自制戒指盒:【新闻精解】BBC 2011-11-12 伦敦获2017年田径世锦赛举办权

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 23:15:21

BBC News with Sue Montgomery

The Italian senate has approved a long-delayed economic reform package demanded by the European Union to end the country's debt crisis. The final vote is expected in the lower house over the weekend. Parliamentary approval of the package should lead to the promised resignation of the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. From Rome, Alan Johnston reports.

Italy's politicians are desperate to show that they are responding urgently to the economic crisis, so they are racing this austerity package through the two houses of parliament. The measures include moves to sell off state assets and changes in the tax and pension regimes. But this may be just the start of wider and deeper efforts at reform. It's expected that the new government will be led by Mario Monti, a tough well-respected economist. And he's thought likely to cut back on the cost of the bureaucracy that weighs heavily on business here and to challenge vested interests in the professions and elsewhere.

The new Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has been sworn in as the head of an interim coalition government that'll try and push through the bailout package agreed with European leaders last month. Evangelos Venizelos stays on in the key post of finance minister while the foreign ministry goes to the former opposition.

Stock markets have responded positively to the change of leadership in Greece and the Italian senate approving economic reforms. Shares in most European markets rose between 2% and 3%. Here's Andrew Walker.

The rise in share prices is a sign that markets think Italy may now be beginning serious efforts to improve the government's finances. Another more direct indication from the markets of that is a decline in the interest rate on the debt. For 10-year Italian government bonds, it's still uncomfortably high, but well below the 7% threshold that caused alarm across Europe earlier this week. Implementing these measures will be a challenge, but the senate's move is seen in the markets as a small welcome step.

The United Nations Security Council has taken a decision that in effect ends the current Palestinian bid for UN membership. A Security Council committee approved a report summing up the deep divisions within the council without recommending any action on the Palestinian request. More from Barbara Plett at the UN.

Approving the report was a formality. The next step is up to the Palestinians. They could still push for a symbolic vote; they could decide to try again for full UN membership in a few weeks or months; or they could seek status as a non-member observer state, which would upgrade their current position as observer entity. The Palestinians never expected to win at the Security Council. The US had said it would veto the request. They had, however, hoped to muster the nine votes needed to pass a resolution and so expose America as the main obstacle to their bid for UN membership.

World News from the BBC

The Mexican Interior Minister Francisco Blake Mora has been killed in a helicopter crash outside Mexico City. Mr Blake Mora was one of President Felipe Calderon's closest political allies and played a leading role in the fight against drugs cartels. This report from Ignacio de los Reyes in Mexico.

Francisco Blake Mora was a key member of Mr Calderon's cabinet. He was found dead in central Mexico along with the secretary of human rights and two members of the crew. National TV footage showed the helicopter was completely destroyed after the crash. The president's spokeswoman said the incident was still under investigation. A former Mexican interior minister died in a plane accident in Mexico City exactly three years ago.

A passenger ferry in Turkey has been hijacked off the northwestern port of Izmit. The city's mayor said the hijacker had told the crew he was a member of the Kurdish militant group, the PKK. Turkish media said he claimed to have a bomb and four accomplices. The ferry is being shadowed by three coastguard vessels.

London has beaten the Qatari capital Doha in the bid to host the World Athletics Championships in 2017. The event will be staged in the stadium that's the centrepiece of next year's Olympic Games. The British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was delighted by the decision.

"People often ask what will be the legacy from the Olympics, how will we use these facilities in the future. Well, just a few years on from 2012, we are going to be welcoming back the world's athletes to the world's greatest city."

A newborn baby in Nigeria has been added to a government payroll, earning about $150 a month. The discovery was announced by the attorney general of the northwestern Zamfara state. He said the baby was one of many so-called "ghost workers" found to be getting salaries without performing a job. Records also show that the baby has a diploma.

BBC News

响应欧盟的呼声,意大利参议院已批准施行被搁置已久的一揽子经济改革措施,以结束本国的债务危机。预计在周末众议院会对此进行最后的投票。如若国会批准该一揽子计划,总理贝卢斯科尼将会遵照承诺自动辞职。Alan Johnston来自罗马的报道。


希腊新总理卢卡斯·帕帕季莫斯已宣誓就任临时联合政府领导人。临时联合政府将会尽力促成上月与欧盟领导人达成的一揽子救市计划。Evangelos Venizelos继续担任至关重要的财政部长一职,外交部长则是一前反对派成员。

由于希腊领导层的变动以及意大利参议院批准经济改革方案,股市呈现一片乐观景象。欧洲市场大部分股市上涨2% 至 3%。Andrew Walker报道。


联合国安理会对巴勒斯坦递交的加入联合国申请做出了决定,以了结此事。安理会一委员会通过了一报告,该报告总结了安理会内的严重分歧,但并未提出任何针对巴勒斯坦请求的回应建议。Barbara Plett在联合国带来的更多信息。


墨西哥内政部长弗朗西斯科·布莱克·莫拉(Francisco Blake Mora)在墨西哥城外的直升机坠机事件中身亡。布莱克·莫拉是总统卡尔德龙(Felipe Calderon)最亲密的盟友之一,在打击“毒品托拉斯”行动中发挥了重要的主导作用。Ignacio de los Reyes从墨西哥带来的报道。





尼日利亚一新生儿被列入了政府的发薪名单上——月入约150美元。这一“稀罕事儿”是由扎姆法拉州(Zamfara State)检察长发现的。他称这名婴儿是众多所谓的“影子工人”中的一名,他们不工作照样领取薪金。记录还显示,这名婴儿是有文凭的。