, Canalys VP and principal analyst, added, “As a relatively small company, Palm has shown what creative leadership and focused investment can achieve. By going back to its roots and developing its own operating system, it has produced an innovative and differentiated product. Investors have responded to this, with its share price growing over 70% this year. Palm still has plenty of challenges ahead – it must find the resources to launch the Pre on the global stage, while continuing to fund development of its product pipeline. But it is remarkable how much better the prospects are for this company than just one year ago.”

Another emerging trend is the rise of the Google-led Android OS, which is already taking 3% of the smart phone market. Success so far has been driven through HTC, but with many other vendors, including Samsung, joining the fray, volumes are expected to increase substantially. The free licence model, tight integration with Google applications and the potential for a high degree of vendor and operator customisation are all benefits attracting industry participants.

Jones continued, “It is noteworthy how differently the smart phone business is developing compared to the PC industry. PCs are a highly standardised, commoditised platform, where one model is often largely indistinguishable from another. Consequently, PC price points are incredibly low, which is good for customers, but the industry lacks excitement. Smart phones are different – Nokia, Apple, RIM and Palm have all achieved success by developing their own operating systems and delivering distinct devices and interfaces. Android customisation will further add to this diverse mix. As a result, new smart phones are front page news around the world. Admittedly the wide choice creates disadvantages too. Network operators must endure high certification and support costs, while independent application providers face the cumbersome process of porting apps to multiple operating systems. The main loser has been Microsoft’s highly standardised Windows Mobile platform. Its smart phone market share has now fallen below 10% and the trend is likely to continue as many of its OEM partners, including HTC, Motorola and Palm, are focusing investment on other platforms.”
Another smart phone market characteristic is how behaviour differs around the world. Rachel Lashford, MD of Canalys APAC, said, “The English-speaking media tends to be dominated by the industry trends seen in the US. However, both EMEA and APAC are larger markets for smart phones and we see different companies leading there. Nokia is very strong in the key markets of India and China, while companies such as Samsung and Fujitsu have substantial leadership in their homelands of Korea and Japan respectively. As success in the mobile industry becomes shaped more by software and the Internet we expect these trends to continue – language, culture and network operators are mainly ‘local’. Consider, for example, the challenges Google is facing in China or how eBay failed to take off in Japan.”
In addition to smart phones, netbooks are the other hot area within the technology industry in this difficult year. The competition and opportunities created between these platforms will be discussed at the Canalys Mobility Forum, taking place on November 17, near London’s Heathrow Airport. Full details are available atcanalysmobilityforum.com. The new Canalys smart phone market trends report is now available. More details can be found atwww.canalys.com/services/reports.
看本土OPhone迎战外来iPhone | 2009-09-02 18:36

戴尔是支持OPhone的国际厂商,它的智能机被命名为mini3i OPhone,但是移动发布的样机却是2G版本,估计3G版要到年底才能上架。
上周一,台湾知名智能机代工商HTC也跟移动达成了合作协议。它将为移动度身定做HTC Magic版本新机,功能包括Gmail、Google搜索、YouTube、即时邮件、智能拨号和虚拟键盘等。高端机型还将配备GPS导航、蓝牙和320万像素摄像头,但不会增设Wi-Fi功能,避免与政策相抵。


调降财测 宏达电怎么了?
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2009年上半,宏达电对于公司整年营运对外都传达乐观看法, 6月中旬的股东会,还公开宣称全年出货量年成长率有机会达2成,然时间才过月余,宏达电竟于7月底宣布调降财测,引发市场震撼。
虽然宏达电表达得很委婉,然而Windows Mobile (WM)机种销售动能衰退超乎预期,却是宏达电调降下半年营收的主因。除调降财测的短期冲击外,更值得深层探讨的是,宏达电未能及早调整平台资源投注配置比重,错失善用在Android平台上先进者优势的时机,对宏达电有更长期的影响。
Windows Mobile市场动能强度不如预期
宏达电未能及早调整平台资源配置比重 错失良机
WM衍生的高软件成本  为厂商进入中低价市场一大障碍
智能型手机低价化趋势难避  宏达电布局尚嫌晚
智能型手机市场  Android开始攻城掠地  WM平台市占消退
HTC Magic、Hero与Samsung i7500重要硬件规格比较
WM平台较高的软件成本 为进入中低价位手机市场一大障碍
虽有金融风暴影响  智能型手机市场仍持续扩大
共 6 个图表

智能型手机市场  Android开始攻城掠地  WM平台市占消退



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市场管制下产物  山寨手机于2008年达高峰
低成本、高速度、重通路  造就山寨旋风
共 9 个图表


正崴与宏达电引领下 2Q'09台厂手机出货可望成长15%
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2009年第2季预期在Vodafone、乐金(LG)订单陆续出笼、宏达电推出多款新机带动下,台厂手机出货量可望较第1季成长15%,达1,618万支,不过,受到摩托罗拉(Motorola)、索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)订单减少影响,仍将较去年同期衰退40.6%。
正崴采用联发科芯片首度打入Vodafone功能手机(Feature Phone)供应链的产品,可望于第2季开始出货,挹注正崴手机出货量大幅成长。宏达电第2季一改前季欠缺新机窘境,共推出4款新机,其中,新款Android手机除于Vodafone开卖外,其它通路如电信业者亦陆续推出。至于华冠于2009年从原先主要客户索尼爱立信取得订单虽大减,但来自乐金订单显著成长,并将于第2季陆续出货。


1Q'09台厂手机出货创近3年新低 宏达电新机未出亦难逃衰退
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至于宏达电2009年第1季出货量衰退除受景气不佳致消化库存影响外,景气不佳亦对其高价机种销售产生冲击,既有Windows Mobile平台新机未出,造成首季仅靠陆续增加销售国家的Android机种出货支撑。反倒是华冠由于索尼爱立信委托机种出货维持正常,再加上乐金订单挹注,首季出货量相对其它业者抗跌。
传输技术别:GSM vs. CDMA vs. WCDMA
外观别:直板 vs. 摺叠 vs. 滑盖
Google Lays Out Its Mobile User Experience Strategy
Posted by Stephen Wellman, Apr 11, 2007 01:16 PM

Just market the word 'Google (NSDQ:GOOG)' with any event these days and you can pretty much bet it will sell out. Last night I was at a presentation by Google on mobile user experience. If any other company gave this talk, maybe 40 or so people would show up. But because the speaker was from Google and the event was in the company's New York City nerve center, over 250 people packed out the Google auditorium. For those of us lucky enough to get a ticket, we received an upfront look at how Google designs its mobile applications.
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Most people think of just the cost savings associated with Unified Communications, but the real challenge is how to bring together voice, video, data and presence across phones, laptops and mobile devices, and get better information because of it.
The event, "Google Presents User Experience & Mobile Apps," was co-hosted by theNew York City chapter of the Usability Professionals Association.
Google user experience designer Leland Rechis started his talk by re-iterating Google's mission: Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Rechis added that mobility is fast-becoming the key to making information "universally accessible," but he warned that without a solid user experience, there is no way mobile applications can be useful.
Rechis said that when Google plans to launch a mobile application, it looks at the potential app through six layers:
1. Understanding users, anywhere, anytime
2. Fits in your pocket
3. More personal than the PC
4. Consistency across modes
5. Localization is intensified
6. Integrated devices, modes, products
Rechis then broke out the company's mobile development and optimization strategy by each level.
Understanding users, anywhere, anytime
Rechis said that Google breaks down mobile users into three behavior groups:
A. "Repetitive now"
B. "Bored now"
C. "Urgent now"
The "repetitive now" user is someone checking for the same piece of information over and over again, like checking the same stock quotes or weather. Google uses cookies to help cater to mobile users who check and recheck the same data points.
The "bored now" are users who have time on their hands. People on trains or waiting in airports or sitting in cafes. Mobile users in this behavior group look a lot more like casual Web surfers, but mobile phones don't offer the robust user input of a desktop, so the applications have to be tailored.
The "urgent now" is a request to find something specific fast, like the location of a bakery or directions to the airport. Since a lot of these questions are location-aware, Google tries to build location into the mobile versions of these queries.
Fits in your pocket
Rechis stressed the limitations of mobile phones. He pointed out that any mobile application has to be able to fit on a small screen and cannot require complicated text input. Also, since the third screen has no X-axis, layout has to clean, simple, but maintain the basic usability of the parent desktop application. Rechis also stressed that the "density of information" changes on a mobile phone, requiring designers to identify only the most essential parts of any given application. Obviously, juggling all this isn't easy.
In order to achieve usable mobile applications, Fechis reminded the audience that they have to be willing to test and re-test applications with users. Otherwise you can't get it right.
Also, building successful mobile apps requires developers and user experience people who are passionate about their subjects. He pointed out one Google employee who went to great pains to make sure that Google Maps gave directions correctly for Japan. Since street signs and markers in Japan are different than in the West, this employee had to go to great lengths to make sure that the app rendered maps and gave directions in ways that are useful for that country.
Google always strives to keep the look and feel of any Google application consistent, both within the type of function (i.e. all blog search results look different than map search results) and on devices (a map search on a desktop looks and feels like a map search on a mobile phone and vice versa). If mobile applications are to be universal, then developers have to maintain patterns and designs across all screens.
Localization is intensified
Rechis said, bluntly, that the mobile Web is balkanized, "The Pangaea of the Web is gone." And don't expect this to change anytime soon, either. Thanks to carrier portals and off portal applications, there is no one mobile standard to develop for.
In the mobile world developers have to be prepared to optimize for different devices, browsers, languages, carriers, countries and cultures.
I was struck by a couple of things during this presentation. One, I didn't realize just how much care Google takes in creating its new applications. They are really dedicated to making things as simple and easy to use as possible. The second was how much Google seems to thrive on its vaguely anarchist internal structure. Rechis pointed out how Google structures its development teams and the process seems to account for a lot of internal dissent and even debate. I was amazed at how different this is from most development efforts I have ever been a part of.
The third thing I was struck by was the level of Google's commitment to mobility. I know they've been talking about it, but last night I was impressed by just how much they are working to build a truly useful mobile Web. I think everyone else out there making mobile applications should take note.
Google's ambitions going mobileByMarguerite Reardon
Staff Writer, CNET News
See all NewsmakersYahoo! Buzz
Related StoriesGoogle launches new mobile GmailNovember 2, 2006Google helps mobile users outJuly 25, 2006Google goes mobileJanuary 12, 2006
Google--the premier online company in the traditional Internet world--has for the past year been focusing its attention on the mobile market.
The company has steadily introduced new services designed specifically for the small screen. In January, it released theGoogle Personalized Home, which lets people access Gmail, news, RSS feeds and other information from their personalized Google home page on mobile phones and PDAs. The service is free in the U.S. and works with any phone that contains an XHTML-capable Web browser.
This summer it launched a downloadableJava application for Google Maps, enabling cell phone users to get information about local restaurants and movies theaters as well as live traffic information on the map.
And this month, it improved its mobileGmail client to allow quicker access to the application. At the same time, Google has been busy developing partnerships with mobile operators, such as Sprint Nextel and Cingular Wireless. It's also been testing new business models, like text-based mobile advertising, and more localized advertising.
With nearly 3 billion mobile phone subscribers in the world expected by the end of 2007, Google sees great potential for extending its presence throughout the world using the mobile platform, said Deep Nishar, director of product management for Google. CNET News.com recently chatted with Nishar by phone from his office in California to get the scoop on the company's mobile strategy and to get some insight as to how the emerging mobile market might evolve in the next couple of years.
Q: Google has been making a lot of mobile announcements lately. What exactly is the company's strategy when it comes to the mobile market?
Nishar: Our strategy is predicated on three things. The first is that mobile devices are very personal. People carry them wherever they go. And unlike the home PC, people don't share their mobile phones. So it's very important to make the service very personalized.
That's why we've launched Google Personalized Home and mobile Gmail. So people can get this data on their mobile phones all in one place without going to a bunch of different sites.
The second big category we are focusing on is location-based services. People take their cell phones with them everywhere, and they generally are looking for information in the context of a location. When you're on your mobile device and you type in the keyword "movie," you're likely searching for a movie theater because you want to go see a movie. But if you typed in "movie" on your desktop at home, you may be searching for more general information about movies. With Google Maps, we can show you the location of the nearest movie theater, the times of the shows, and even let you purchase tickets from your phone.
Given that our mission is to organize the world's information, it's important to make sure our applications work everywhere in the world.
But right now, users have to type in their location or a ZIP code, right?
Yes, but the next step is tointeract with advanced cell phone technology, like Global Positioning Systems or GPS, so that the device knows where you are. We're already doing that withHelio's new phones. The whole point is to make the user's life simpler.
What's the third piece of the strategy?
In mobile, a one-size-fits-all solution won't work. Given that our mission is to organize the world's information, it's important to make sure our applications work everywhere in the world. But you can't assume that products popular in one region will be popular everywhere.
SMS is a good example. It's very popular in Europe and is gaining popularity in the U.S. But people in Japan don't use SMS; they use mobile e-mail. So it wouldn't make sense to launch an SMS-based search application there because people won't use it. So we need to make sure our services can be accessed globally, but the product execution is local.
So how does Google expect to make money from the new mobile applications it's developing?
We are alreadytesting text-based mobile advertising in Japan and several other countries. And so far the testing is going quite well. So that's one avenue for us to make money. But I think that mobile is still a new medium. The number of people accessing data applications on phones is still relatively low. As usage increases, I am certain there will be other business models that emerge.
Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, said earlier this month that he believes mobile advertising could make cell phones free for consumers. How would that work exactly?
What Eric was alluding to is that it's in the best interest of mobile operators, content developers and application providers like us, to make sure that everyone who wants a mobile device has one. Unlike the traditional Internet, the mobile market is based on a well-defined ecosystem. Mobile operators set pricing on content and provide access. Device makers select operating systems. And then you have service providers like Google that offer applications.
So the entire ecosystem will have to figure out different ways to get mobile devices into users' hands. It won't be just mobile advertising. But the market is still nascent, so we don't know what it will be yet.
Report: Google’s Mobile Strategy
Phil Hendrix Tuesday, August 18, 2009Join the Discussion
Mobile communication is one of the most complex engineered systems imaginable, encompassing hardware, software, networks, services, applications, app stores and other pieces, all of which must be carefully integrated and managed to work as expected. Given all the interdependencies, user experience is often determined by the weakest link in the chain. Over the last 2-3 years, advances in key links — network speed, UIs (user interfaces), devices, and applications — have improved significantly, fueling a “virtuous spiral” and unleashing pent-up demand among users. We believe that Google, along with other companies challenging the status quo, will shift the S-curve of innovation and adoption forward, enabling advances to happen sooner, faster and on a wider scale than would otherwise occur. By definition, disruptive innovations are usually at odds with incumbents’ interests. As a result, the legacy mobile business as it exists today is likely to be transformed significantly. Building on the earlier GigaOM Pro research note, “Will Google Lead the Way in Mobile App Innovation?” this research note describes elements of Google’s current mobile strategy and outlines areas where Google is likely to focus in the future.
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Introduction Google's Vision for Mobile Isn't the Status Quo in Mobile Working? Google's Efforts to Unleash Mobile Innovation Google: A "Frenemy" for Mashups? Will Location Data Be the New Clickstream? Who Will Liberate Content? Latency Kills Teaching the World to Speak English In Google We Trust?
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Read more:http://pro.gigaom.com/2009/08/googles-mobile-strategy/#ixzz0R5eKDfOg

Palm App Catalog应用数目虽少  但用户下载踊跃

Palm Pre及webOS成功出击 Palm即将东山再起
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但Palm在2009年1月8日于CES 2009,发表令人眼睛为之一亮与广受好评、崭新的webOS及首款搭载该操作系统手机Palm Pre后,一切有了180度的大转变。对华尔街来说,严重亏损及负债累累的阴影似乎已远离该公司,2009年上半以来,Palm股价一路狂升。
整体产品实力,尤其是软件使用界面设计及触控操作流畅性,被誉为最能与苹果(Apple) iPhone分庭抗礼的Palm Pre,由电信业者Sprint取得美国市场独家销售权,6月6日上市后,2个月以来销售状况表现亮眼,而大多数消费者及评论家对于实机使用状况亦给予高度评价。
Palm Pre成功在美打响第一炮后,预计于2009年下半起在欧洲部分地区上市,2010年更因合作销售的电信业者剧增,Palm Pre及后续其它webOS机种出货量可望大幅成长,而Palm这家昔日PDA霸主,亦即将演出东山再起、重返光荣的戏码,进一步与苹果在智能型手机市场争锋。
Palm的东山再起  背后牵扯著与苹果间的恩怨情仇
Palm Pre与iPhone 3G S有志一同  拉升硬件运算能力
webOS软件功能引领风骚  多工展现及操作为最大优势
webOS平台晚1年推出  落于十分不利竞争地位
webOS平台应用数目少是最大弱点  但非致命伤
Palm旧爱及反苹果人士为Palm Pre早期采用主力
不畏亏损阴霾罩顶  Palm 2009年股价靠Palm Pre疯狂飙升
Palm最大股东Elevation Partners背后金主与苹果渊源深厚
让Palm有机会起死回生的关键人物原为Steve Jobs得力助手
Palm Pre与iPhone 3G S重要硬件规格比较
webOS具有跨全系统及应用程序的Notification System
webOS的Palm Synergy功能让沟通更有效率
webOS的Universal Search让查找更便捷


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整合3G基频处理器(Baseband Processor)与应用处理器(Application Processor)的单处理器(Single CPU /Single Processor)智能型手机方案,有助于手机厂商降低硬件成本与加速开发时程。近年推出此种方案的芯片业者,以高通(Qualcomm)产品线涵盖低阶到高阶智能型手机最多样化,Marvell则专攻800MHz高速处理器,Freescale为诺基亚(Nokia) Symbian手机设计低成本方案,而与诺基亚合作关系深厚的Broadcom与ST-Ericsson则由3G基频芯片延伸至整合式处理器方案。
目前相关产品规格上以高通最积极,自行开发与ARM Cortex-A8同等级的Scorpion处理器核心用于2008年推出的行动运算平台Snapdragon和2009年推出的MSM8xxx芯片组。ST-Ericsson则推出ARM Cortex-A9核心的U8500平台,率先导入诺基亚手机。预计2010年采用上述高规格单处理器的智能型手机将开始问世。
Palm EOS手机2009/07/25-杨翠微
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Palm EOS手机又称Pixie,为2009年推出的Palm Pre手机后续机种,同样采用Palm自己开发的WebOS操作系统。EOS预计2009年底前上市,具4频GSM/HSDPA传输能力,由美商AT&T率先发售。
Palm EOS手机最大特色在于仅1.06公分的轻薄机身与100公克的重量,另搭配2.6寸大小、320x400分辨率屏幕,定位于中阶智能型手机。
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目前高通在高阶MSM8xxx系列产品和Snapdragon平台都采用1GHz 以上等级Scorpion处理器,此外,针对多媒体功能智能型手机推出的MSM7230,也内建800MHz Scorpion处理器。