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命题角度1   名词词组以及普通名词在具体语境中的运用

1.(典型例题) The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has         all over the country.

A. companies            B. branches    C. organizations        D. businesses

  [考场错解]  A或D

  [专家把脉]  本题考查名词的意义和用法。company“公司”,organization“组织”,business“买卖,商业”,branchd(地方办事处或分支机构”。根据题意“这家银行的总部在北京,但在全国各地都有分支结构”,因此选B.

  [对症下药]  B

2.(典型例题)] Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within         of little children.

A. hand                 B. reach    C. space                D. distance

  [考场错解]  A或D

  [专家把脉]  考生所熟悉的是课本上out of(ones)reach的说法。根据语境不难看出这是一个祈使句,这里习惯表达还可以是beyond/within(ones)reach,意思是“手不能及”。错误的根源在于考生只是记住其中的一种搭配,而语言是灵活的,多变的。   

  [对症下药]  B

3.(典型例题) The face of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a           of 60 miles.

A. length               B. distance   C. way                  D. space

  [考场错解]  A或D

  [专家把脉]  名词按意义可划分为普通名词和专有名词。这道题主要是要辨清四个名词的具体含义。length长度;distance距离;way道路,方法;space空间,太空。结构“a distance of + 数字”来表示“有……的距离”。

  [对症下药]  B

4.(典型例题)In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the in personality.

A. contact              B. contrast   C. connection           D. conflict

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  拼写相似或意义相近的名词是最容易造成错误的选择。四个名词的意义分别是:contact接触,联系,交际;contrast对比,对照;connection联系,关系;conflict争论,冲突,抵触,斗争。从句意来看应该选D项。

  [对症下药]  D

再如:(典型例题)Chinese arts have won the       of a Lot of people outside China.

A. enjoyment            B. appreciation   C. entertainment        D. reputation

  [对症下药]  B  指赢得了别人的欣赏。

5.(典型例题) He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his       was seen at its best when he worked with others.

A. temper               B. appearance    C. talent              D. character

[考场错解]  A或C

  [专家把脉]  本题考查意义相近名词的用法。temoper脾气;appearace外貌,仪表;slent天才,才能;character品性,性格,品度。根据句意应该是指和别人共同工作时的性格,因此填Characler.

  [对症下药]  D


1.英语中专有名词是指个人、国家、地方、机构、组织等所有的名称,如Asiathe Nile,China,THE Great Wall.普通名词(一般可为数),表示一类的人或物的个体,如:car ,book,student等;集体名词(一般为不可数),表示一群人或一类物的集合体,如jewelry,class,majority等;抽象名词(一般为不可数),表示品质、行为、状态、感情或其他抽象概念如 danger,anger,friendship,encouragement等;物质名词(一般为不可数),表示无法分为个体的实物,如salt,water,coffee,silk等。

2.名词词组一般由一个中心名词来构成,如:the World Cup,a woman teacher,thje blind 等。也可台是“限定词+前置修饰词中心词+后置修饰语”来构成,如:a four milestrip 或a four-mile trip,a son in-law 等。


1   Flight BA 123 to Vienna is now boarding at _

    A. Gate 21             B. 21st Gate   C. the Gate 21         D. 21 Gate

答案: A

解析:Gate 21指21号门,也可说the 21st Gate.

2   —Hi, this way, please.

  —OK. I sometimes have no sense of         when I arrive at the cross road.

    A. position            B. direction  C. situation           D. condition

答案: B


3   Now I come here at the __ of Mr. Smith to assist him finishing the work.

    A. require             B. remark  C. demand              D.request

答案: D

解析:at the request of sb.或at sbs request是固定 短语,“应某人的请求”。

4   She waited in      for her mothers letter.

    A.anxious              B. anxiety   C.anxiously            D. antique

答案: B

解析:短语in axiety表示“处于一种焦虑的状态或情态。” 

5   There  were some       flowers on the table.

A. artitlcial          B. unnatural   C. false               D. unreal.

答案: A

解析:强调不是天然生长的,而是“人工的、人 造的。”

命题角度2   名词的可数和不可数 

1.(典型例题)The young dancers looked so channing in their beautiful clothes that we took      pictures of them.

A. many of             B. masses of   C. the number of        D. a large number of

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  many可以直接修饰可数名词复数形式,而manyof后常有the来表示部分,这是错误的原因。number of才表示“大量、很多”,选项D常用来修饰不可数名词,而水ctures是可数名词。masses of是非正式用语,后可接可数名词。

  [对症下药]  B

2.(经典题)He gained his __     by printing      of famous writers.

A. wealth; work         B. wealths; works   C. wealths; work        D. wealth; works

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  wealth出(财富)是不可数名词,没有复数。work当“工作”讲时,是不可数名词;但当“著作”讲时,是可数名词,在此句中要用复数形式。

3.(辽宁)I have done much of the work. Could you please finish         in two days?

A. the rest             B. the other   C. another              D. the others

  [考场错解]  B或D

[专家把握]  根据语境要取代的是前文的不可数名词 work当“工作”讲时,是不可数名词;但当“著作”讲时,是可数名词,在此句中要用复数形式。

[对症下药]  A



2.有些名词用作可数名词时,表示个体的人或物,而用作不可数名词时,则表示 一类的人或物集合体。例如:

My grandfathers hair is grey.(泛指头发)

She has got grey hairs.(指一根根头发)

这些名词的单复数形式有不同的含义,再如:water 水, waters 水域;danger危险,a danger 一个危险人物。Advice (劝告),advices(消息);arm(手臂),arms(军火);cloth(布),clothes(衣服);custom(习惯),customs(海关)等。


1   Four __ are visiting our school now. two of them are        .

A. Russians; policemen       B. Russians; policeman      C. Russian man; policemen  D. Russian; policemen

答案: A


2   You know I have no __ for foreign languages.

    A. knowledges         B. gift   C. character            D. characters

答案: B

解析:make sense of sth.是固定搭配,意为“弄懂,搞清楚”。

3   Perhaps we need to clear away these books to make for our new students.

A. place     B. area    C. room       D. space

答案: C


命题角度3   名作定语和在一些固定短语中的用法

1.(经典题)Your fluency in Chinese gives you an advantage    __ the other candidates for the job.

A. for         B. with    C. than        D. over

  [考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  此题看上去是介词或连词的选择,实际是对名词advantage用法的考查。如果单纯从汉语思维角度来理解,很可能认为“比别人怎么样”用than,实际上短语have an advantage over 是“比…具有优势”的意思,是固定搭配。

  [对症下药]  D

2.(典型例题)He got to the station early,        missing his train.

A. in case of            B. instead of   C. for fear of            D. in search of

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  容易混淆的是选项A和C.短语in case of是“万一,一旦出现……情况”。instead of是“代替,而不”。in search of是“寻找、搜寻”,都不符合题意。for fear of是“担心、害怕、为免于某种情况出现”的意思,最符合语境。

  [对症下药]  C

3.(经典题) Weve missed the bus. Im afraid we have no but to take a taxi.

A. way                  B. choice   C. possibility          D. selection

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  汉语习惯会理解成没有办法了,所以有可能错选A。这里是固定短语have no choice but to do something,意思是“除了做…别无选择”。

[对症下药]  B

4.(典型例题) The classroom is big enough         , but well have to move if we have more students.

A. for the moment       B. on the moment   C. in a moment          D. for a moment

  [考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  本题考查短语的意义和用法。For the moment目前,暂时;in a moment马上,立刻;for a moment 片刻,一会儿。根据题意,应该填for the moment.

  [对症下药]  A


    1.作直接定语的中词一般是表示 时间、地点、材料和类别的名词。如:summer school ,streer lights,paper money,coffee cup,women doctors.当名词作直接定语时应该注意以下几个问题。

(1)名词作直接定语时一般 用单数,例如:a book srore ,a traffic light,a ticket office,a bus driver ,aboy friend,它们的复数形式分别是 book stores,traffic lights,ticket offices,bus drivers,boy friends.但是man ,woman作定语时,要与所修饰的名词汇的数保持一致。例如: a man teacher ,这绵复数形式是men teachers.

(2)某些常有用复数形工的名词作直接定语旱也用复数。例如:a goods train,a cloths shop,a sales department,a sports field,a news reporter等



You can take as many as you like because they are free of          .

A.charge      B.fare      C.money       D.pay

此题的答案选 A.be free of charge 是固定用法,意思是“免费”。


1   Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give out    __ oxygen to ns.

A. in case              B. in turn   C. in return            D. in addition

答案: B

解析:短语in turn是“反过来”的意思。

2   His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any         of it.

A. explanation          B. meaning   C. sense                D. guess

答案: C

解析:make sense of sth.是固定搭配,意为“弄懂,搞 清楚”。

3   The new students are making __ for the coming __ meeting.

A. preparations; sports  B. preparation; sport   C. preparations; sport   D. preparation; sports

答案: A

解析:短语make preparations for sth./to do sth中preparation常用复数形式,sprot作定语时也常用复数形式。

命题角度4    冠词常见的习惯搭配用法和部分物质名词、抽象名词具体化之后的冠词用法

1 (典型例题 )After dinner he gave Mr. Richardson     __ ride to _   _ Capital Airport.

A. the; a     B.a; the  C./; a       D./; the

[考场易错]  D

[专家把脉]  本题是考查冠词的基本用法。名词ride这里是表示“搭乘”的含义,是可数名词;后者是由普通名词,通常有定冠词。

[对症下药]  B

2.(典型例题): It is __ world of wonders,world where anything can happen.

A.a; the     B.a; a   C. the; a      D./; /

[考场错解]  A

[专家把脉]  一般来说,第二次出现的名词前用定冠词,所以会错选A但这里world都是泛指,根据语境“这是一个充满奇迹的世界,一个任何事情都可能发生的世界。”应该用不定冠词。

[对症下药]  B

3.(典型例题)The most important thing about cotton in history is __ part that it played in           Industrial Revolution.

A./;/      B. the;/ C. the; the    D.a; the

[考场错解]  D

[专家把脉]  分清定名词在语境中是泛指还是特指是答题的关键。本题part意思是“作用”,特指工业革命时期所起的作用,是特指,普通名词构成的只有名词前用the.

  [对症下药]  C

4.One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain __ good knowledge of basic word formation.

A. /         B. the    C. a          D. one

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  因为knowledge是不可数名词,所以很多考生会错选A.但这里knowledge前有修饰词修饰,从而抽象名词具体化,前面需加不定冠词。又如:He has a good knowledge of English.

  [对症下药]  C

5.I cant remember when exactly the Robinsons left __ city.  I  only  remeber  it  was   __ Monday.

A. the;the            B. a;the   C. a;a                D. the;a

[考场错解]  A

[专家把脉]  本题考查冠词的用法。Leave the ciry 离开了他所住的那座城市,是特指。星期前还常不用冠词,但本题中a mondqy 表示统指,表示某个星期一。

[对症下药]  D


1.不定冠词一般有any或one 的意思,但不强调数目概念,只用来指事物,说明其名称或种类。

  (1) 泛指人、事、物的类别。例如:

   A plane is a machine than can fly .(泛指飞机)


    Mary was a teacher in our school .(泛指教师)

    (3)表示one,every 或per的意义。例如:

     My father studies Japanese four hours a day .(相当于per)


A. have a swim/walk/talk/dance/look/quarrel

B. have a cold, have a good time, keep a diary,in a hurry, once in a while, at a loss, for a while,once up on a time, all of a sudden, tell a lie, do sb. a favor, at a mouthful, at a distance.



The Greens are at table.(格林一家人)


    the Tang Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, in the 2010s


注意: play the piano 和 have a piano


    by the hour(按小时) ;by the dozen (论打); by the yard (按码)



    on the left/fight, in the east/west,

in the evening, on the other hand, in the end,

in the daytime



    Comrade Li was chairman of the meeting.

Spring is the best season of the year.


例如:He joined the army in the spring of 典型例题   (2)在某些特别结构中不用冠词。例如:

    Child as he is, he knows right from wrong. (child前冠词省略)

He entered the forest, gun in hand. (gun 和 hand 前冠词省略)


    A. by car, by bike, by train, 但take a bus, in a boat, on the bike.

    B. Chinese s French 但 the Chinese language.


sit at table 吃饭,

sit at the table 坐在桌旁,

be in charge of 负责……,

be in charge of 在……掌管之下

take place 发生,

take the plac 代替

in possession of 拥有,

in the possession of 为……所有

in the sight of 看得见,

in the sight of 据……的见解

in place of 代替,

in place of 在……的地方

be of age成年,

be of an age take advice 同龄

take the advice 征求意见;

take the advice 听从劝告

out of question 不成问题,

out of the question 根本不可能

make beds 制作床,

make the bed 整理床铺

in the eyes of sb.在某人韵心目中,在某人看来


1   He has __ great interest in history, especially in_   _ history of Tang Dynasty.

A.a; the    B.a; /   C./; the     D./; a

答案: A


2   Apples are usually sold by _   _ weight, and eggs are sometimes sold by       dozen.

A. the; the           B. /; a   C. /; the             D. the; a

答案: C

解析:前者by weight表示“以重量”;后者by the dozen表示“按打”。

3   Xiamen is _   _ most beautiful coastal city and I believe I will come for       scond time.

A. a; a                B. the; the   C. the; a              D. a; the

答案: A

解析:前者a most beautiful相当于very;后者a second表示“又一次”。

4   After the 1980s, the west be came Godlike to many Chinese be cause of        Westermerswealth, and      freedom to do.

A. \; \               B. the; the  C. the; \             D. \; the

答案: D


5   He likes       music so much that I think it right to buy him __    MP3 as     __ birthday Present.

A. the;an;a           B./;an;the  C. \;an;a             D. the;a;a

答案: C



预测角度 1   名词作直接定语与名词所有格作定语的区别

1.The __    is just around the corner and you wont miss it.

  A. bicycles shop           B. bicycle shop    C. bicycles shop            D. bicyclesshop

[解题思路]  表示类别时用名词直接作定语还是用名词所有格作定语,要遵循英语习惯,这要靠平时的积累。例如:a peasant family(peasant习惯用名词直接作定语)农民家庭;a workers family(worker 习惯用名词所有格作定语)工人家庭。有些是可以并存的,但含义不同,例如:the woman teacher这位女教师 the womans teacher这位妇女的老师。the boyfnend男朋友;the boys friend这个男孩的朋友。

  [解答]  B

预测角度2   名词作定语和其同根的形容词作定语的区别

2. When we are in France, China is an __ country.

   A. east          B. easter   C. eastward      D. eastern

  [解题思路]  east东方,东部;eastern country指东方国家。名词作定语强调被修饰成分的内容或功能,但其同根的形容词作定语主要用来说明所修饰的名词的性质、状态或特征。例如:a Wood shed木料棚(用来放木料的棚子)。Gold ring 金戒指(表示戒的内容);golden sun 金色的太阳(表示太阳的特征)。

[解答]  D

预测角度3   冠词在固定短语中的有无问题

3. I didnt expect that Tom would __ my failure to a chieve his own goal.

   A. make use of               B. make the most of    C. take advantage of         D. take the advantage of

[解题思路]  英语中有些短语中没有冠词,如选项A(利用);有些须有定冠词,如选项B(最大程度的利用),而短语takeadvantage。f(为了自己的利益而对某人或某事加以利用)是没有冠词的,需要在学习中注意积累。

  [解答]  C


1   This set of golf clubs was sent by ___   .

A. a friend of my father     B. my fathers friend  C. my father friends       D. a friend of my fathers

答案: D


2   During the Spring Festival shops are usually decorated with        paper chains, leaves of holly.

A. color                   B. colored   C. colorful                 D. coloring

答案: C

解析:colorful指色彩很多;colored指区别于无颜色而言。可以说color photos/films/TV,但必须说colored pencils.

3   — Im afraid I dare not speak in __   public.

—But if you dont have _   _ try, how can you speak to   __ public in the future?

A. the; the; a             B. the; a; the    C./; a; the              D. the; a; /

答案: C

解析:in public在公众场合下;have a try尝试;the public指公众(人们)。



1   Mans first walk on the moon was a staring technological     .

    A. success         B. achievement   C. succession              D. accomplishment

答案: B

解析:success(指通过努力取得令人满意的)成就; achievement(不顾困难,连续努力所取得的)成就。

2   Everyones application for the job must be sent in one week      .

    A. beforehand     B. ahead of time   C. in advance              D. as early as possible

答案: C

解析:in advance预先,含超前的意思;ahead of time 提前;beforehand预先,强调事前;选项D表示“尽早”的意思。

3   When he was a student, his father gave him a monthly _   _ towards his expense.

    A. salary       B. allowance    C. wage                  D. money

答案: B


4   You have the _   _ of working hard and being successful or not working hard and being unsuccessful.

    A. selection               B. choice    C. alternative             D. option

答案: C


5   Have you made out your      for a passport?

    A. appointment             B. application   C. apposition              D. appreciation

答案: B


6   In some case, different approaches _  _ the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theories.

A. to          B. in       C. of           D. for

答案: A

解析:the approach to...为固定搭配,意为“……方法,途径”。

7   They considered the plan in all its __     .

    A. appearances             B. aspects   C. prospect                D. suspect

答案: B


8   Who is the authority __ to the subject?

A. in           B. of       C. over          D. on

答案: D


9   Im in my __ that he is a good manager.

    A. behavior                B. believe   C. beloved                 D. belief

答案: D

解析:in ones belief相信某物某人。

10  I had no choice but to receive part of my previous lecture         those who had been absent from some classes.

    A. for the benefit of      B. on purpose     C. in return for           D. on the pretext of

答案: A

解析:意思是“为了……”。选项B,故意地;选项 C,作为……的报答;选项D,,以……为借口。

11  Now we can pick up _   _ weather information from __    new type of_    _ weather satellite.

    A. the; a; /      B. /; the; the   C./; a; /   D./; a; a

答案: C


12  More and more people choose in the supermarket, for they are especially interested in the __     of goods on offer.

    A. price      B. variety       C. value                   D. amount

答案: B


13  _   _ teacher of my grandmothers is coming the day after tomorrow. Im wondering how old __ woman she would be.

    A. The; a       B.A; a   C. A; the                  D. The; the

答案: B


14  Would you tike _   _ knife and folk, or would you rather use _   _ chopsticks, sir?

    A. the; the                B. a; /              C./; the                   D./; /

答案: B

解析:aknifeandfolk是吃西餐用的一套工具,而  chopsticks为复数形式的名词。

15  The  radiation  of uranium  was  then  regarded  as secret of      nature.

    A.a; the                   B.a; a            C. the; the                D. a; /

答案: D


16  Some of the passengers told the reporters about their_    _ in the burning train.

    A. details                 B. trips               C. events                  D. experiences

答案: D


17  It is _  _ great pleasure to go to _   _ cinema after a weeks hard work.

    A. a; the                  B. the; a           C. a; a                    D. the; the

答案: A

解析:前者抽象名词具体化,后者go to the cinema 是习惯说法。

18  Thank you for sending us __ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us __ great service.

A./; a     B. the; a  C./; /        D. the;/

答案: A

8.A 解析:复数名词vegetables泛指,不用冠词;do sb.a service是固定搭配,意为“对……有帮助/好处”。

19  We stood at the top of the mountain __ east of the city, watching __ burning sun rising.

A. /; a      B. the; a   C. the; the      D. /; the

答案: A


20  Winters in       north of Harbin are for most part beautiful and wonderful.

    A./; a                     B. the; /             C. /; /                    D. the; the

答案: D


21  —This is my new dog. His name is Wisdom.

    —Thats interesting. Why __ did you give him such a name?

    A. in the earth            B. in world          C. on earth                D. on the world

答案: C

22  Read the poem more slowly, with a slight       at the end of each line.

A. pause     B. stop     C. rest          D. space

答案: A

23  As a result of the heavy snow, the highway has been closed up until further      .

    A. news                    B. information             C. notice                  D. message

答案: C

24  —$ 500 ,but that is my last offer.

—OK, it is a__   .

A. cost       B. price     C. reward       D. deal

答案: D

解析:Its a deal:I agree to your terms.

25  —These boxes are too heavy for me to move.

    —Here, Ill give you a hand      them.

A. for       B. to       C. with            D. by

答案: C

解析:短语give a hand to sb./ give sb.a hand表示“给某人帮助”的意思。

26  Those football players had no strict _    _ until they joined our club.

    A. practice                B. education              C. training                D. exercise

答案: C


27  They say that    __ Japanese language is particularly difficult for      __ European.

    A. the; an                 B. a; a           C. the; a                  D. a; the

答案: C

解析:后者a European泛指某个欧洲人。

28  —Would you  lend  me       paper  to  write  paper?

    —Sorry, I havent any.

    A. any; some               B. any; a            C. a; some                 D. some; a

答案: D


29  The building of that school was completed in       August of 典型例题t in        September, 典型例题   A. /; the                  B. the; the           C./; /                     D. the; /

答案: D

30  He walked up to cupboard near the wall and reached out for       second tube.

    A. the; /                  B. the; a             C.a; a                     D./; a

答案: B


31  —Excuse me, are you going to buy_     book?

    —Well, I need it for __ class but it is too expensive.

    A. the; a                  B.a; the          C.a: /                     D./; the

答案: A


32    __ way to understands of new words is to gain __ good knowledge of basic word formation.

    A. The; the                B. One; a              C. A; the                  D. The; /

答案: B


33  —What did you think of __ president?

    —I didnt care for him at first, but after __time I got to like him.

A. the; a    B. /; the   C. the; the     D. /; a

答案: A

解析:前者是说话双方都知道的人,特指;后者after a time:after a while.

34  In recent year, change of weather of the globe has produced       great effect on all the living things on the earth.

A./; a      B.a; /     C. the; a        D.a; a 35 

答案: A


35  In the face of __ failure, its most important keep up __ good state of mind.

A./; a     B.a; /    C. the; /       D./; the

答案: A


36  —Tom you might as well apologize to Mary.

    —     . I didnt mean to harm her.

    A. No way                   B. No problem         C. No chance                D. No means

答案: B

解析:no problem没问题。

37  All these changes will lead to         stronger a more powerful China,        country that can sprise and enrich our planet.

    A.a; a                      B.a; the         C. the; a                   D. the; the

答案: A

38  Whenever I go out,  father warns me to turn       police in time of       trouble.

    A./; the                    B.a; /             C. the; /                   D. the; the

答案: C

解析:police前常用定冠词,in time of trouble是固定用法。

39  She is the only one among the __ writers vstories for children.

    A. woman; writes            B. women; write        C. women; writes            D. woman; write

答案: A

解析:woman作定语时形式随所修饰名词的数变化而变化;后者主语是the only one,所以用单数。

40  About 25 percent  of      European can Speak     __ foreign language besides their native languages.

A. the; a    B. an; the  C. the; the      D./; /

答案: A


41  Higher temperature turning the large ice sheet to water would cause        rise in sea levels worldwide change ____ weather on earth.

A.a; the    B. the; /   C.a; /          D.a; t

答案: A

42  I got bad toothache yesterday, which kept me awake        whole night.

A. a; the    B. /; a    C. the; a       D. a; /

答案: A

解析:have a toothache/headache/stomachache是固定说法,the whole night名词短语作状语。

43  There is a constant flow of people from the countryside the cities, eager for the         _ of modem society.

    A. benefits                 B. goods        C. pleasures                D. possessions

答案: A


44  She is __ success, __ woman as she

    A.a; a                      B./; a            C. a; /                     D. the; the

答案: C


45  The small grocer was at the       of the people owed money to.

A. expense   B. cost      C. mercy         D. sigh

答案: C

解析:at the mercy of任凭……摆布,受……支配;at the expense of有……负担,以……为牺牲;at the cost of以……为代价;at the sight of一看到……就。

46  Im sorry I cant see you immediately, but if yot like to take a seat, I 11 be with you      momerit.

A. for a      B. in a     C. for the       D. at the

答案: B

解析:in a moment立即,马上;for a moment一会儿;for the moment暂时;at the moment此时,此刻。

47  Jane wrote to a pen friend in Japan __  _ for several years.

    A. off and on            B. to and from       C. up and down          D. sooner or later

答案: A

解析:off and on/on and off断断续续地,不时地; to and from来回地。

48  If you ask me, she has too high        of herself.

    A. opinion               B. idea         C. an opinion            D. a regard    

答案: C

解析:have too high an opinion of oneself对自己估计太高,过高地估计自己。可以说have(a)regard for对……尊重或赞许,或hold sb.in regard对……器重或赞赏。

49  To protect his new invention, he took out a       on it.

  A. pattern               B. protection        C. hcense                D. patent

答案: D

解析:take out/obtain a patent on sth.取得一项项……的专利。

50  I saw at once that somebody had been in my study, because some of my books were out of _    _.

A. date      B. sight     C. place         D. order

答案: C

解析:out of place不在原来的位置;out of date过时的;out of order机器等失灵,出现故障。



She died at the age of 15 in one of historys greatest tragedies.  51   her spirit lives on to this day through the diary in which she recorded her   52 .    53  touched bydespair and terror, the message of   54   in her words has inspired many. Anne Frank, the most famous   55  child of World War ]I , is indeed a symbol of the Holocaust (大屠杀). Her secret writings, later published   56  "The Diary of Anne Frank, 57   of two years in the life of a young  Jewish girl hiding in Nazi - controlled Amsterdam. To mark the 75th anniversary of her   58   , on June 12 this year, www. annefiank, org is to   59  some rare photographs and a short film of the girl taken when she was 12. Born in 1929, Anne Frank was a German - Jewish teenager who was 60  to go into hiding to   61  being arrested by the Nazis. She and her family, along with four   62   , spent 25 months in a few small rooms above her fathers office in Am; sterdam. The family was   63   found by the Nazis, and forced to go to concentration camp. In March 1945, nine months after she was arrested and shortly   64  the camp was liberated, Anne Frank died. Her diary, first published in 1947, has become one of the worlds most   65   readbooks. It has been translated into  67 languages. The following is, the most 66 part of anne s diary.

Its  67  for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos (混乱) , suffering and death. I see the world beingslowly transformed into a wilderness. I hear the approaching I?rounder that, one day, will destroy us too. I feel the 68  of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I feel that everything will change for the  69  , that this cruelty shall end and that peace will  77  once more.

                         —July 15, 1944

51. A. Though    B. But      C. Instead     D. While

答案: B


52. A. birth     B. death    C. experiences D. happiness

答案: C


53. A. But       B. Though   C. While       D. However

答案: B

54. A. success   B. victory  C. hope        D. pleasure

答案: C


55. A. hidden    B. lost     C. beaten      D. caught

答案: A


56. A. for       B. by       C. as          D. for

答案: C


57. A. speak     B. tell     C. say         D. talk

答案: B


58. A. death                 B. birth      C. leaving                 D. disappearing

答案: B

59. A. announce  B. report    C. declare    D. publish

答案: D


60. A. lucky     B. asked     C. forced     D. invited

答案: C

6l. A. miss      B. fight     C. avoid      D. protect

答案: C


62. A. rest      B. another   C. others     D. remaining

答案: C


63. A. finally   B. hardly    C. almost     D. nearly

答案: A


64. A. after     B. before    C. when       D. while

答案: A


65. A. wide      B. popular   C. widely     D. popularly

答案: C


66. A. famous    B. difficult C. important  D. necessary

答案: B


67. A. unable    B. impossible C. sorry     D. sad

答案: B


68. A. happiness B. suffering  C. enjoying  D. pleasure

答案: B


69. A. worse     B. harder    C. better     D. happier

答案: C

70. A. remain    B. disappear C. go back    D. return


解析:我感到一切都会向好处发展,残酷的现实即将结束,和平一定会重来。由this  cruelty  shall end反 推这两空均含褒义色彩,应分别填better和return.


  此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个 (√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:





    One day, I was traveling by train. Before I got on it, I


                                     答案: Before改为After

put tea into my glass and waited the attendant to pour water.


                                     答案: wait后加for

Then from the loudspeaker comes the announcers voice,"Dear


                                     答案: comes改为came

passenger, may I have your attention, please? We are sorry to


                                     答案: passenger改为passengers

tell you hot water is hardly not supplied in our train." I was


答案: 去掉hardly

surprised at this. After a while, the attendant came with the


                                      答案: the改为a

cart, shouted, "Soda water, eight yuan a bottle !" I was so


   答案: shouted改为shouting

thirsty that I had to buy, but I felt very uncomfortable. At any


                                      答案: buy后加one或it

rate, the train should supply hot water, or the attendant


   答案: or改为and

 shouldnt make money from the passengers.


   答案: 正确