痔疮应该吃什么食物:隐马尔科夫模型HMM自学 (5-2)Viterbi Algorithm

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隐马尔科夫模型HMM自学 (5-2)Viterbi Algorithm


崔晓源 翻译


2d. 反向指针, ‘s





2e. viterbi算法的两个优点




下面给出viterbi算法完整的定义1. Formal definition of algorithm

The algorithm may be summarised formally as:

For each i,, i = 1, ... , n, let :

- this intialises the probability calculations by taking the product of the intitial hidden state probabilities with the associated observation probabilities.

For t = 2, ..., T, and i = 1, ... , n let :

- thus determining the most probable route to the next state, and remembering how to get there. This is done by considering all products of transition probabilities with the maximal probabilities already derived for the preceding step. The largest such is remembered, together with what provoked it.

Let :

- thus determining which state at system completion (t=T) is the most probable.

For t = T - 1, ..., 1

Let :

- thus backtracking through the trellis, following the most probable route. On completion, the sequence i1 ... iT will hold the most probable sequence of hidden states for the observation sequence in hand.

 我们还用天气的例子来说明如何计算状态CLOUDY的部分概率,注意它与Forward算法的区别 还是那句话:怎么样?看到这里豁然开朗了吧。要是还不明白,我就.....................还有办法,看个动画效果:http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/roger/HiddenMarkovModels/html_dev/viterbi_algorithm/s3_pg3.html参数定义:http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/roger/HiddenMarkovModels/html_dev/viterbi_algorithm/s3_pg4.htmlhttp://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/roger/HiddenMarkovModels/html_dev/viterbi_algorithm/s3_pg5.html别忘了,viterbi算法的目的是根据给定的观察状态序列找出最有可能的隐含状态序列,别忘了viterbi算法不会被中间的噪音所干扰。