崔子格的老公:Chinese leaders call for trade liberalization to address global financial problems

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Chinese leaders call for trade liberalization to address global financial problems


08:43, November 25, 2011

BEIJING, Nov. 24 (Xinhua) -- While attending three important international and regional conferences this month, Chinese leaders have put forward sweeping initiatives, including calls for further trade liberalization, to promote global trade and strong economic growth.

The intensive diplomatic activities were carried out against the backdrop of a turbulent global financial market and more practices of trade and investment protectionism by some developed countries.


Addressing the G20 summit in Cannes, Chinese president Hu Jintao said he believed that countries around the world should firmly be committed to free trade and oppose protectionism.

The countries, Hu said, also should move forward the Doha Round negotiations, reaffirm the commitment of not taking new protectionist measures, and work to build a fair, equitable and non-discriminatory international trading system.

Meanwhile, Hu stressed that major efforts should be made to reform the international monetary and trading systems and commodity pricing mechanisms.

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