好 diy是什么家具品牌:《中学英语短语与句型词典》——精品

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/03 07:23:42



ability n.能力;才能

1. have / lose the ability to do sth / 失去做某事的能力

He lost the ability to use his hands. 他失去了用手的能力。

She has the ability to speak English fluently. 她能流利地说英语。

2. to the best of one’s ability 竭尽所能

Just try to do the job to the best of your ability. 试着尽你的所能将工作做好。

James always does the work to the best of his ability. 詹姆斯干活总是尽力的。


She has the ability to go to college, but she doesn’t want to. 她有能力上大学,但她不愿去。

但在现代英语中,也可后接of doing sth (不如接不定式普遍,建议初学者慎用),如:

I admire his ability of doing the work quickly. 我羡慕他工作做得快。

able adj.能够;有能力的

be able to 有能力的,有本事的,能(做……)

Will you be able to come to our party? 你能来参加我们的聚会吗?

They are willing and able to help. 他们愿意,也有能力给予帮助。

【注意】be able to 不仅有多种时态形式(通常不用于进行时或与be going to连用),而且还可以与某些情态动词连用(通常不与can连用),甚至还可以有非谓语形式。如:

Will you be able to go? 你能去吗?

I regret not being able to help her. 我很遗憾未能帮助她。

about adv.大约;到处,四处prep.关于;在各处,四处

1. be about sth 忙于(关心)某事

What are you about? 你在干什么?

Do the shopping now, and while you’re about it get me that book from the library. 现在去买东西吧,并顺便给我从图书馆把那本书借回来。

2. be about to (do)

(1) 即将,马上(不与表示具体时间的状语连用)

We are about to start, when it rained. 我们正要开始,就下雨了。

She was about to go to bed when the doorbell rang. 她正要上床睡觉,这时门铃响了起来。

(2) 愿意

I’m not about to lend you any more money. 我不想再借钱给你了。

I’m not about to stop when I’m so close to success. 现在我已接近成功了,我不打算放弃。

3. What / How about

(1) (征求意见或打听消息时)……怎么样,怎么办

What about that matter the other day? 早几天的那件事怎么样了?

What about Jack? We can’t just leave him here. 杰克怎么办?我们不能就这样把他留在这儿。

(2) (提出建议时)……怎么样,……好吗?

How / What about a drink? 喝杯酒怎么样(好吗)

What about a game of table tennis? 打场乒乓球怎么样?

【用法】be about to (do),意为“即将”“马上”时,不与具体的时间状语(soon, tomorrow, immediately )连用,但可与并列连词when(这时)连用。如:

正:He is about to return to his homeland. 他即将回乡。

误:He is about to return to his homeland tomorrow. 我正要上床睡觉,这时电话铃响了。

above prep.在……上面adj.上面的adv.在……之上

1. above all (else) 尤其是,最重要的是

And above all, remember to send us your comments. 最重要的是,别忘了把你们的意见寄来。

Never waste anything, but above all never waste time. 任何东西都不可浪费,特别是不可浪费时间。

2. be above one (one’s head) 太高深,使人不能理解

The problem is above me. 这个问题我不懂。

The lecture was above the heads of most students. 这个讲座大部分学生理解不了。

3. get above oneself 自高自大,自命不凡

Don’t get above yourself. 不要自以为了不起。

Now Tom is getting far above himself. 汤姆现在变得狂妄了。