丝芙兰官网发漏:初初级课文精精听 2010-02-25

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 12:14:22


The population of China is the largest in the world. It has more than 1.2 billion people.(1)___________________________. Because of this, many of China's cities are very large.(2)____________________________. Guangzhou is much smaller. It has 6,660,000. Meihua is going to live in Shanghai and she is a bit worried. Shanghai is the second biggest city in China and has a population of 16,740,000. Herbin is smaller. It has 10,010,000 people. One ineresting city is Shenzhen. Twenty-five year ago,Shenzhen was a small town. Only about 30,000 people lived there. Since 1980 it has grown and grown.(3)________________________. The biggest city in China is Chongqing. It has a population of 30,430,000.

 1. This's more people than there were in the world 150 years ago
2. There're forty cities with populations of more than one million. Beijing,the captial, has more than twelve million people
3. At the end of 1997 more than 1,090,000 were living and working there    





