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对于教育技术学的研究领域,dragonroar的观点是主要由媒体研究、教与学的心理学和系统科学三部分组成(进入阅读该文)。所以我所梳理整个科学的思路和对经典论著的观念也就不言而喻了。但除此而外,dragonroar也赞成从广泛的视野来鸟瞰,这样教育技术学这个稚嫩的学科才能获得发展啊。更多的整理将于近期做出,也欢迎大家争鸣!这个是最近和一些同仁对教育技术的Reading List讨论所得的结果(进入阅读该讨论),尽管不尽如人意,但亦算差强人意了。
(美)加 涅(Gagne,Robert M.)主编 《教育技术学基础》 教育科学出版社 1992
(美)加 涅(Gagne,Robert M.)《教学设计原理》《学习的条件和教学论》 教育科学出版社
(爱尔兰)基更(Desmong.keegan) 《远距离教育基础》《远程教育研究》《远距离教育理论原理》 中央广播电视大学出版社
[美]巴巴拉·西尔斯、丽塔·里齐著 乌美娜、刘雍潜等译《教学技术:领域的定义和范畴》 中央广播电视大学出版社 1999
Laurillard Diana (1993) Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology. London: Routledge
Barbara B.Seels,Rita C.Richey, 《Instructional Technology: Definition and domains》 1994
Patricia L.Smith,Tillman J.Ragan 《Instructional Design》 1992
C.M.Reigeluth, 《 Instructional Design theories and Models》 1983
Timothy J.Newby,Donald A.Stepich,James D.Lehman, 《Instructional Technology forTeaching and Learning:Designing Instruction, Integrating Computers,and UsingMedia》
Barbara Seels,Zita Glasgow, 《Making Instructional Design Decisions》,SecondEdition 1998
William J. Rothwell and H.C.Kazanas, 《Mastering the Instructional Design Process:a systematic approach》,San Francisco, Calif,1998
联合国教科文组织 《学会生存》《学会学习》《教育——财富蕴于其中》
南国农 《电化教育学》 高等教育出版社 1985
尹俊华、戴正南 《教育技术学导论》 高等教育出版社 1994
乌美娜 《教学设计》高等教育出版社 1994
施良方 《学习论》人民教育出版社 1994 《课程论》
邵瑞珍 《学与教的心理学》《教育心理学》上海人民出版社 1988
祝智庭 《现代教育技术——信息化教育》 高等教育出版社 2002
高利明 《现代教育技术》中央电大出版社 1997
黄清云 《国外远程教育的发展与研究》 上海外语教育出版社 2000
张祖忻主编 《美国教育技术的理论极其演变》 上海外语教育出版社 1994
尹君华主编 《教育技术学导论》 高等教育出版社 1996
国家教委师范教育司组编 《教学技术基础》 北京师范大学出版社 1997
沈亚强、蔡铁权、程燕平、楼广赤编 《现代教育技术基础》 浙江大学出版社 1998
南国农、李运林编 《电化教育学(第二版)》 高等教育出版社 1998
容世彦、和仲池编 《现代教育技术基础》 宇航出版社 1999
龚义建、黎仰安编 《现代教育技术基础》 华中理工大学出版社 1999
李克东,谢幼如编著 《多媒体组合教学设计》 科学出版社 1992
顾明远主编 谢邦同、乌美娜主编 《教育技术》 高等教育出版社 1999
李运林 《电视教材编导与制作》 高等教育出版社 1991
李克东 《教育科学研究方法》高等教育出版社 1990
何克抗 《建构主义——革命传统教学的理论基础》 高等教育出版社 1985
师书恩 《计算机辅助教育》 北师大出版社 1992
何克抗 《计算机辅助教育》 高等教育出版社 1997
南国农、李运林 《教育传播学》 高等教育出版社
李克东、谢幼如 《多媒体组合教学设计》 科学出版社 1994
Copyright ?2002 The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.  All rights reserved.
Recommended Readings
Mellon Foundation Papers
Instructional Technology and Higher EducationCost AssessmentPedagogic Assessment
Experiments in the Cost-Effective Uses of Technology in Teaching:  Lessons from the Mellon Program So Far by Saul Fisher and Thomas I. Nygren, March, 2000
Cost-Effective Uses of Technology in Teaching:  Current Issues and Future Prospects by Thomas I. Nygren and Saul Fisher, October, 1998
Anglin, Gary.  Instructional Technology:  Past, Present, and Future.  Second Edition.  Englewood, CO:  Libraries Unlimited, 1995.
Collins, Marie and Zane L. Berge.   Computer Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom.  Volume II:  Higher Education.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton Press, 1995.
Ely, D. P. and Plomp, T. (Eds.)  Classic Writings on Instructional Technology.   Englewood, CO:  Libraries Unlimited, 1996.
Emerson, John D. and Mosteller, Frederick.  "Interactive Multimedia in College Teaching", 43-75, in Robert Maribe Branch and Mary Ann Fitzgerald (Eds.), Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 1998.  Volume 23.  Englewood, CO:  Libraries Unlimited, 1998.
Jonassen, D. H. (Ed.).  Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. New York:  Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1996.
Katz, Richard N. and Associates.  Dancing with the Devil:   Information Technology and the New Competition in Higher Education.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1999.
Khan, Badrul. (Ed.)  Web-Based Instruction.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Educational Technology Publications, 1997.
Laurillard, Diana.   Rethinking University Teaching:   A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology.  London:  Routledge, 1993.
Littleton, Karen, and Light, Paul. (Eds.).  Learning with Computers:  Analysing Productive Interaction.  London and New York:  Routledge, 1999
McArthur, David J., and Lewis, Matthew W.  Untangling the Web:  Applications of the Internet and Other Information Technologies to Higher Learning.  Santa Monica, CA:  RAND, 1998.
Oblinger, Diana G., and Rush, Sean C.  (Eds.).  The Learning Revolution.  Bolton, MA:  Anker Publishing Company, 1997.
Plomp, T., and Ely, D. P. (Eds.).  International Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.  Second Edition.  New York:  Elsevier Science Ltd, 1996.
Szucs, Andr醩, and Wagner, Anna (Eds.).  Universities in a Digital Era:  Transformation, Innovation, and Tradition.  1998 EDEN Conference.  Budapest:  European Distance Education Network, 1998.
The cost assessment element of CEUTT studies consists in calculating  monies expended to teach material with and without the use of instructional technology.  Those figures yield one-half of the cost-effectiveness analysis (the other half being the pedagogic outcomes achieved in the two teaching scenarios).  The experimental design accordingly needs to reflect a capture of the right sorts of costs--which in turn entails paying attention to the precise nature of interventions being measured, and a costing method appropriate to the institution and technological intervention.  Two bodies of literature, then, are relevant:  on costing generally, and on cost-effectiveness analysis.
* Jenny, Hans. Cost Accounting In Higher Education: Simplified Macro- and Micro-Costing Techniques.  Washington, DC:  NACUBO, 1996.
This introduction to cost accounting in higher education is published by the professional organization most concerned with the practice.
Ehrmann, Stephen C. and Milam, John H., Jr.  Flashlight?Cost Analysis Handbook:  Modeling Resource Use in Teaching and Learning with Technology.  Washington, DC:  The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group, 1999.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
* Levin, Henry M. and McEwan, Patrick.  Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.  Second Edition.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE Publications, Inc., 2001.
This is a very helpful guide to the character of studies supported under the CEUTT program. In the first edition of the book, Levin focused on analyzing instructional technology interventions as his primary case study; in this second edition, a variety of case studies are offered.
* Rumble, Greville. The Costs and Economics of Open and Distance Learning.  London:  Kogan Page, 1997.
This book provides a useful overview of various modes of cost-related analysis, as related in particular to distance learning (and not instructional technology in the more general sense).  Rumble draws on a number of previously conducted studies in the literature to illustrate techniques and strategies associated with cost analyses.   Distance learning differs from learning with instructional technology-- much distance learning is not high-tech, and many uses of instructional technology lie outside distance learning.  So the lessons here are not always or directly applicable to cost analysis of teaching with instructional technologies.
Rumble emphasizes activities-based costing, a fairly common view in the literature on costing information and instructional technology usage.  Yet there are other approaches available, and it may be valuable to pursue costing in accord with the institution‘s typical accounting practices.  Otherwise, there may be considerable extra difficulties in extracting the requisite costing data from the institution‘s records.
Alexander, S., and Hedberg, J.  "Evaluating technology-based learning: Which model?", in K. Beattie, C. McNaught, and S. Wills (Eds.), Interactive Multimedia in University Education: Designing for Change in Teaching and Learning.  Volume A 59, 233-244.  Amsterdam: Elsevier B. V. (North Holland), 1994.
Baker, Eva, and Harold O‘Neil.  Technology Assessment in Education and Training.  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994.
Beattie, K.  "How to avoid inadequate evaluation of software for learning", in K. Beattie, C. McNaught, and S. Wills (Eds.), Interactive Multimedia in University Education:  Designing for Change in Teaching and Learning.  Volume A 59, 245-258.  Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B. V. (North Holland)), 1994.
Clark, Richard E.  "Media Will Never Influence Learning", in Educational Technology Research and Development (42) 2 (1994):  21-29.
Ehrmann, Stephen C. and Ziga, Robin Etter.  The Flashlight?Evaluation Handbook.  Washington, DC:  The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group, 1997.
Kozma, Robert.  "Will Media Influence Learning:  Reframing the Debate", in Educational Technology Research and Development (42) 2 (1994): 7-19.
Kulik, Chen-Lin, and Kulik, James A.  "Effectiveness of Computer-Based Instruction:  An Updated Analysis", in Computers in Human Behavior (7) (1991) 75-94.
McNaught, C., McTigue, P. T., Fritze, P. A., Tregloan, P. A., Hassett, D., Whithear, K., and Browning, G.  "Evaluating the Impact of Technology on Student Learning in Higher Education", Apple University Consortium Conference. (195-206). University of Western Australia, Perth:  University of Western Australia, 1995.
Reeves, T. C.  "Evaluating What Really Matters in Computer-Based Education". Open Learning Technology Corporation Ltd, 1996.
Reeves, T. C.  "Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia". Educational Technology, (32) 5 (1992):  47-53.
Wills, S., and McNaught, C.  "Evaluation of Computer-Based Learning in Higher Education", Journal of Computing in Higher Education, (7) 2 (1996):   106-128.