卓洋水晶是真的吗:中医养生茶TCM tea

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/12 22:32:08
中医养生茶TCM tea         参斛茶太子参15克,石斛10克,五味子5克。将上述药切粗末,用开水冲泡代茶饮,有益气生津、养阴止汗的功效,适用于热病伤阴之口舌干燥、胃脘作痛、干呕纳少、舌红少苔以及老年人气短乏力、头晕心悸等证。



  绿豆酸梅茶绿豆100克,乌梅30克,水煎,代茶饮。有清凉解毒,生津止渴的作用。 TCM tea
 Participation cups of tea heterophylla 15 grams, 10 grams of Dendrobium, Schisandra 5 grams. The rough cut will be the end of medicine, on behalf of the tea with boiling water, with Qi Sheng Jin, Yin antiperspirant efficacy for fever Shangyin the tongue dry, epigastric Zuo Tong, retching pay less, red tongue, little coating, and the elderly popular short fatigue, dizziness, palpitations and other evidence. Dried tangerine peel tea will peel, orange peel, orange water washed, torn into small pieces into a container, add water (15 grams Chen Piga 1000 ml water), cover and cover their strict 30 minutes, get ready to drink. Along with gas, cough, stomach, summer heat, the effect of skin care. Ebony ebony 15 grams of gold and silver tea (with core) soaked with water within 30 minutes into the casserole, add 1000 ml of clean water, low heat and cook for 30 minutes after the soup liquid filtered. Of the two soup pot boiling liquid poured into 100 grams of added sugar, stir well, get ready to drink. Heat treatment, sore throat, swollen gums, dry mouth, thirst, oral ulcers and easy to heat boils, prickly heat, sore, etc. have a certain effect. 100 grams mung bean tea plum, ebony 30 grams, water decoction, on behalf of the tea. A cool detoxification, the role of thirst.