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[日常用语]美国英语中常出现的习语(Idiom)和口语表达(一) biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:13:00

·A thousand times no!                        绝对办不到

·Don't mention it.                           没关系,别客气。

·Who knows!                                  天晓得

·It is not a big deal!                       没什么了不起

·How come...                                 怎么回事,怎么搞得

·Easy does it.                               慢慢来

·Don't push me.                              别逼我

·Come on!                                    快点,振作起来

·Have a good of it.                          玩的很高兴

·It is urgent.                               有急事

·What is the fuss?                            吵什么

·Still up?                                    还没睡呀

·That's is a boy!                             太好了,好极了

·It's up to youl                              由你决定

·The line is engaged.                         占线

·My hands are full right now.                 我现在很忙

·Dont't make up a story.                      不要捏造事实

·Absence makes the heart grow fonder.         小别胜新婚

·She makes a mess of things.                  她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。

·Get an eyyeful.                              看个够

·He has a quick eye.                          他的眼睛很锐利

·Potluck Party :                             一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。
·Pull over!                                  把车子开到旁边。

·Drop me a line!                             写封信给我。

·Give me a ring. = Call me!                  来个电话吧!

·For here or to go?                          在这吃还是外卖?

·cool; That's cool!                           等于年轻人常用的囗语“酷”,表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。

·What's up? = What's happening? = What's new? 见面时随囗问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Nothing new!”

·Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it!       少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。

·Don't give me a hard time!                   别跟我过不去好不好!

·Get yourself together!                       振作点行不行!

·Do you have the time?                        现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。

·Hang in there. = Don't give up. = Keep trying. 再撑一下。

·Give me a break !                            你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话)

·Hang on.                                     请稍候。

·Blow it. = Screw up.                         搞砸了。

·What a big hassle.                           真是个麻烦事。

·What a crummy day.                           多倒霉的一天。

·Go for it.                                   加油

·You bet. = Of course.                        当然;看我的!

·Wishful thinking.                            一厢情愿的想法。

·Don't be so fussy!                           别那么挑剔好不好。

·It's a long story.                           唉!说来话长。

·How have you been? = How are you doing?      你过得如何?近来可好?

·Take things for granted.                     自以为理所当然。

·Don't put on airs.                           别摆架子。

·Give me a lift! = Give me a ride!            送我一程吧!

·Have a crush on someone.                     迷恋某人。

·What's the catch?                            有什么内幕?

·Party animal.                                爱参加Party的人(喜欢参加舞会的人)。

·Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass.          讨厌的东西、人或事。

·Skeleton in the closet.                      家丑

·Don't get on my nerve!                       别把我惹毛了!

·A fat chance. = A poor chance.               机会很小。

·I am racking my brains.                      我正在绞尽脑。

·She's a real drag.                           她真有点碍手碍脚。

·Spacing out.=daydreaming.                    做白日梦。

·I am so fed up.                              我受够了!

·It doesn't go with your dress.               跟你的衣服不配。

·What's the point? = What are you trying to say? 你的重点是什么?

·By all means.=Definitely.                    一定是。

·Let's get a bite. = Let's go eat.            去吃点东西吧!

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[学习技巧]考研英语面试中常被问到的问题总结 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:12:00


  第一部分、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions)

  1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)

  In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I’m very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.
  2、 What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)


   I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also.

  3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


  I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis.

  4. What is your greatest weakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.   

  5. How do you feel about your progress to date?"(对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)


  I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.

      第二部分、其他常见问题 (Other Interview Questions)

  6.Why did you choose peking university?

  7.Why did you choose MBA?

  8.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?

  9.What has been your greatest accomplishment?

  10.Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses.

  11.What have you learned from the jobs you have held?

  三、行为面试问题(Sample Behavioral Interview Questions)

  12.Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.

  13Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?

  14.Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.

  15.Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.

  16.Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.

  17.Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.

  四、压力面试问题(Sample Stress Interview Questions)

  18.What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?

  19.What are some of the things you find difficult to do?

  20.How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?

  21.What interests you least about MBA?

  22.How do you handle rejection?

  23.What is the worst thing you have heard about our school?

  24.See this pen I'm holding. Sell it to me.

  五、案例面试问题(Sample Case Interview Questions)

  25.A chain of grocery stores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. Each store deals independently with its suppliers. The president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. What are the key considerations in making this decision?

  A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits. She has extensive historical sales volume data for each of the outlets. How should she determine delivery quantities?


  26.It is the 15th Century. How do convince the Pope that the Earth is round?

  27. If I gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?

  28. Why are soda cans tapered on the top and bottom?

  29. How much RAM does a PC need to run Windows95?

  30. You are in a boat on a fresh water lake. In your hand is a rock. You throw the rock into the lake. How is the lake's water level affected?

  31. If it rained music, what would grow?
32. Describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.

  33. In what ways are you similar or different from your best friend?

  34.What are your career's strengths and how do you capitalize on them?

  35. Are you a happy person?

  36. According to JRM, Jr., a fast growing software company asked this question... You have a wealthy aunt who weighs 300 pounds. Tell me how you would redesign her toilet.


  37.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?

  38.Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China?

  39.Why do you choose RENMIN University to study MBA? Tell me a little about RENMIN University form your understanding.

  40.How do the people around you review MBA?

  41.What’s the difference between MBA program at home and abroad?

  42.If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?

  43.Why do you want to be a part of MBA students?

  44.Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program?

  45.Do you have a career plan in 5 years?

  46.Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student?

  47.What’s your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience?

  48.How do you define marketing or management?

  49.Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why?

  50.Do you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why?

  51.What do you want to do after your MBA study?

  52.What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have?

  53.Say a little about teamwork.

  54.Say a little about management.

  55.How communication works in organizations?

  56.Tell me the relationship between the management and management theory.

  57.What will you do if you can’t find a job?

  58.Do you think that the economy will get better?

  59.Who are you currently employed with?

  60.What kinds of opportunities are you looking for?

  61.What is your biggest accomplishment on the job?

  62.What joy did you enjoy the most and why?

  63.What would your former boss say about you?

  64.Why did you leave your last job?

  65.Please tell me a little about your working history? What kind of fields?

  66.Say a little about your educational background.

  67.What are your strengths and weakness?  

  68.What do you do in your spare time?

  69.What is your impression of Beijing?

  70.What is CFO? If you were a CFO, what would you do?

  71.What is the difference between sales and marketing?

  72.What do you think is the most important as a manager?

  在面试快结束的时候,一般考官都会问,你有没有什么要问的。除非你是最后一个面试者,你明显感到所有的考官都急切的想离开,一般不适合说“I don’t have any question.”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题(Questions you should ask the recruiter):

  73.What changes do you anticipate in our school? (你希望我们学校会有些什么样的变化)

  74.Which is the best course in our school? (什么课程是我们院最好的课程)

  75.does our school provide some guidance of job to MBA?

   最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您。)

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[翻译]物理学英语专业词汇 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:11:00

BET公式 BET formula
DLVO理论  DLVO theory
HLB法 hydrophile-lipophile balance method
pVT性质  pVT property
ζ电势  zeta potential
阿伏加德罗常数  Avogadro’number
阿伏加德罗定律  Avogadro law
阿累尼乌斯电离理论 Arrhenius ionization theory
阿累尼乌斯方程 Arrhenius equation
阿累尼乌斯活化能  Arrhenius activation energy
阿马格定律  Amagat law
艾林方程  Erying equation
爱因斯坦光化当量定律  Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence
爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程  Einstein-Stokes equation
安托万常数  Antoine constant
安托万方程  Antoine equation
盎萨格电导理论 Onsager’s theory of conductance
半电池 half cell
半衰期 half time period
饱和液体  saturated liquids
饱和蒸气  saturated vapor
饱和吸附量  saturated extent of adsorption
饱和蒸气压  saturated vapor pressure
爆炸界限  explosion limits
比表面功  specific surface work
比表面吉布斯函数  specific surface Gibbs function
比浓粘度  reduced viscosity
标准电动势  standard electromotive force
标准电极电势  standard electrode potential
标准摩尔反应焓  standard molar reaction enthalpy
标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数  standard Gibbs function of molar reaction
标准摩尔反应熵  standard molar reaction entropy
标准摩尔焓函数  standard molar enthalpy function
标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数  standard molar Gibbs free energy function
标准摩尔燃烧焓  standard molar combustion enthalpy
标准摩尔熵  standard molar entropy
标准摩尔生成焓  standard molar formation enthalpy
标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数  standard molar formation Gibbs function
标准平衡常数  standard equilibrium constant
标准氢电极  standard hydrogen electrode
标准态  standard state
标准熵  standard entropy
标准压力  standard pressure
标准状况 standard condition
表观活化能 apparent activation energy
表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight
表观迁移数 apparent transference number
表面  surfaces
表面过程控制  surface process control
表面活性剂 surfactants
表面吸附量  surface excess
表面张力  surface tension
表面质量作用定律  surface mass action law
波义尔定律  Boyle law
波义尔温度  Boyle temperature
波义尔点 Boyle point
玻尔兹曼常数  Boltzmann constant
玻尔兹曼分布  Boltzmann distribution
玻尔兹曼公式  Boltzmann formula
玻尔兹曼熵定理  Boltzmann entropy theorem
玻色-爱因斯坦统计 Bose-Einstein statistics
泊 Poise
不可逆过程  irreversible process
不可逆过程热力学 thermodynamics of irreversible processes
不可逆相变化  irreversible phase change
布朗运动  brownian movement
查理定律 Charle’s law
产率  yield
敞开系统   open system
超电势  over potential
沉降  sedimentation
沉降电势  sedimentation potential
沉降平衡  sedimentation equilibrium
触变  thixotropy
粗分散系统  thick disperse system
催化剂  catalyst
单分子层吸附理论  mono molecule layer adsorption
单分子反应  unimolecular reaction
单链反应  straight chain reactions
弹式量热计  bomb calorimeter
道尔顿定律  Dalton law
道尔顿分压定律  Dalton partial pressure law
德拜和法尔肯哈根效应 Debye and Falkenhagen effect
德拜立方公式  Debye cubic formula
德拜-休克尔极限公式  Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation
等焓过程  isenthalpic process
等焓线 isenthalpic line
等几率定理  theorem of equal probability
等温等容位 Helmholtz free energy
等温等压位 Gibbs free energy
等温方程  equation at constant temperature
低共熔点  eutectic point
低共熔混合物  eutectic mixture
低会溶点  lower consolute point
低熔冰盐合晶  cryohydric
第二类永动机  perpetual machine of the second kind
第三定律熵  third-law entropy
第一类永动机  perpetual machine of the first kind
缔合化学吸附  association chemical adsorption
电池常数  cell constant
电池电动势  electromotive force of cells
电池反应  cell reaction
电导  conductance
电导率  conductivity
电动势的温度系数  temperature coefficient of electromotive force
电动电势  zeta potential
电功 electric work
电化学  electrochemistry
电化学极化  electrochemical polarization
电极电势  electrode potential
电极反应  reactions on the electrode
电极种类  type of electrodes
电解池  electrolytic cell
电量计  coulometer
电流效率 current efficiency
电迁移  electro migration
电迁移率  electromobility
电渗  electroosmosis
电渗析  electrodialysis
电泳  electrophoresis
丁达尔效应  Dyndall effect
定容摩尔热容  molar heat capacity under constant volume
定容温度计  Constant voIume thermometer
定压摩尔热容  molar heat capacity under constant pressure
定压温度计  constant pressure thermometer
定域子系统  localized particle system
动力学方程 kinetic equations
动力学控制  kinetics control
独立子系统  independent particle system
对比摩尔体积  reduced mole volume
对比体积 reduced volume
对比温度  reduced temperature
对比压力  reduced pressure
对称数  symmetry number
对行反应 reversible reactions
对应状态原理  principle of corresponding state
多方过程 polytropic process
多分子层吸附理论  adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers
二级反应 second order reaction
二级相变 second order phase change
法拉第常数  faraday constant
法拉第定律  Faraday’s law
反电动势 back E.M.F.
反渗透  reverse osmosis
反应分子数  molecularity
反应级数  reaction orders
反应进度  extent of reaction
反应热 heat of reaction
反应速率 rate of reaction
反应速率常数  constant of reaction rate
范德华常数  van der Waals constant
范德华方程  van der Waals equation
范德华力  van der Waals force
范德华气体  van der Waals gases
范特霍夫方程  van’t Hoff equation
范特霍夫规则  van’t Hoff rule
范特霍夫渗透压公式  van’t Hoff equation of osmotic pressure
非基元反应  non-elementary reactions
非体积功  non-volume work
非依时计量学反应  time independent stoichiometric reactions
菲克扩散第一定律  Fick’s first law of diffusion
沸点  boiling point
沸点升高  elevation of boiling point
费米-狄拉克统计 Fermi-Dirac statistics
分布  distribution
分布数  distribution numbers
分解电压  decomposition voltage
分配定律  distribution law
分散系统  disperse system
分散相  dispersion phase
分体积  partial volume
分体积定律  partial volume law
分压  partial pressure
分压定律  partial pressure law
分子反应力学  mechanics of molecular reactions
分子间力  intermolecular force
分子蒸馏 molecular distillation
封闭系统  closed system
附加压力 excess pressure
弗罗因德利希吸附经验式  Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption
负极  negative pole
负吸附  negative adsorption
复合反应 composite reaction
盖·吕萨克定律  Gay-Lussac law
盖斯定律  Hess law
甘汞电极  calomel electrode
感胶离子序  lyotropic series
杠杆规则  lever rule
高分子溶液  macromolecular solution
高会溶点  upper consolute point
隔离法 the isolation method
格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律  Grotthus-Draoer’s law
隔离系统  isolated system
根均方速率 root-mean-square speed
功  work
功函 work content
共轭溶液  conjugate solution
共沸温度  azeotropic temperature
构型熵 configurational entropy
孤立系统  isolated system
固溶胶  solid sol
固态混合物  solid solution
固相线  solid phase line
光反应  photoreaction
光化学第二定律  the second law of actinochemistry
光化学第一定律  the first law of actinochemistry
光敏反应  photosensitized reactions
光谱熵  spectrum  entropy
广度性质  extensive property
广延量  extensive quantity
广延性质  extensive property
规定熵  stipulated entropy
过饱和溶液  oversaturated solution
过饱和蒸气  oversaturated vapor
过程  process
过渡状态理论  transition state theory
过冷水  super-cooled water
过冷液体  overcooled liquid
过热液体  overheated liquid
亥姆霍兹函数  Helmholtz function
亥姆霍兹函数判据  Helmholtz function criterion
亥姆霍兹自由能  Helmholtz free energy
亥氏函数  Helmholtz function
焓  enthalpy
亨利常数  Henry constant
亨利定律  Henry law
恒沸混合物  constant boiling mixture
恒容摩尔热容  molar heat capacity at constant volume
恒容热 heat at constant volume
恒外压  constant external pressure
恒压摩尔热容  molar heat capacity at constant pressure
恒压热 heat at constant pressure
化学动力学 chemical kinetics
化学反应计量式  stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction
化学反应计量系数  stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction
化学反应进度  extent of chemical reaction
化学亲合势  chemical affinity
化学热力学 chemical thermodynamics
化学势  chemical potential
化学势判据  chemical potential criterion
化学吸附  chemisorptions
环境  environment
环境熵变  entropy change in environment
挥发度 volatility
混合熵  entropy of mixing
混合物  mixture
活度  activity
活化控制  activation control
活化络合物理论  activated complex theory
活化能 activation energy
霍根-华森图  Hougen-Watson Chart
基态能级  energy level at ground state
基希霍夫公式  Kirchhoff formula
基元反应 elementary reactions
积分溶解热  integration heat of dissolution
吉布斯-杜亥姆方程  Gibbs-Duhem equation
吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程  Gibbs-Helmhotz equation
吉布斯函数  Gibbs function
吉布斯函数判据  Gibbs function criterion
吉布斯吸附公式 Gibbs adsorption formula
吉布斯自由能  Gibbs free energy
吉氏函数  Gibbs function
极化电极电势  polarization potential of electrode
极化曲线  polarization curves
极化作用  polarization
极限摩尔电导率  limiting molar conductivity
几率因子  steric factor
计量式  stoichiometric equation
计量系数  stoichiometric coefficient
价数规则  rule of valence
简并度  degeneracy
键焓 bond enthalpy
胶冻  broth jelly
胶核  colloidal nucleus
胶凝作用  demulsification
胶束 micelle
胶体  colloid
胶体分散系统  dispersion system of colloid
胶体化学  collochemistry
胶体粒子  colloidal particles
胶团  micelle
焦耳 Joule
焦耳-汤姆生实验  Joule-Thomson experiment
焦耳-汤姆生系数  Joule-Thomson coefficient
焦耳-汤姆生效应  Joule-Thomson effect
焦耳定律  Joule`s law
接触电势 contact potential
接触角  contact angle
节流过程  throttling process
节流膨胀  throttling expansion
节流膨胀系数  coefficient of throttling expansion
结线  tie line
结晶热 heat of crystallization
解离化学吸附  dissociation chemical adsorption
界面  interfaces
界面张力  surface tension
浸湿  immersion wetting
浸湿功  immersion wetting work
精馏  rectify
聚(合)电解质 polyelectrolyte
聚沉  coagulation
聚沉值  coagulation value
绝对反应速率理论  absolute reaction rate theory
绝对熵  absolute entropy
绝对温标 absolute temperature scale
绝热过程  adiabatic process
绝热量热计 adiabatic calorimeter
绝热指数  adiabatic index
卡诺定理  Carnot theorem
卡诺循环  Carnot cycle
开尔文公式  Kelvin formula
柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律  Konovalov-Gibbs law
科尔劳施离子独立运动定律  Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions
可能的电解质 potential electrolyte
可逆电池  reversible cell
可逆过程 reversible process
可逆过程方程  reversible process equation
可逆体积功  reversible volume work
可逆相变  reversible phase change
克拉佩龙方程  Clapeyron equation
克劳修斯不等式  Clausius inequality
克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程  Clausius-Clapeyron equation
控制步骤  control step
库仑计  coulometer
扩散控制  diffusion controlled
拉普拉斯方程  Laplace’s equation
拉乌尔定律  Raoult law
兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理  Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism
兰格缪尔吸附等温式  Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula
雷利公式  Rayleigh equation
冷冻系数 coefficient of refrigeration
冷却曲线  cooling curve
离解热 heat of dissociation
离解压力 dissociation pressure
离域子系统  non-localized particle systems
离子的标准摩尔生成焓  standard molar formation of ion
离子的电迁移率  mobility of ions
离子的迁移数  transport number of ions
离子独立运动定律  law of the independent migration of ions
离子氛  ionic atmosphere
离子强度  ionic strength
理想混合物  perfect mixture
理想气体  ideal gas
接触电势 contact potential
接触角  contact angle
节流过程  throttling process
节流膨胀  throttling expansion
节流膨胀系数  coefficient of throttling expansion
结线  tie line
结晶热 heat of crystallization
解离化学吸附  dissociation chemical adsorption
界面  interfaces
界面张力  surface tension
浸湿  immersion wetting
浸湿功  immersion wetting work
精馏  rectify
聚(合)电解质 polyelectrolyte
聚沉  coagulation
聚沉值  coagulation value
绝对反应速率理论  absolute reaction rate theory
绝对熵  absolute entropy
绝对温标 absolute temperature scale
绝热过程  adiabatic process
绝热量热计 adiabatic calorimeter
绝热指数  adiabatic index
卡诺定理  Carnot theorem
卡诺循环  Carnot cycle
开尔文公式  Kelvin formula
柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律  Konovalov-Gibbs law
科尔劳施离子独立运动定律  Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions
可能的电解质 potential electrolyte
可逆电池  reversible cell
可逆过程 reversible process
可逆过程方程  reversible process equation
可逆体积功  reversible volume work
可逆相变  reversible phase change
克拉佩龙方程  Clapeyron equation
克劳修斯不等式  Clausius inequality
克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程  Clausius-Clapeyron equation
控制步骤  control step
库仑计  coulometer
扩散控制  diffusion controlled
拉普拉斯方程  Laplace’s equation
拉乌尔定律  Raoult law
兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理  Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism
兰格缪尔吸附等温式  Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula
雷利公式  Rayleigh equation
冷冻系数 coefficient of refrigeration
冷却曲线  cooling curve
离解热 heat of dissociation
离解压力 dissociation pressure
离域子系统  non-localized particle systems
离子的标准摩尔生成焓  standard molar formation of ion
离子的电迁移率  mobility of ions
离子的迁移数  transport number of ions
离子独立运动定律  law of the independent migration of ions
离子氛  ionic atmosphere
离子强度  ionic strength
理想混合物  perfect mixture
理想气体  ideal gas
理想气体的绝热指数  adiabatic index of ideal gases
理想气体的微观模型  micro-model of ideal gas
理想气体反应的等温方程  isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions
理想气体绝热可逆过程方程  adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gases
理想气体状态方程  state equation of ideal gas
理想稀溶液  ideal dilute solution
理想液态混合物  perfect liquid mixture
粒子  particles
粒子的配分函数  partition function of particles
连串反应 consecutive reactions
链的传递物  chain carrier
链反应  chain reactions
量热熵  calorimetric entropy
量子统计 quantum statistics
量子效率  quantum yield
临界参数  critical parameter
临界常数 critical constant
临界点  critical point
临界胶束浓度 critical micelle concentration
临界摩尔体积  critical molar volume
临界温度  critical temperature
临界压力  critical pressure
临界状态  critical state
零级反应 zero order reaction
流动电势  streaming potential
流动功  flow work
笼罩效应  cage effect
路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则  Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity
露点  dew point
露点线  dew point line
麦克斯韦关系式  Maxwell relations
麦克斯韦速率分布  Maxwell distribution of speeds
麦克斯韦能量分布 MaxwelIdistribution of energy
毛细管凝结  condensation in capillary
毛细现象  capillary  phenomena
米凯利斯常数  Michaelis constant
摩尔电导率  molar conductivity
摩尔反应焓  molar reaction enthalpy
摩尔混合熵  mole entropy of mixing
摩尔气体常数  molar gas constant
摩尔热容  molar heat capacity
摩尔溶解焓  mole dissolution enthalpy
摩尔稀释焓  mole dilution enthalpy
内扩散控制  internal diffusions control
内能  internal energy
内压力  internal pressure
能级  energy levels
能级分布  energy level distribution
能量均分原理 principle of the equipartition of energy
能斯特方程  Nernst equation
能斯特热定理  Nernst heat theorem
凝固点  freezing point
凝固点降低  lowering of freezing point
凝固点曲线  freezing point curve
凝胶  gelatin
凝聚态  condensed state
凝聚相  condensed phase
浓差超电势  concentration over-potential
浓差极化  concentration polarization
浓差电池  concentration cells
帕斯卡 pascal
泡点  bubble point
泡点线  bubble point line
配分函数  partition function
配分函数的析因子性质  property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state
碰撞截面  collision cross section
碰撞数  the number of collisions
偏摩尔量  partial mole quantities
平衡常数(理想气体反应)  equilibrium constants for reactions of ideal gases
平动配分函数  partition function of translation
平衡分布  equilibrium distribution
平衡态  equilibrium state
平衡态近似法  equilibrium state approximation
平衡状态图  equilibrium state diagram
平均活度  mean activity
平均活度系统  mean activity coefficient
平均摩尔热容  mean molar heat capacity
平均质量摩尔浓度 mean mass molarity
平均自由程 mean free path
平行反应 parallel reactions
破乳  demulsification
铺展  spreading
普遍化范德华方程  universal van der Waals equation
其它功  the other work
气化热 heat of vaporization
气溶胶  aerosol
气体常数  gas constant
气体分子运动论  kinetic theory of gases
气体分子运动论的基本方程 foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases
气溶胶  aerosol
气相线  vapor line
迁移数  transport number
潜热 latent heat
强度量  intensive quantity
强度性质  intensive property
亲液溶胶  hydrophilic sol
氢电极  hydrogen electrodes
区域熔化 zone melting
热  heat
热爆炸  heat explosion
热泵  heat pump
热功当量 mechanical equivalent of heat
热函 heat content
热化学 thermochemistry
热化学方程 thermochemical equation
热机  heat engine
热机效率  efficiency of heat engine
热力学  thermodynamics
热力学第二定律  the second law of thermodynamics
热力学第三定律  the third law of thermodynamics
热力学第一定律  the first law of thermodynamics
热力学基本方程  fundamental equation of thermodynamics
热力学几率  thermodynamic probability
热力学能  thermodynamic energy
热力学特性函数 characteristic thermodynamic function
热力学温标 thermodynamic scale of temperature
热力学温度 thermodynamic temperature
热熵 thermal entropy
热效应 heat effect
熔点曲线  melting point curve
熔化热 heat of fusion
溶胶  colloidal sol
溶解焓  dissolution enthalpy
溶液  solution
溶胀  swelling
乳化剂  emulsifier
乳状液  emulsion
润湿  wetting
润湿角  wetting angle
萨克尔-泰特洛德方程  Sackur-Tetrode equation
三相点  triple point
三相平衡线  triple-phase line
熵  entropy
熵判据  entropy criterion
熵增原理  principle of entropy increase
渗透压  osmotic pressure
渗析法  dialytic process
生成反应  formation reaction
升华热 heat of sublimation
实际气体 real gas
舒尔采-哈迪规则  Schulze-Hardy rule
松驰力 relaxation force
松驰时间 time of relaxation
速度常数 reaction rate constant
速率方程 rate equations
速率控制步骤 rate determining step
塔费尔公式  Tafel equation
态-态反应  state-state reactions
唐南平衡  Donnan equilibrium
淌度  mobility
特鲁顿规则  Trouton rule
特性粘度  intrinsic viscosity
体积功  volume work
统计权重  statistical weight
统计热力学  statistic thermodynamics
统计熵  statistic entropy
途径  path
途径函数  path function
外扩散控制  external diffusion control
完美晶体  perfect crystalline
完全气体 perfect gas
微观状态  microstate
微态  microstate
韦斯顿标准电池  Weston standard battery
维恩效应 Wien effect
维里方程  virial equation
维里系数  virial coefficient
稳流过程  steady flow process
稳态近似法  stationary state approximation
无热溶液 athermal solution
无限稀溶液  solutions in the limit of extreme dilution
物理化学  Physical Chemistry
物理吸附  physisorptions
吸附  adsorption
吸附等量线  adsorption isostere
吸附等温线  adsorption isotherm
吸附等压线  adsorption isobar
吸附剂  adsorbent
吸附量  extent of adsorption
吸附热  heat of adsorption
吸附质  adsorbate
析出电势  evolution or deposition potential
析因子性质  property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state
稀溶液的依数性  colligative properties of dilute solutions
稀释焓  dilution enthalpy
系统  system
系统点  system point
系统的环境  environment of system
相  phase
相变  phase change
相变焓  enthalpy of phase change
相变化  phase change
相变热  heat of phase change
相点  phase point
相对挥发度 relative volatility
相对粘度 relative viscosity
相律  phase rule
相平衡热容 heat capacity in phase equilibrium
相图  phase diagram
相倚子系统  system of dependent particles
悬浮液  suspension
循环过程  cyclic process
压力商  pressure quotient
压缩因子  compressibility factor
压缩因子图  diagram of compressibility factor
亚稳状态  metastable state
盐桥  salt bridge
盐析  salting out
阳极  anode
杨氏方程  Young’s equation
液体接界电势  liquid junction potential
液相线  liquid phase lines
一级反应 first order reaction
一级相变 first order phase change
依时计量学反应  time dependent stoichiometric reactions
逸度  fugacity
逸度系数  coefficient of fugacity
阴极  cathode
荧光  fluorescence
永动机  perpetual motion machine
永久气体  Permanent gas
有效能  available energy
原电池  primary cell
原盐效应  salt effect
增比粘度  specific viscosity
憎液溶胶  lyophobic sol
沾湿  adhesional wetting
沾湿功  the work of adhesional wetting
真溶液  true solution
真实电解质 real electrolyte
真实气体 real gas
真实迁移数 true transference number
振动配分函数  partition function of vibration
振动特征温度  characteristic temperature of vibration
蒸气压下降  depression of vapor pressure
正常沸点  normal point
正吸附  positive adsorption
支链反应  branched chain reactions
直链反应  straight chain reactions
指前因子  pre-exponential factor
质量作用定律 mass action law
制冷系数 coefficient of refrigeration
中和热 heat of neutralization
轴功  shaft work
转动配分函数  partition function of rotation
转动特征温度  characteristic temperature of vibration
转化率  convert ratio
转化温度 conversion temperature
状态  state
状态方程  state equation
状态分布  state distribution
状态函数  state function
准静态过程 quasi-static process
准一级反应  pseudo first order reaction
自动催化作用  auto-catalysis
自由度  degree of freedom
自由度数  number of degree of freedom
自由焓 free enthalpy
自由能 free energy
自由膨胀 free expansion
组分数  component number
最低恒沸点  lower azeotropic point
最高恒沸点  upper azeotropic point
最佳反应温度  optimal reaction temperature
最可几分布  most probable distribution
最可几速率 most propable speed

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[翻译]消防专业英语词汇表 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:10:00

<1> abandonment 离弃(指见死不救的行为)
<2> abatement of smoke 消减烟雾(法)
<3> ABC extinguisher [消]ABC灭火器(能用来扑灭A、B、C类火灾的灭火器)
<4> ABC method 心肺复苏法
<5> ABC powder extinguishing agent [消]ABC 干粉灭火剂(适用于扑救A类、B类和C类火灾的干粉灭火剂)
<6> ablation characteristics 烧蚀特征
<7> ablation of melting body 熔融物体的烧蚀
<8> ablation-product radiation 烧蚀生成物的辐射
<9> abnormal combustion 异常燃烧(发动机爆震,早燃等不正常的总称)
<10> abnormal condition 反常情况,不正常状态,非正常状态
<11> absolute temperature 绝对温度
<12> absolute temperature scale 绝对温标
<13> absorbed gas 吸收状态气体(或瓦斯)
<14> absorbent for confining spills 限制溢出物蔓延的吸收性材料
<15> Acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度
<16> Acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度
<17> Accessible Means of Egress 易通行的疏散通道
<18> Accident due to quality 质量事故
<19> Accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度
<20> Accommodation stairway 简易楼梯
<21> acousto-optic effect 声光效应
<22> Added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率
<23> Addressable alarm system 可编程(址)报警系统
<24> Adjustable piston valve 活动式汽阀
<25> Adjustable pressure limiting valve 可调限压阀
<26> Adjustable retrictor valve 可调节流阀
<27> Aerial extinguisher 航空灭火装置
<28> Aerial ladder fire truck 云梯消防车
<29> Afterbirth-like crystal 胞状晶
<30> Agricultural fire pump 农用消防泵
<31> Air inlet 进风口
<32> Air lift pump 气泡泵
<33> Air pressure balance for fire control 均压防灭火
<34> Air-foam fire branch 空气泡沫枪
<35> Air-lift pump 气升泵
<36> Airport crash fire vehicle 机场消防车
<37> Alarm 报警
<38> Alarm (in control room) (控制室内)报警
<39> Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统
<40> Alarm device 报警装置
<41> Alarm display panel 报警显示器
<42> Alarm for voltage 电压报警器
<43> Alarm gamma ray survey 报警器伽玛测量
<44> Alarm of fire 火灾警报
<45> Alarm pressure 报警压力
<46> Alarm signal 报警信号
<47> Alarm system 报警系统
<48> Alarm unit 报警单元
<49> Alcohol resistant foam concentrate 抗溶泡沫液
<50> Alert data 报警数据
<51> Amino group powder 氨基干粉
<52> An1quan2fang1mian4de5wei1xian3 安全方面的危险
<53> Analog warning accuracy 模拟报警精度
<54> analog warning test 模拟报警试验
<55> analogue detection and alarm system 模拟量探测报警系统
<56> Ancient and rare trees 古树名木
<57> Annular pressure loss 环空泵压损失
<58> Anti-burning mechanical draft cooling tower 阻燃型冷却塔
<59> Anti-collision warning device 防碰报警装置
<60> Appliance carrying fire vehicle 器材消防车
<61> Aqueous film forming foam concentrate 水成膜泡沫液
<62> arc resistance 耐电弧性
<63> Area of Refuge 避难区域
<64> Areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心
<65> Arson 放火
<66> Automatic explosion suppression system 自动抑爆系统
<67> Automatic fire a1arm system 火灾自动报警系统
<68> Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统
<69> automatic fire equipment 自动消防设备
<70> Automatic fire signa1 自动火灾信号
<71> automatic light control 自动光强控制装置
<72> Automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 自动喷水灭火系统
<73> Auxiliary fire vehicle 后援消防车
<74> average deviation 平均偏差
<75> Average pump pressure 平均泵压
<76>a.a.r against all risk 综合险,保一切险,保全险
<77>AA auto-alarm 自动报警
<78>AAB Aircraft Accident Board 飞行事故调查委员会
<79>AAC automat and automatical control 自动装置与自动控制
<80>AACC American automatic control council 美国自动控制委员会
<81>AACC American Association for Contamination control 美国控制污染协会
<82>AAE American Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会
<83>AAEC Australian Atomic Energy commission 澳大利亚原子能委员会
<84>AAEE American Association of Electrical Engineers 美国电气工程师委员会
<85>AAJ Architectural Association of Japan 日本建筑协会
<86>AAR aircraft accident report 飞机事故报告
<87>AAS American Association for the advancement of Science 美国科学促进协会
<88>Ab air-breaker 空气断路器

<0> baby Bangor [消]小拉梯〈一种没有绳索和滑轮的拉梯,主要用于建筑物内部〉
<1> back flame [消]复燃火焰〈熄灭后再燃的火焰〉
<2> back pack [消]背包式灭火器〈背负的五加仑灭火器,内装泵,用于扑救草地和灌木丛〉
<3> back pack pump tank 背负式带泵灭火器
<4> back pack pump tank fire extinguisher [消]小型背负泵式灭火器
<5> back pressure valve 止回阀,背压阀
<6> back scattering 反向(后向)散射
<7> back stair 后楼梯,辅助楼梯
<8> back staircase 后楼梯,辅助楼梯间
<9> back step [消](消防车的)后踏板
<10> back stopping [矿]上向梯段回采
<11> back strack 由原路退回
<12> back stretch [消]反向铺设水带
<13> back up 1、备用的,候补的2、倒转,回退
<15> back-up battery 备用电源
<16> back-up breaker 备用断路器
<17> Back-up safety functions 辅助安全功能
<18> baffle 1、隔板 2、[消]水箱隔板 3、隔火板 4、缓冲板 5、导流叶片 6、遮护物
<19> balanced system 1、[消]均衡系统 2、均衡系统,对称系统
<20> Balancing pressure on stopping 均压防灭火
<21> ball blanket [消]塑料球覆盖层
<22> ball cock 浮球阀
<23> ball hydrant [消]球形消防栓
<24> ballast tank 1、压载水枪 2、压载舱
<25> ball-float liquid-level meter 球形浮子液面计
<26> Base injection foam extinguishing system 液下喷射泡沫灭火系统
<27> Beat fireproof 建防火带
<28> Bell character 报警字符
<29> Biological Chip 生物芯片
<30> biplane butterfly valve 平板蝶阀
<31> Blower extinguishment 风机灭火
<32> Blow-off valve seat 放水阀座
<33> Boiler safety valve 安全阀
<34> Boilor check valve seat 止回阀座
<35> Branch crystal 树枝晶
<36> Budget of installation 安装预算
<37> bulk range 喷射距离
<38> Burn (Verb) 燃烧(动词)
<39> Burning behaviour 燃烧性能
<40> Bursting 爆裂
<41> butterfly valve 蝴蝶阀
<42> by-pass valve 旁通阀

<0> Cabinet extinguishing equipment 柜式灭火装置
<1> Cabinet foam extinguishing eguipment 柜式泡沫灭火装置
<2> cabinet foam extinguishing equipment [消]柜式泡沫灭火装置
<3> cabinet type hose washing machine [消]柜式洗水带机
<4> cable line-type fixed temperature detector [消]缆式线型定温探测器〈采用缆式线结构的线型定温探测器〉
<5> cable tray fire break 电缆槽盒阻火物
<6> cable vault 电缆进线室
<7> cable-tray penetration 电缆槽盒穿透(度)
<8> cable-tray temperature sensor 缆式温度传感器
<9> calamity damage insurance 火灾保险
<10> calculation of probabilities [林]可能性推算
<11> calibration criterion 校准标准
<12> call back 1、[消]火灾报警箱 2、[英]公用电话亭 3、[消]召回
<13> Calorific potential 潜热能
<14> camp boss [林]营地管理员〈负责建立和管理一个消防营地的人〉
<15> campaign fire [林]战役火灾〈要花一天以上才能扑灭的森林火灾〉
<16> campfire [林]营火
<17> camshaft 凸轮轴,分配轴
<18> can [口][消]灭火器
<19> Canadian Association of fire Chiefs 加拿大消防长官协会
<20> Canadian Association of fire Investigators 加拿大火灾调查委员会
<21> Canadian Automotive Rescue Society 加拿大汽车救援协会
<22> Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness 加拿大应急准备中心
<23> Candela 坎德拉
<24> Capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比
<25> Carbon dioxide extinguishing agent 二氧化碳灭火剂
<26> Carbon dioxide extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统
<27> Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器
<28> Carbon dioxide fire vehicle 二氧化碳消防车
<29> casting-state structure 铸态组织
<30> Catchpit 集流坑
<31> Ceiling screen 挡烟垂壁
<32> Central alarm station 中央报警站
<33> Central fire alarm control unit 集中火灾报警控制器
<34> Centralized maintenance 集中维修
<35> centrifugal pump 离心泵
<36> Centrifugal pump drainage 离心泵排水
<37> Centrifugal water pump 离心式水泵
<38> Check point 检测点
<39> Check valve 止回阀
<40> Chemical foam 化学泡沫
<41> Chemical reaction extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器
<42> Chemical reaction fire extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器
<43> Chimney effect 烟囱效应
<44> Chip 芯片
<45> Chute rail smoke extinguishing system 滑道架式烟雾灭火系统
<46> CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价
<47> city fire station 城镇消防站
<48> city path for fire wehicles 城镇消防通道
<49> Claims for equipment 设备索赔
<50> Class A A类火
<51> Class B B类火
<52> Class C C类火
<53> Class D D类火
<54> class of safety protection 安全防护等级
<55> Classified management of plant 设备分级管理
<56> CO&sub2; fire extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火
<57> Cocrystallization 共晶体
<58> Coefficient of pump pressure 泵压系数
<59> Coercionary service system 强制保养制
<60> coercive force 矫顽力
<61> Combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合
<62> combination of professional management and mass management 专业管理与群众管理相结合
<63> Combination of repair, modernization and renewal 修理、改造与更新相结合
<64> Combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与计划检修相结合
<65> combination of technical management and economic management 技术管理与经济管理相结合
<66> Combination type fire detector 复合式火灾探测器
<67> Combined agent extinguishing system 混合灭火系统
<68> Combined extinguishing 综合灭火
<69> Combined maintenance 混合维修
<70> Combined smoke and powder extinguishing system 烟雾干粉联用灭火系统
<71> combustibility 可燃性
<72> Combustiblc 可燃的
<73> Combustion 燃烧
<74> Command and communication fire vehicle 通讯指挥消防车
<75> Commodity inspection 商检(商品检验)
<76> complete discharge 完全喷射
<77> Complete set of plant 设备的成套性
<78> Complexity coefficient of repair 修理复杂系数
<79> Comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合利用率
<80> Compressed air pump drainage 压气泵排水
<81> Constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比
<82> containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统[压水堆]
<83> contract change and cancellation 合同变更与解除
<84> control valve 调节阀
<85> Coordinate Bond 配价键
<86> Coordination Compound 配位化合物
<87> Copper 铜
<88> core spray system 堆芯喷淋系统[沸水堆]
<89> Corridor 走廊
<90> cost for re-building the historical and cultural relics 文物建筑重建费
<91> Criticality alarm system 临界报警系统
<92> crystal boundary 晶界
<93> Crystal particle 晶粒
<94> ctric spark 电火花
<95> Current consumption at alarm 报警电流
<96> current density 电流密度
<97> cyindrical plug valve 圆柱形转阀
<98> cylindrical crystal 柱状晶
<99> cylindrical valve 圆筒阀
<100>CAFS compressed air foam system [消]压缩空气泡沫系统

<0> dabo 护墙板,墙裙
<1> Dahill hoist 达希尔升降机〈一种以压缩气体为动力的升降机〉
<2> daily burning cycle [林]日火烧周期〈24小时的燃烧周期,从上午10算起〉
<3> daily activity level [林]日常活动等级
<6> damage 损害,损失
<7> damage area [消]1、烧毁面积 2、受损地区,毁坏地区
<8> damage control tender [消]防损车〈用于预防或减少灭火战斗中水渍等损失的消防车〉
<9> damage length 烧毁长度〈烧毁面积在特定的方向的最大距离〉
<10> damagerous articles package 危险品包装
<11> Damkohler number 丹姆克尔数
<12> damming 修筑隔墙
<13> damp atmosphere 湿大气
<14> damp down fire (用沙子灭等)灭火,消火
<15> damped 被(瓦斯)窒息的
<16> damper control 风门控制装置
<17> damposcope 爆炸瓦斯指示器
<18> danger index [林]火险指数
<19> danger meter [林]火险尺(法)
<20> Dangerous Chemical Substances or Hazardous Chemicals 化学危险物品
<21> data processing system security 数据处理系统安全性
<22> Data security 数据安全
<23> Date of residual magnetism 剩磁数据
<24> dead air 1、含有大量CO2的空气。2、停滞不流动的空气
<25> Dead end 袋形走道(死胡同)
<26> dead fuel [林]死可燃物
<27> dead out [消]熄灭〈火灾的一个阶段,这时灭火的所有阶段,包括巡逻阶段都已完成〉
<28> dead spot [电]哑点〈指信号接受很弱或完全收不到的地理位置〉
<29> dead-end main 尽头管〈一头封闭的自来水总管〉
<30> dead-man abort switch 常闭式紧急停车开关
<31> deaths per fire 每次火灾造成的死亡人数
<32> debris (火灾)废墟
<33> decabromodiphenyl oxide 葵溴二苯醚
<34> deceleration valve 减速阀
<35> Decentralized maintenance 分散维修
<36> Deck foam fire extinguishing system 甲板泡沫灭火系统
<37> deck foam system [消]车载泡沫系统
<38> decomposition gas 分解气体(爆破时的)
<39> deepseated fire [消]深位火(灾)
<40> defence attack [消]防御性灭火
<41> deficiency point [险]扣除的分数
<42> Deflagration 爆燃
<43> deflagration phenomenon [消]爆燃现象
<44> deflagration behavior [消]爆燃特性,爆燃行为
<45> deflagration front [消]爆燃的正面
<46> deflagration suppression [消]爆燃抑制
<47> delayed-action time of discharge 喷射滞后时间
<48> Deluge system 雨淋灭火系统
<49> Depth of pump installation 水泵下置深度
<50> Depth of pump tube installation 泵管下置深度
<51> Descent control device 缓降器
<52> Design and construction of equipment foundation 设备基础设计与施工
<53> Detecting element 检测元件
<54> Detection 检测
<55> Detection pressure 探测压力
<56> Detection threshold 检测阈
<57> Detector 检测器
<58> Detonation 爆轰
<59> Deviation alarm sensor 偏差报警检测器
<60> device for controlling automatic fire equipments 自动消防设备控制装置
<61> Devision of safe degree 安全程度分区
<62> diamagnetism 抗磁性
<63> Diameter of pump tube 泵管直径
<64> difficult-flammability 难燃性
<65> difficult-flammble 难燃的
<66> Dip time 灭火剂浸渍时间
<67> Direct extinguishing 直接灭火
<68> Discard of plant 设备报废
<69> Discharge rate 疏散率
<70> Discharge value 疏散流量
<71> discharge valve 排气阀
<72> Distress alerting 遇险报警
<73> document content security 文件内容安全性
<74> documentation security 文件(系统)安全性
<75> domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化管理
<76> Down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故[故障]停机率
<77> Downtime quota for equipment repair 设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)
<78> Draft 抽力
<79> Drain-pipe 排水泵
<80> Drencher system 水幕系统
<81> Drift smoke 漂移烟
<82> drip valve 滴水阀
<83> Dry sprinkler system 干式喷水灭火系统
<84> Dry test meter 干式检测计
<85> Durability of plant 设备的耐用性
<86> Duration of fire resistance 耐火极限
<87> Dynamic test 动态试验
<88> Dysprosium 镝
<89>DDT deflagration to detonation transision 爆燃到爆轰的跃进

early fire detection 早期火灾探测
early leakage circuit breaker 通地泄露电路断电器
early plate 1、[英][消]支腿底座 2、接地板
early suppression fast-response sprinkler [消]早期灭火快速反映洒水喷头
early warning device[sydtem] [消]早期报警装置系统
earlyquake disaster preparedness 震前防灾准备
ease of ignition 易引燃性
easily accessible [消]容易进入的
easing test for fixed halon fire-extinguishing systems 卤化物灭火系统施放试验
Economic forest 经济林木
Economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命
Economy 经济性
eddy current 涡流
edge firing [林]圈烧
educational occupancy [消]教学用房
eductor [消]喷射器
eductor pump 喷射泵
Effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数
effect concentration 50%半中毒浓度〈在规定的暴露时间里,使50%实验动物中中毒的统计浓度〉
effective call 有效呼叫
effective capacity 有效功率
effective current 有效电流
effective date 有效期
effective discharge time 有效喷射时间
effective grounding 有效接的
effective half-life 有效半衰期
Einsteinium 锿
electric arc 电弧
electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕(放电)
electric field 电场
electric field strength,electric field intensity 电场强度
Electric Lighting Fire Safety Evacuation Sign 电光源型消防安全疏散标志
electric potential difference 电位差
Electroluminescence 席间走道
electromagnetic induction 电磁感应
Electromagnetic valve 电磁阀
electromagnetic wave 电磁波
Electron magnetic valve 电磁阀
electro-optic effect 电-光效应
Elevating fire truck 举高消防车
Elevating platform fire truck 登高平台消防车
Elevator Evacuation system 电梯疏散系统
Elvator Lobby Door 电梯前室门
Emergency escape ladder 救生梯
Emergency lighting 事故照明
Emergency rescue fire vchicle 抢险救援消防车
EmissionofLight 发光 2
Enclosed staircase 封闭楼梯间
Energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性
Engineering safety system 专设安全系统
Enligtening Sign 启示标志
Environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性
Equipment failure 设备故障
Equipment installation 设备安装
Equipment installation management 设备安装管理
Equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额
Equipment Management Regulation 设备管理条例
Equipment model 设备型号
Equipment service specification 设备维护规程
Erbium 铒
escalators 自动扶梯
Escape hatch 逃生人孔
Europium 铕
Evacuation 疏散
Evacuation Exit 疏散出口
Evacuation Guiding Strip 疏散导流标志
Evacuation Indicatory Sign 疏散指示标志
Evacuation plan 疏散计划
Evacuation route 疏散路线
Evacuation route external 室外疏散路线
Evacuation route pressurized 正压疏散路线
Evacuation route protected 防火疏散路线
Evacuation signal 疏散信号
Evacuation time 疏散时间
Examination and check systems of plant management 设备管理考核制度
Excellence selection activity in plant management 设备管理评优活动
excitation 励磁(激磁)
Exit 太平门
Exit direction sign 出口方向标志
Exit sign 出口标志
Expense quota for equipment repair 设备修理费用定额
Explosion 爆炸
Explosion detector 爆炸探测器
Explosion index 爆炸指数
Explosion limit 爆炸极限
Explosion method 爆炸灭火法
Explosion proof stopping 防爆防火墙
Explosion protecttion system 防爆系统
Explosion sensor 爆炸传感器
EXPlosion suppresion 抑爆
Explosion suppressant 抑爆剂
Explosion suppressor 抑爆器
exponential distribution 指数分布
Exposure hazard 暴露危险
External stairway 室外楼梯
Extinguishing agent 灭火剂
Extinguishing device without piping system 无管网气体灭火装置
Extinguishment 灭火
EDITH exit drills in the home 撤离住宅训练,家庭安全撤离演习。
EFC European Forestry Commission 欧洲林业委员会
FA=flying accident 飞行事故
FAA test method FAA实验法
fabric 织品,织物
fabric rubber lined hose [消]有橡胶衬里纤维水带
fabrication 制作,制备,装备
facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的检查评比
Fail safe 失效安全
Failure 漏报
failure frequency 故障频率
Failure intensity 故障强度
falling main (有多层地下室大楼的)竖管
fallout 1、(放射性)微粒回降 2、放射性坠尘回降物[区]
Fall-wafe valve 保险阀
False alarm 误报
False alarm of fire 假火警
false alarm with good intent [消]善意的误报(火警)
false assumption (火场调查中的)错误假设
false smoke [消]假烟〈被误认为烟的路上的灰尘、雾等〉
false tripping [消]误启动
Fanghuo Wumian 防火屋面
Fare damage rate 烧损率
Fault signa1 故障信号
Feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性分析
Fermium 镄
Filtered alert data 报警数据滤除
Final examination and measurement 最后检测
Final exit 最终安全出口
Fire 火;火灾
Fire alarm control unit 火灾报警控制器
Fire alarm device 火灾警报装置
Fire alarm dispatching console 火警调度台
Fire alarm dispatching proprietary wires 火警调度专线
fire alarm equipments 火灾报警设备
Fire alarm installation 火灾报警装置
Fire alarm installations 火灾报警装置
Fire alarm recording 火警录音
fire alarm voice amplification 火警扩音
Fire alarming 火灾报警
Fire barrier 防火隔板
Fire behaviour 防火性能
fire boat 消防船
Fire branch 消防枪
Fire branches and monitors 消防枪炮
Fire brigade access window 消防窗
fire brigade of enterprises 企事业专职消防队
fire brigade of public security 公安消防队
Fire bund 防火堤
Fire Classification 火灾分类
Fire compartment 防火分区
Fire compartmentation 防火分隔
fire computer-communication system 消防计算机通信系统
fire conmmunition room 消防通信室
fire control console(panel,cabinet) 消防控制台(盘、柜)
Fire coupling 消防接口
Fire damper 防火阀
fire danger 火灾危险
Fire detector 火灾探测器
Fire door 防火门
Fire enclosure 防火防护外壳
Fire Evacuation Illumination 火灾疏散照明
Fire Evacuation Lamp 火灾疏散照明灯
Fire extinction equipments 灭火设备
Fire extinguisher 灭火器
Fire extinguisher of oil tank 油槽灭火装置
Fire extinguishers 灭火器
fire extinguishing system 消防系统
fire facsimile apparatus 消防传真机
fire fighting 灭火战斗
fire fighting access 消防通道
Fire fighting action 灭火战斗行动
Fire fighting commander 灭火指挥员
Fire fighting force 灭火力量
Fire fighting network 灭火战斗网
Fire fighting organizing and commanding 灭火组织指挥
Fire fighting planning 灭火作战计划
Fire fighting planning diagram 灭火作战计划图
Fire fighting tactics 灭火战术
Fire fighting tactics training 灭火战术训练
Fire fighting technique 灭火技术
Fire fighting technique training 灭火技术训练
Fire fighting training 灭火战斗训练
Fire fighting vehicle 灭火消防车
fire forces displaying devices 消防实力显示装置
Fire forcible entry tool 消防破拆工具
fire geographic locations displaying devices 消防地理位置显示装置
Fire hazard 火灾危害性
Fire hose 消防水带
Fire hydrant 消火栓
fire information 消防信息
Fire insulation 耐火隔热性
Fire integrity 耐火完整性
Fire ladder 消防梯
Fire lift 消防电梯
fire load 火灾荷载
Fire load density 火灾荷载密度
fire lookout 火警了望
Fire lookout tower 火警了望台
Fire man general Protection equipment 消防员常规防护装备
Fire man special protection equipment 消防员特种防护装备
Fire monitor 消防炮
Fire parameter 火灾参数
fire point 燃点
fire pool 消防水池
Fire prevention 防火
Fire priming pump 引水消防泵
Fire protection 消防
Fire protection control room 消防控制室
fire pump station 消防泵站
Fire pumps 消防泵
fire radio communication network 消防无线通信网
fire radio communication system 消防无线通信系统
Fire rescue equipments 消防救援器材
Fire resieting damper 防火阀
Fire resistance 耐火性
Fire resistant paper or board 阻燃纸或纸板
Fire resisting beam 耐火粱
Fire resisting column 耐火柱
Fire resisting damper 防火阀
fire resisting door 防火门
Fire resisting duct 耐火管道
Fire resisting element and assembly of building 耐火建筑构、配件
Fire resisting floor 耐火楼板
Fire resisting partition。 耐火隔墙
Fire resisting roof 耐火屋顶
Fire resisting shaft 耐火竖井
Fire resisting Shutter 防火卷帘
Fire resisting suspended ceiling 耐火吊顶
Fire resisting window 防火窗
fire retardance 阻燃性
Fire retardant 阻燃剂
Fire retardant coating 防火涂料
fire retardant treatment 阻燃处理
Fire risk 火灾危险性
Fire Safety Evacuation Sign 消防安全疏散标志
Fire stability 耐火稳定性
fire station sliding pole 消防滑杆
fire station training tower 消防训练塔
Fire stop for bunched cables 成束电缆阻燃工艺
Fire suction hose 消防吸水管
Fire telelphone 火警电话
Fire telephone 火警电话
Fire telephone line 火警电话线
Fire vehicle pump 车用消防泵
Fire vehicles 消防车
Fire wall 防火墙
Fire water branch 消防水枪
Fire water monitor 消防水炮
fire water pump 消防泵
fire water supply 消防水源
fire water tank 消防水箱
fire wired communication circuit 消防有线通信线路
fire wired communication network 消防有线通信网
fire wired communication system 消防有线通信系统
Fireed Fire Pump Unit of Foam Extinguish 泡沫灭火系统的固定式消防泵组
fire-extinguishing water tanker 水罐消防车
Fire-fighting equipment 消防设备
Fireman general protection equipment 消防员常规防护装备
fireman service 消防服务
Fireman special protection equipment 消防员特种防护装备
firemans switch board 消防开关盒
Fire-proof door 防火层门
Fire-proof plate 防火板
Fire-smothering unit room 灭火装置室
five disciplines of plant operation 设备操作的“五项纪律”
five fixed of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipment 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定”
Fixed extinguishing system 固定式灭火系统
fixed extinguishing systems 固定式灭火系统
Fixed fire extinguisher 固定式灭火器
Fixed plant assets management systems 设备固定资产管理制度
Flame 火焰
Flame extinguishing concentration 灭火浓度
flame retardance 阻燃性
flame retardant 阻燃
flame retardant fiber 阻燃纤维
Flame retardant treatment 阻燃处理
Flameless combustion 无焰燃烧
flame-proof resistor 阻燃型电阻器
Flame-retardant plywood 阻燃胶合板
Flame-retardant protective clothing 阻燃防护服
flammability 易燃性
Flammable 易燃的
Flash 闪燃
Flash -point 闪点
flash-over 轰燃
flat slide shut-off valve 平板式截止阀
Flexibility of plant 设备的灵活性
flow control valve 流量控制阀
flow divider valve 分流阀
Flue isolation 防火帽
Fluor- protein foam concentrate 氟蛋白泡沫液
fluorescence intensity 荧光强度
Fluorescence strength 荧光强度
Fluorescent effect 荧光效应
Fluorine 氟
Flush fire hydrant 地下消火栓
Foam concentrate 泡沫液
Foam Descending Groove 泡沫降落槽
Foam extinguishing agent 泡沫灭火剂
Foam extinguishing system 泡沫灭火系统
Foam fire extinguisher 泡沫灭火器
Foam fire extinguishing system 泡沫灭火系统
foam fire tanker 泡沫消防车
Foam fire truck 泡沫消防车
Foam Flowing Groove 泡沫溜槽
Foam Guiding Cover 泡沫导流罩
foam pourer systems 泡沫喷淋系统
Foam powder universal fire truck 泡沫-干粉联用消防车
Foam Produciong Groove 泡沫发生装置
Foam solution 泡沫溶液
fore period and later period management of plant 设备前期管理和后期管理
Fulfillment ratio of periodic service 定期保养完成率
Fulfillment ratio of repair plan 修理计划完成率
full fire developmeht 全燃
fully developed fire 全燃火
Fusion transition 熔化过渡区
f.a fire alarm 火(灾报)警(装置)
F/A fuel-air ratio 燃烧-空气比
FA fireman apprentice 见习消防队员
FA first aid 急救
FAA Federal Aviation Administration [美]联邦航空署
FAA Federal Aviation Administration [美]联邦航空局
FAB first-aid box 急救箱
FABL fire alarm bell 火警铃
FABX fire alarm box 火警箱
FAST fire and smoke transport [消]火和烟的迁移
gable 三角墙,山墙
gabled roof 人字屋顶
gage 1、表、仪、计 2、(量)规 3、刻度、分度 4、(掺和的)熟石膏用量
gage pressure 表压,计示压力 (强)
gale 大风(尤指八级大风)
gallery 1、长廊,走廊 2、阳台
gallery over the main hall 走马廊
galley (船舰)厨房
gallon 加仑
gallons per minute 加仑/分钟
gallows [英][消]〈泵浦摇梯消防车等前部的〉门式梯架
Gamma alarm meter γ报警仪
gantry (消防车的)的尾部梯架
gas cartridge extinguisher 贮气瓶式灭火器
Gas cartridge fire extinguisher 贮气瓶式灭火器
gas cartridge operated fire extinguisher [消]贮气瓶式灭火器
gas conduction 气体导电
gas extinguishing agent [消]气体灭火剂〈以气体状态进行灭火的灭火剂〉
Gas fire detector 气体火灾探测器
gas flooding extinguishing system [消]气体淹没灭火系统
gas kit 消]携带式配套工具
gas-air flame 气体-空气焰
gas-air interface 气体-空气界面
gaseous agent [消]气体灭火剂
gasify 气化
gasket 1、密封垫[片、板] 2、[消](水带接口的)垫圈、密封圈
General fire alarm control unit 通用火灾报警控制器
Globe valve(or Ball valve) 球阀
glow discharge 辉光放电
Glowing combustion 灼热燃烧
Goods which is of low value and easy to be damaged 低值易耗品
governing valve 调节阀
Ground extinguishing equipment 坐地式灭火装置
Grouting pump 灌浆泵
GA gas alarm 毒气报警,毒气警报。
GAFES gas-aerosol fire extinguishing system [消]气体-气溶胶灭火系统 habitation 住宅,居住
hachure (表示地形、断面等的)影线
hafnium metal powfer 金属铬粉
hail (冰)雹
haldane apparatus 哈尔丹空气分析器
half lethal dose 半数致死剂量,50%致死量
half-life 半衰期,半排出期
half-space landing 楼梯平台
half-thickness 强度减半厚度
Halligan toll [消]哈利根铁铤〈一端是爪,另一端是双尾橇的铁铤〉
halogenated agent extinguisher [消]卤代烷灭火器
Halogenated hydrocarbon fire extinguishing system 卤代烃灭火系统
Halon 1301 battery [消](卤代烷)[哈龙]1301灭火剂钢瓶组。
Halon 1301 design concentrations for flame extinguishment [消](卤代烷)[哈龙]1301灭火剂设计灭火浓度
Halon 1301 design concentrations for inerting [消](卤代烷)[哈龙]1301灭火剂设计惰化浓度
Halon extinguishing agent 卤代烷灭火剂
Halon extinguishing system 卤代烷灭火系统
Halon fire extinguisher 卤代烷灭火器
Halon l2ll extinguishing agent 1211灭火剂
Halon l30l extinguishing agent 1301灭火剂
Halon release station [消](卤代烷)[哈龙](灭火器)施放装置
Halon suppressant 卤代烷抑爆剂
hand counter [消]泵速检查器
hand engine [消]手压灭火器
hand extinguisher [消]手提灭火器
Hand pump 手摇泵
hand-cotrolled branch [消]手控(直流喷雾)水枪〈能同时喷射直流和雾化水,并每种喷射形式都能分别控制〉
Hanged extinguishing equipment 悬挂式灭火装置
Hanged powder extinguishing equipment 悬挂式干粉灭火装置
hard magnetic material 硬磁材料
hazard warning system tell-tale 危急报警信号灯
Heat fire detector 感温火灾探测器
Heat of combustion 燃烧热
High expansion foam fire truck 高倍泡沫消防车
high pressure spray test 高压喷淋试验
high-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space 机器处所的固定高膨胀泡沫灭火系统
historical and cultural relics 文物建筑
Horizontal Exit 水平出口
hose reel 消防卷盘
HAD heat-actuated device [消]感温式火灾探测装置,感温式火灾探测器
ice point 冰点
ice vest 冰背心
ideal capacitor 理想电容器
ideal resistor 理想电阻器
ideal-gas equation 理想气体状态方程
Idle plant 闲置设备
ignite (vt) 引燃
ignite(vi) 起火
igniter composition 点火剂成分,点火剂组成
ignition 引燃
ignition component [消]着火或燃率〈指燃烧的木头落如细小可燃物后引起火的概率〉
ignition delay [消]着火迟延〈指火种或氧化剂与可燃物接触到燃烧开始的时间〉
ignition distance [消]着火距离
ignition energy [消]着火能量〈指一种物质在起火前必须吸收的热量或电能〉
ignition flame 点火火焰
ignition index [消]引燃指数
ignition lag 引燃延迟时间
ignition point 1、[消]着火点 2、 [消]燃点
ignition source 引火源
ignition temperature 引燃温度
ignition time 引燃时间
ignition-initiation model 着火-起燃模型〈用于评估每年各类型的起火概率〉
IIIuminance (IIIumination) 照度
Immediate surround of an air-outlet grille 出气口棚格或防火保护罩紧邻的四周表面
Imported equipment management 进口设备管理
Incandescence 炽热
Indirect extinguishing 间接灭火
Indoor fire hydrant 室内消火栓
induced voltage 感应电压
Inert gas for fire extinguishing 惰性气体防灭火
Inerting 惰化
Inerting system 惰化系统
Infrared detector 红外检测器
Initial examination and measurement 初始检测
Inside carity caused by short circuited melted mark 短路熔珠内部空洞
Inside-tank smoke extinguishing system 罐内式烟雾灭火系统
installation security 安装的安全性
insulation monitoring and warning device 绝缘监视和报警装置
integrated fire control device 消防联动控制装置
Intelligente sensor 智能传感器
Intrusion alarm 入侵报警器
Investigation on plant 设备调研
Investment plan of plant 设备规划
Ion pump 离子泵
Ionization smoke alarm 离子感烟报警器
Iron 铁
Isometric crystal 等轴晶
IAAI International Association of Arson Ivestigation 国际放火调查员协会
IAEI International Association of Electrical Inspectors 国际电器检查员协会
IAFF International Association of Fire Chiefs 国际消防长官协会
IAIABC International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commision 国际工业事故组织联合会
IATA International Air Transportation Association 国际民航运输协会
IC incident commander 火场指挥员
ICBO International Conference of Building Officials 1、国际建筑高级员工会议 2、国际官方建筑师会议
ICMA International Congress for Modern Architecture 国际现代建筑会议
ICP incident command post [林]事故指挥所,抗灾(灭火)指挥所
ICS incident command system 事故指挥系统
ID inside diameter 内径
IDC initiating device circuit 启动装置电路
LAFF International Association of Fire Fighters 国际消防战斗员协会
LAFS International Association For Fire Safety 国际消防安全科学协会
LAFS International Association For Fire Safety Science 国际消防安全科学协会
jack [消]支腿
jack algorithm 流场数值计算中一种常用的逐点迭代法
jack lamp 安全灯
jack outrigger 撑脚千斤顶
jack plate [消](云梯消防车或登高平台消防车的)插接箱底板(支腿底版)
jack screw 螺旋起重机
jack up 1、用千斤顶顶起,起重 2、[石]海上钻井
jackknife [消]牵引车相对拖车成转角
jamb 门窗侧壁
japan 日本漆,亮漆
Japan Society of Civil Engineering 日本土木工程学会
Japaness Building Law Test Method 日本建筑法规测试方法
japanning room 油漆间
JASMINE (瑞典火灾研究开发的一种)流场计算模型
jaw 虎钳
j-boit 钩头螺旋
jellied gasoline 凝固汽油弹
jelly bomb 凝固汽油弹
jet 射流,水流,气流
jet cone 射流扩展锥
jet control 喷射流的控制
jet current 射流,喷流
Jet drainage 喷射泵排水
Jet injector 射流泵
jet normal pressure 喷射正常压力
jet-Axe [消]杰脱斧〈一种气动破拆工具的商品名〉
joint command [消]跨责任区联合指挥
joker [口][消](消防站值班室里的)小警铃
Jones snap coupling [消]琼斯快式接口〈一种非螺口快式接口的商品名〉
journal [消]消防队日记
jump cushion [英][消]救生垫〈[消]用以接住从高楼上跳下的人的充气垫子
jump fire [消]飞火
Jumping cushion 救生垫
jumping fire=spooting fire [消]造成飞火和二次火灾的火灾
jumping net [消](发生火灾时)用以接住跳楼人的救生网
jumping sheet [消]救生跳布〈用约10平方米的帆布或合成纤维制作的救生器具,用以接住从高楼上跳
jumping spot [林](为空降森林消防战斗员指定的)空降着陆点
junior caption [消]小队长
junior fire department [消]少年消防团
junior officer [消] 基层消防官员
jurisdiction map [消] 责任区地图
jurisdictional coverage network [消]管理区覆盖网
juvenile fire setter [消]少年放火犯
juvenile fire setting [消]少年放火
JCNFSO Joint Council of National Fire Service Organization [美]全国消防组织联合委员会
KA=kilo ampere 千安培
kalamein [消] 1、包金属的防火门 2、铁皮包门〈防火门
kapok 木棉
karman vortex street 卡曼涡道
karman vortex street effect 卡曼涡道效应
katergol 液体火箭燃料
katharometer [英]导热析气计
keel 龙骨
keep away from fire 切勿近火
keep in a fire 使火不熄灭
keep the fire under 控制住火
keeper 门销保险器,门闩
Kelly day (小队的)额外轮休期
kelly tool [消]凯式铁铤〈一头是凿头,另一头是扁斧的铁铤〉
Key Unit of Fire Safety 消防安全重点单位
Key-point equipment 重点设备
key-point investigation 重点调查
kink [消]1、(为暂断水流而)折断水带 2、水带扭结
kit [消]1、消防器材〈消防车和消防设备的总称〉 2、(某消防战斗员跟随的某辆)消防
knapsack tank [消](最大容量为四加仑的)背负式泡沫液罐
knock down [消]1、压住火势 2、抑制火势
knock down the flame 熄灭火焰
knock free region 无爆震区
knock limit 燃烧极限,燃烧界限
knocking combustion 爆震燃烧
knocking explosion 爆炸
knocking fuel 爆炸燃烧
kortick tool [消]耙锄
labeled 贴有(产品合格)标签的
labeling 张贴危险告示;作标记
lable 同位素示踪剂
labor pool 机动工小组
laboratory hood 实验室通风柜
lachrymator 催泪剂,催泪性毒气
lacing course 拉结层,带层
lacquer 硝基漆,清喷漆
lacrimator 催泪剂(物),催泪性毒气
lactic acid 乳酸
ladder [消]1、梯,消防梯 2、登高(消防)车 3、登高(消防)车队
ladder assembly [消](整套的)梯架
ladder bed ladder bed
ladder bed lock [消]云梯锁定装置
ladder belt [消]安全带
ladder carry [消](重型)消防梯的搬运(法)
ladder company [消]登高(消防)车中队
ladder dog [消]梯子抓链
ladder dog chain [消]梯子抓链
ladder fly [消] 1、(拉梯的)上节梯(和中节梯)2、消防梯顶部
ladder fuel [消] 阶梯的可燃物
ladder lock [消] 消防梯架空销定器
ladder pawl [消]挂
ladder pipe [消]缚在消防云梯上的消防(水)炮
ladder raise [消] 1、竖梯,升梯 2、升梯法
ladder shoe 梯脚防滑套
ladder side [消]梯子侧板
ladder spur 梯子防滑块
ladder stand 活动梯台
ladder stream [消]云梯射流
ladder stream reaction [消]云梯射流(反作用)力
ladder string [消]梯子的侧板
ladder the building [消](向起火建筑物)架梯〈命令〉
ladder tie [消] 拉梯绳结
ladder training tower [消]梯子训练塔
ladder truck [消]登高(消防)车
ladder-jack scaffold 挂梯式轻便脚手架
level warning switch 液面报警开关
Liability accident 责任事故
Life cycle 寿命周期
Life net 救生网
life of equipment 设备寿命
Life pack 救生袋
Life rope gun 射绳枪
Life sliding pole 救生滑杆
Life-cycle management of plant 设备全过程管理
lifts 电梯
light intensity modulation 光强度调制
Lighting tower fire vehicle 照明消防车
limit alarm sensor 极限报警检测器
Line-typenre fire detector 线型火灾探测器
lness ratio of plant 设备闲置率
load rate of plant 设备负荷率
Load test 负荷试验
lObby ventilation 前室通风
Local application extinguishing system 局部应用灭火系统
local application of high medium expansion foam extinguishing system 局部应用式高倍数、中倍数泡沫灭火系统
low perssure alarm device 低压报警器
low pressure warning switch 低压报警开关
low-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space 机器处所的固定低膨胀泡沫灭火系统
Lumen 流明
Luminance,Photometric Brightness 亮度
Luminescene 发光 1
luminescent efficiency 发光效率
luminous efficacy(of a source) (发)光效能(光源的)
Luminous Flux 光通量
Luminous Intensity 发光强度
luminous intensity standard lamp 发光强度标准灯
Lux 勒克斯
Machine contracting system 包机制
machine guarding 给机器安装安全防护装置
machine room 机器房
mackerel sky 鱼鳞天
macroscopic 肉眼可见的
macroshock 强振〈毫安级以上的大电流在人体上所产生电击〉
Maeximum pump pressure 最高泵压
magazine 弹药库,爆炸品仓库,爆炸品贮藏室
MAGIC 法国电力公司为评价核电站的火灾安全而开发的一种计算机程序,也可用于其他建筑物的计
magnesium 镁
magnetic core 磁心
magnetic field 磁场
magnetic field strength 磁场强度
magnetic flux 磁通量
magnetic flux density 磁通密度
magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线
magnetic saturation 磁饱和
magnetization curve 磁化曲线
magneto-optic effect 磁-光效应
main control valve 主控制阀
main pipe [消]主管,给水总管
main section [消](伸缩)下节梯
main stop valve 主汽阀
main valve 主阀
Maintainability 维修性
Maintenance (and repair) [设备]维修
Maintenance information management 维修信息管理
major accident 严重事故
major emergency 重大紧急事件
major incident 重大事故
major injury 大伤害〈造成较大工时损失和需要较多的医药费的伤害〉
major response [消]大规模接警出动
make a hydrant [消]装接吸水管
make coupling [消]联结水带
make up a hose line [消]收起水带线
make-up pump 补充泵
malicious call [消]谎报的火灾
malicious event 破坏事件
malicious false alarm [消]谎报的火灾
mall sprinkler [消]手动洒水喷头
Management of equipment order contract 设备合同管理
Management of key-point equipment 重点设备管理
management regulation for operation and service of equipment 设备使用与维护管理制度
Management regulation of equipment spare parts 设备备品配件管理制度
management regulation of plant maintenance technology 设备维修技术管理制度
man-caused risk [消][林]人为火(火灾)险
Man-hours quota for equipment repair 设备修理工时定额
manikin (用于消防服装测试的)“热人”
man-made fuelbreak [林]人造防火线
Manual fire alarm call point 手动火灾报警按钮
manually operated valve 手动阀
Marine fire proof panel 船用防火板材
Material quota for equipment repair 设备修理材料定额
Mathematical statistics 数理统计
maximum service pressure 最大工作压力(PMS)
Maximum size pump liner 泵最大缸径
Maximum strockes of pump 泵最高冲程数
Maximun pump sressure 最高泵压
Mean time to failure 无故障运行时间
Means of evacuation 疏散设施
Mechanical smoke control 机械控烟
Melted bead 熔珠
Melted mark 熔痕
Melted mark caused by short circuit 短路熔痕
Melted mark induced by lightning 雷电熔痕
Mercury diffusion pump 汞扩散泵
minimum burst pressure 最小爆破压力(P B)
minimum setting pressure of relief valve 安全阀调定压力
Minimum size of pump liner 泵最小缸径
minimun ignition time 最小引燃时间
Mobile fire extinguisher 移动式灭火器
Model of pump 水泵型号
multiple loop fire alarm control unit 多路火灾报警控制器
mushroom valve 盘形阀
mutual induction 互感应
MACS maximum allowable concentration 最高允许浓度
Name of pump (Type of pump) 水泵名称
National Association for Fire Equipment Distributors [美]全国消防设备销售协会
National Association for Search and Rescue [美]全国搜寻和救援协会
National Association of State Fire Marshals [美]全国州级防火长官协会
National Association of State Forests [美]全国州林务官协会
National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualification [美]全国消防职业资格委员会
National Fire Reporting System [美]全国火灾报告系统
National Fire Sprinkler Association [美]全国喷水灭火系统协会
National Fluid Power Association [美]全国流体动力协会
Natural accident 自然事故
natural barrier [林]天然屏障〈任何因缺乏可燃物而阻止森林火灾蔓延的地区〉
natural cause 自然原因
natural combustion 自然燃烧
natural disaster 自然灾害
natural fibre hose [消]天然纤维水带
natural fire [消] 自然火灾〈闪电,自燃或火山活动等自然原因造成的火灾〉
natural fuel [林]可燃可燃物〈自然过程形成,而不是森林作业产生的可燃物〉
natural fuel break [林]天然防火线〈自然形成的防火隔离带如河流,溪谷等〉
natural gas 天然气,石油气
natural gas burner 天然气燃烧器
natural of occupant [消]占用人性质
Natural smoke control 自然控烟
natural smoke extraction [消]自然排烟
neargale [气]疾风,七级风
neckband [消](防烟面具)领带
needle valve 针形阀
needless alarm [消]不必要的(火灾)报警,误报(的火警)
nested ladders [消]叠套消防梯〈消防车顶上按大小套叠放置的消防梯〉
nesting of ladder [消]消防梯的套叠,(云梯)节的套叠
net [消]救生网
net fire effect [消]火灾的最后结果〈一场火灾的所有结果,包括好的和坏的结果的总结〉
net floor area 地板[楼层]净面积
Neutral pressure plane 中性面
newness degree of plant 设备新度
non-combustibility 不燃性
non-combustible 不燃的
non-return valve(check valve) 逆止阀
oakum 麻絮
objective 目标
obligated storage (新进货物)专用堆放区
obscuration 朦胧,模糊
obscuration coefficient [减光系数],吸收系数,吸收指数〈表示烟雾指数密度对光吸收和散射能力的一个参数〉
obscuration detector [消]减光火灾探测仪
obscuration-type photoelectric smoke detector [消]减光型光电感烟探测器
observation port 观察孔,着火孔
observation time [消]火险观察时间
observation tower 嘹望塔
observation window 观察窗
observatory 嘹望台
obsolescence 陈旧(建筑),过时(建筑)
obsolete obsolete 报废的,退役的
obsolete fire extinguisher 报废的灭火器
obstructed construction [消]有障碍的结构〈指建筑物的梁等建筑构件影响火灾热气流动或洒水喷头控制火或灭火
obstruction to distribution [消]影响灭火剂应用的障碍物
occupancy fire load [消] 占用火灾负荷
occupancy classification [消] 用房分类
occupancy of high fire load [消] 高火灾负荷用房
occupancy of low fire load [消] 低火灾负荷用房
occupancy of moderate fire load [消] 中火灾负荷用房
occupancy rate 1、占用率 2、[消]用户(按火灾负荷)分级
occurrence index [林]火灾发生率,火灾指数
off premises annunciating alarm [消]出区报警〈除向本部门报警外,还向远距离点报警〉
offical action guide [消]消防工作条例
office occupancy [消]办公用房
officer [消]消防官员
officer in charge [消]1、火场指挥员 2、值勤队长
officer training 消防官训练(课程)
Offshore safety 海上安全
oil absorbent blanket 吸油层〈亲右疏水的物质,用水吸收污染物〉
oil burning system 燃油燃烧系统
Oil diffusion pump 油扩散泵
oil fire [消]油类火灾
oil pit [消](消防水库水沟的)滤油防火装置
old-style sprinkler [消]老式洒水喷头〈自动喷水灭火系统的〉
omnisensor [消]全面探测器〈结合感温,离子和光电技术于一体的复合探测器〉
on call fireman [消]兼职消防队员
on-board fire [消]飞机[船、舱]上火灾
on-call fire fighter [消]兼职消防战斗员
one and one [口][消](一辆泵浦消防车和一辆登高消防车能控制的)火灾
one-hour timelag fuel [林]1小时时间间隔的可燃物〈包括枯死的草木植物和直径小于6毫米的圆木,还包括
one-hundred hour timelag fuel [林]1-100小时时间间隔的可燃物〈直径2.5-7.5厘米的圆木死可燃物,可
one-lick method [消](消防战斗员单行)渐进式建立火灾控制线法
one-line fire [消] (用一条水带线能扑灭的)小火
one-piece firefighting suit [消]连衣裤消防战斗服
one-way restrictor valve 单向节流阀
Open stairway 敞开楼梯
Open-case inspection 开箱检查
operating security 操作安全性
Operating valve 作用阀
Operating valve body 作用阀体
Operating valve rod 作用阀杆
Operating valve spring 作用阀弹簧
Operation and business management system 设备经营管理制度
Operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程
Operational capability of plant 设备工作能力
Operational test for automatic fire alarm systems 火灾自动报警系统效用试验
Operational test for water fire-extinguishing systems 水灭火系统效用试验
Optical flame fire detector 感光火灾探测器
Ordination of pump 水泵规格
original record 原始记录
Other fire appliance 其他消防器材
Outdoor fire hydrant 室外消火栓
Outside-tank smoke extinguishing system 罐外式烟雾灭火系统
over load valve 过载阀
Oxidizer 助燃物(氧化剂)
O oxygen 氧
OAT outside air temperature 外部气温
OHMTADS oil and hazardous materials technical assistance data system 油类及危险品技术救助数据系统
pacemaker 起搏器
pack set 便携式对江无线电话机
packaged fuel 包装燃料,包装煤砖
package-type sprinkler system [消]组建式喷水灭火系统
packed cargo 件货,包装货
packing material 填料,密封(材)料
padlock remover [消](破拆用)撬锁器 [消](破拆用)撬锁
pager (袖珍)无线电寻呼机
paging system 音响播叫系统
paid absence allowance 假期补贴
paid fire brigade=professional fire brigade [消]支取薪金的消防队
paid fire department [消]职业消防局,职业消防部门
paid friefighter [消]职业消防战斗员
paid man [消]职业消防战斗员
pain 疼痛,痛(苦)
paint 涂料,油漆
pancake collapse (楼板)平倒塌
parallel attack=parallel method=parallel fire suppression [林](与火灾边沿)平行建立火灾控制线
parallel burning=strip burning [林]平行烧除
parbuckle 单绳作的双折吊锁
part time fire brigade=part-time fire brigade [消]非全日工作消防队
partial combustion 不完全燃烧,部分燃烧
partial discharge 局部放电
Partial discharge detector 局部放电检测仪
partial evacuation [消]局部疏散
partial oxidation reaction 不完全氧化系统
partial sprinklered space [消]部分有洒水喷头(保护)地区
part-time fireman [消]非全日工作消防人员
passenger conveyors 自动人行道
peak of luminous intensity (luminous flux) 发光强度(光通量)峰值
Perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率
Perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率
Performance of plant 设备功能(效能)
Period of flaming 火焰期
PH Valuc PH值
pH value 酸碱度
Phosphate powder 磷酸盐干粉
photoelectric effect 光电效应
Photoluminescence 光致发光
piezoelectric effect 压电效应
Place of safety 安全区
Plain water fire extinguisher 清水灭火器
Planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制度
Plant accident 设备事故
Plant ageing 设备老化
Plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率
Plant daily service fulfillment ratio 备日常保养完成率
Plant engineering modernization 设备管理现代化
Plant in good condition 设备完好
Plant leasing 设备租赁
Plant maintenance plan 设备检修计划
Plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量
Plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程
Plant management systems 设备管理制度
plant management, plant enginerring 设备管理
Plant model selection 设备选型
Plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造
plant renewal 设备更新
Plant renewal management 设备更新管理制度
Plant replacement 设备更换
plate valve 平板闸阀
Pneumatic extinguisher 风力灭火机
Pneumatic extinguishers 风力灭火机
polarized light 偏光
portable extinguisher 手提式灭火器
Portable fire extinguisher 手提式灭火器
Portable fire pump with engine 手抬机动消防泵
Post fire hydrant 地上消火栓
Post responsibility of plant management 设备岗位责任
Post standard of plant management 设备技术资料管理制度
Potassium bicarbonate powder 碳酸氢钾干粉
Powdef fire branch 干粉枪
Powder extinguishing agent 干粉灭火剂
Powder extinguishing system 干粉灭火系统
Powder fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器
Powder fire monitor 干粉炮
Powder fire truck 干粉消防车
Powder suppressant 干粉抑爆剂
Pre-action system 预作用灭火系统
pre-alarm state 预报警状态
precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备
Prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付
Pressure loss in bit 钻头泵压损失
Pressure loss in drilling rod 钻杆泵压损失
pressure-limiting valve 限压阀
Pressurization 增压
Prevention first 预防为主
Primary short circuited melted mark 一次短路熔痕
probability 概率(几率)
Probe test 探头检测
Production equipment 生产设备
Products of combustion 燃烧产物
Prohibiting Sign 禁止标志
proof test for fire-extinguishing systems 消防系统效用试验
Propaganda fire vchicle 宣传消防车
propaganda fire vehicle 宣传消防车
Prophylactic test 预防性试验
Protected area 保护区域
Protected stairway 疏散楼梯
protection by spraying aqueous preventives 喷淋防锈
Protective Unit of Civil Air Defence 人防防护单元
Protective valve 保护阀
Protein foam concentrate 蛋白泡沫液
public city fire facility 城镇公共消防设施
Public-fire alarm address system 火警广播系统
Pump 水泵
Pump axis 泵轴
Pump body 泵体
Pump data 泵数据
Pump output 水泵排量
Pump pipe 泵管
Pump pressure 泵压
Pump pressure meter 泵压表
Pump pressure of fracturing 压裂泵压
Pump suspended in well 水井吊泵
Pump type 泵分类
pump wheel 泵轮
Pump wheel shaft 泵轮轴
Pump wheel(impeller)shaft 泵轮轴
Pumper 泵浦消防车
Pyrolysis 热解
pyrophoric material 自燃物
quadruple ladder truck [消]四节云梯(消防)车
quake 地震
quake-proof 抗震的
qualification 资格证明书,执照
qualification test 资格证明书,执照
qualified 合格的,有资格的
qualified agency 有资格的机构
qualitative analysis 定量分析
quality control 质量控制
quality standard 质量标准
quality supervision 质量监督
quantity of heat 热量
quarry dynamite 采石场用[硝甘]炸药,露天矿用硝甘炸药
quarry power 采石用炸药
quarters [美]消防站,消防署
quartzoid (bulb)sprinkler system [消]玻璃球喷水灭火系统
quartzoid bulb detector [消]玻璃球喷水灭火系统
Quasi-safe area 准安全区
quell a fire 灭火
quenching diameter [消]熄火直径〈使火焰熄灭的孔道直径〉
quenching distance 灭火距离
quenching of explosive condition 爆炸状态的骤熄
quick connect coupling [消]快式接口
quick line [消]加压水带线
quick match 速燃引信头,速燃导火索
quick opening sprinkler system device [消]快开喷水灭火系统装置
quick response early suppression sprinkler [消]加快反应早期灭火洒水喷头
quick silver 汞,水银
quick switch 快速开关,快动开关
quick water [消]滑溜水
quick-opening device [消]快开装置〈喷水灭火系统的〉
quick-response extended coverage sprinkler [消]快速反应扩大覆盖面洒水喷头〈自动喷水灭火系统〉
quick-response sprinkler [消]快速反应洒水喷头〈自动喷水灭火系统
quintuple lader truck [消]五件套云梯(消防)车〈其消防装备有水箱、水带、泵浦、拉梯和机械云梯五种组成
Q quality factor 品质因素,质量因素
rack-jack 齿条式千斤顶
rad 拉德〈吸收辐射剂量单位,等于每一克组织吸收100尔格能量〉
radial branch [消]旋转式消防炮;导流式水枪〈射流直径最大达51毫米,只需一名水枪手操作〉
radial fire extinguisher [消]辐射式灭火器
radian 弧度〈角度单位〉
radiance 辐射性能〈面辐射强度〉
radianr ①辐射的 ②发光的
radiant energy 辐射能
radiant energy flux 辐射能通量
radiant energy sensing detector [消]感辐射能探测器
radiant energy-sensing fire detector [消]感辐射能火灾探测器
radiant flux 辐射通量
radiant flux test 辐射通量试验
radiant furnace test method 辐射能试验法
radiant heat 辐射热
radiant heat resistance 抗辐射热性能
radiant heater 辐射式供暖器
radiant heating 加热,辐射热供暖
radiant heating system 辐射式供暖系统
radiant intensity 辐射强度
radiant panel 辐射板
radiant panel furnace 辐射板加热炉
radiant panel heating 辐射板供暖
radiant panel test 辐射板试验(美国试验与材料学会的《应用辐射热源材料表面易燃性的标准试验法》E1
radiant power 辐射功率
radiant resistance furnace 辐射电阻炉
radiant surface 辐射面
radianting capacity 辐射能力
radiant-tube furnace 辐射管式炉(隔焰炉之一种)
radiated heat 辐射热
radiating 辐射的
radiating chemistry 放射化学,辐射化学
radiating element ①辐射单元 ②放射性元素
radiating fin 散热片
radiating heat 辐射热
radiating medium 放射性介质
radiating principal 辐射主体
radiating surface 辐射面
radiation 辐射,放射,反射线[能,热]
radiation accident 放[辐]射事故
radiation area 放射区,放射面积
radiation burn (放)射线灼伤
radiation calorimeter 辐射量热器
radiation condition 辐射条件
radiation damage 辐射伤害,射线伤害
radiation detection 辐射探测器
radiation detection instrument 辐射探测仪
radiation detector 辐射探测器
radiation dosimetry 辐射剂量测定法,辐射剂量学
radiation effects 辐射作用,辐射效应
radiation exposure 辐射照射
radiation feedback 辐射反馈
radiation fire detector [消]光束火灾探测器
radiation hazard 辐射危害
radiation illness 辐射病,射线病
radiation injury 辐射损伤
radiation intensity 辐射强度
radiation loss (热)辐射损失
radiation machine 辐射装置
radiation measurement 辐射测量
radiation monitoring 辐射检查
radiation proof 防辐射
radiation protection 辐射防护
radiation pvrometer 辐射高温计
radiation resistance 耐辐射性
radiation resistant 防辐射的
radiation screen 辐射屏
radiation shield 防辐射屏蔽,辐射射罩
radiation shielding 辐射屏蔽,辐射防护
radiation source 辐射源
radiation standards 辐射标准
radiation surface 辐射面
radiation temperature 辐射温度
radiation valve 辐射值,辐射系数
Radiation warning assembly 辐射报警装置
radiation warning symbol 辐射警告符号
radiation-convection temperture 辐射对流温度
radiation-enhanced burning rate 辐射增强的燃烧速率
radiative feedback 辐射热反馈
radiator 辐射源,暖气片
radiator box 散热器罩,暖气罩
radiator cooler [消](消防车散热器的)辅助冷却装置
radical [化]①原子团 ②基,根
radio ①无线电 ②无线电通信
radio- [词头]放[辐]射,无线电,X射线
Radio alarming 无线报警
radio antenna 无线电天线
radio beacon 无线电信标
radio box [消]无线电火灾报警箱
radio cache [消]无线电设备贮藏处
radio channel 无线电波道
radio circuit 无线电通信网络
radio commications system 无线电通信系统
radio communication 无线电通信
radio contact 无线电联系
radio dispatch system 无线电调度系统
radio equipment 无线电没备
radioactivation 辐射激[活]化
radioactive 放射性的
radioactive air 放射性气体
radioactive cloud 放射性云
radioactive contamination 放射性污染
radioactive decay 放射性衰变
radioactive disintegration 放射性衰变
radioactive dynamite 放射性(硝甘)炸药
radioactive fallout ` 放射性死灰,放射性微粒回降
radioactive isotope 放射性同位素
radioactive material 放射性物质,放射性材料
radioactive metal 放射性金属
radioactive metal fire [消]放射性金属火灾
radioactive neutralizer 放射性中和器
radioactive source 辐射源
radioactive standard 放射性标准
radioactive tracer 放射性示踪剂
radioactive waste 放射性废物
radioactivity 放射性,放射现象
radiobiology 放射性[辐射]生物学
radiochemistry 放射化学
radiodiagnosis 放射诊断,X射线诊断
radioecology 放射生态学
radioelement 放射(性)元素
radio-equipped vehicle `配备无线电设备
railroad fire [消]铁路(沿线)火灾
railroad fire signal 铁路(沿线)火警信号
rake 1、[消](用水枪射流)扫描(火) 2、[消]火耙
Random event 随机事件
range fire [消]牧区火灾,草原火灾
rate of residual extinguishing medium 喷射剩余率
rated apparent power on valve side 额定阀侧视在功率
rated current on valve side 额定阀侧电流
rated voltage on valve side 额定阀侧电压
Reaction to fire 对火反应
Recconnaissance fire vehicle 勘察消防车
reconnaissance fire vehicle 勘察消防车
Recrystal 再结晶
region responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制
Regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期管理规定
Relative Density 相对密度
releasing test for fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems 泡沫灭火系统喷射试验
releasing test for fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems 水雾灭火系统喷射试验
Reliability reliability theory 设备的可靠性与可靠度
Repair [设备]修理
Repair cycle 修理周期
Residual carbonized substance after fire 火场残留炭化物
residual magnetism in conducting wire short circuit caused by fire burning 火烧导线短路剩磁
residual value 残值
response to fire call 受理火警
Reverse circulation valve 反循环阀
Rigid piston valve 固定式汽阀
Riot gun 防暴枪
Rnterval between inspections 检查间隔期
Roof resisting to external fire exposure 防火屋面
Roof screen 闷顶隔板
Roof smoke screen 屋顶挡烟隔板
Roof vent 屋顶通风
Rotary pump 旋转真空泵
rotary valve 球阀
Running pump time 开泵时间
Rabbit [核](放射性样品)兔式速移器〈铝或塑料制的小圆柱体,用气压通过输送设备移动〉
raceway 电缆管道
rack 搁物架
rack space 储存架区
rack storage sprinkler [消]高架仓库洒水喷头〈自动喷头灭火系统的〉
Safe area 安全

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[翻译]数学专业英语词汇英汉对照 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:08:00

absolute value 绝对值

accept 接受

acceptable region 接受域

additivity 可加性

adjusted 调整的

alternative hypothesis 对立假设

analysis 分析

analysis of covariance 协方差分析

analysis of variance 方差分析

arithmetic mean 算术平均值

association 相关性

assumption 假设

assumption checking 假设检验

availability 有效度

average 均值

balanced 平衡的

band 带宽

bar chart 条形图

beta-distribution 贝塔分布

between groups 组间的

bias 偏倚

binomial distribution 二项分布

binomial test 二项检验

calculate 计算

case 个案

category 类别

center of gravity 重心

central tendency 中心趋势

chi-square distribution 卡方分布

chi-square test 卡方检验

classify 分类

cluster analysis 聚类分析

coefficient 系数

coefficient of correlation 相关系数

collinearity 共线性

column 列

compare 比较

comparison 对照

components 构成,分量

compound 复合的

confidence interval 置信区间

consistency 一致性

constant 常数

continuous variable 连续变量

control charts 控制图

correlation 相关

covariance 协方差

covariance matrix 协方差矩阵

critical point 临界点

critical value 临界值

crosstab 列联表

cubic 三次的,立方的

cubic term 三次项

cumulative distribution function 累加分布函数

curve estimation 曲线估计

data 数据

default 默认的

definition 定义

deleted residual 剔除残差

density function 密度函数

dependent variable 因变量

description 描述

design of experiment 试验设计

deviations 差异

df.(degree of freedom) 自由度

diagnostic 诊断

dimension 维

discrete variable 离散变量

discriminant function 判别函数

discriminatory analysis 判别分析

distance 距离

distribution 分布

D-optimal design D-优化设计

eaqual 相等

effects of interaction 交互效应

efficiency 有效性

eigenvalue 特征值

equal size 等含量

equation 方程

error 误差

estimate 估计

estimation of parameters 参数估计

estimations 估计量

evaluate 衡量

exact value 精确值

expectation 期望

expected value 期望值

exponential 指数的

exponential distributon 指数分布

extreme value 极值

factor 因素,因子

factor analysis 因子分析

factor score 因子得分

factorial designs 析因设计

factorial experiment 析因试验

fit 拟合

fitted line 拟合线

fitted value 拟合值

fixed model 固定模型

fixed variable 固定变量

fractional factorial design 部分析因设计

frequency 频数

F-test F检验

full factorial design 完全析因设计

function 函数

gamma distribution 伽玛分布

geometric mean 几何均值

group 组

harmomic mean 调和均值

heterogeneity 不齐性

histogram 直方图

homogeneity 齐性

homogeneity of variance 方差齐性

hypothesis 假设

hypothesis test 假设检验

independence 独立

independent variable 自变量

independent-samples 独立样本

index 指数

index of correlation 相关指数

interaction 交互作用

interclass correlation 组内相关

interval estimate 区间估计

intraclass correlation 组间相关

inverse 倒数的

iterate 迭代

kernal 核

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test


kurtosis 峰度

large sample problem 大样本问题

layer 层

least-significant difference 最小显著差数

least-square estimation 最小二乘估计

least-square method 最小二乘法

level 水平

level of significance 显著性水平

leverage value 中心化杠杆值

life 寿命

life test 寿命试验

likelihood function 似然函数

likelihood ratio test 似然比检验

linear 线性的

linear estimator 线性估计

linear model 线性模型

linear regression 线性回归

linear relation 线性关系

linear term 线性项

logarithmic 对数的

logarithms 对数

logistic 逻辑的

lost function 损失函数

main effect 主效应

matrix 矩阵

maximum 最大值

maximum likelihood estimation 极大似然估计

mean squared deviation(MSD) 均方差

mean sum of square 均方和

measure 衡量

media 中位数

M-estimator M估计

minimum 最小值

missing values 缺失值

mixed model 混合模型

mode 众数

model 模型

Monte Carle method 蒙特卡罗法

moving average 移动平均值

multicollinearity 多元共线性

multiple comparison 多重比较

multiple correlation 多重相关

multiple correlation coefficient 复相关系数

multiple correlation coefficient 多元相关系数

multiple regression analysis 多元回归分析

multiple regression equation 多元回归方程

multiple response 多响应

multivariate analysis 多元分析

negative relationship 负相关

nonadditively 不可加性

nonlinear 非线性

nonlinear regression 非线性回归

noparametric tests 非参数检验

normal distribution 正态分布

null hypothesis 零假设

number of cases 个案数

one-sample 单样本

one-tailed test 单侧检验

one-way ANOVA 单向方差分析

one-way classification 单向分类

optimal 优化的

optimum allocation 最优配制

order 排序

order statistics 次序统计量

origin 原点

orthogonal 正交的

outliers 异常值

paired observations 成对观测数据

paired-sample 成对样本

parameter 参数

parameter estimation 参数估计

partial correlation 偏相关

partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数

partial regression coefficient 偏回归系数

percent 百分数

percentiles 百分位数

pie chart 饼图

point estimate 点估计

poisson distribution 泊松分布

polynomial curve 多项式曲线

polynomial regression 多项式回归

polynomials 多项式

positive relationship 正相关

power 幂

P-P plot P-P概率图

predict 预测

predicted value 预测值

prediction intervals 预测区间

principal component analysis 主成分分析

proability 概率

probability density function 概率密度函数

probit analysis 概率分析

proportion 比例

qadratic 二次的

Q-Q plot Q-Q概率图

quadratic term 二次项

quality control 质量控制

quantitative 数量的,度量的

quartiles 四分位数

random 随机的

random number 随机数

random number 随机数

random sampling 随机取样

random seed 随机数种子

random variable 随机变量

randomization 随机化

range 极差

rank 秩

rank correlation 秩相关

rank statistic 秩统计量

regression analysis 回归分析

regression coefficient 回归系数

regression line 回归线

reject 拒绝

rejection region 拒绝域

relationship 关系

reliability 可靠性

repeated 重复的

report 报告,报表

residual 残差

residual sum of squares 剩余平方和

response 响应

risk function 风险函数

robustness 稳健性

root mean square 标准差

row 行

run 游程

run test 游程检验

sample 样本

sample size 样本容量

sample space 样本空间

sampling 取样

sampling inspection 抽样检验

scatter chart 散点图

S-curve S形曲线

separately 单独地

sets 集合

sign test 符号检验

significance 显著性

significance level 显著性水平

significance testing 显著性检验

significant 显著的,有效的

significant digits 有效数字

skewed distribution 偏态分布

skewness 偏度

small sample problem 小样本问题

smooth 平滑

sort 排序

soruces of variation 方差来源

space 空间

spread 扩展

square 平方

standard deviation 标准离差

standard error of mean 均值的标准误差

standardization 标准化

standardize 标准化

statistic 统计量

statistical quality control 统计质量控制

std. residual 标准残差

stepwise regression analysis 逐步回归

stimulus 刺激

strong assumption 强假设

stud. deleted residual 学生化剔除残差

stud. residual 学生化残差

subsamples 次级样本

sufficient statistic 充分统计量

sum 和

sum of squares 平方和

summary 概括,综述

table 表

t-distribution t分布

test 检验

test criterion 检验判据

test for linearity 线性检验

test of goodness of fit 拟合优度检验

test of homogeneity 齐性检验

test of independence 独立性检验

test rules 检验法则

test statistics 检验统计量

testing function 检验函数

time series 时间序列

tolerance limits 容许限

total 总共,和

transformation 转换

treatment 处理

trimmed mean 截尾均值

true value 真值

t-test t检验

two-tailed test 双侧检验

unbalanced 不平衡的

unbiased estimation 无偏估计

unbiasedness 无偏性

uniform distribution 均匀分布

value of estimator 估计值

variable 变量

variance 方差

variance components 方差分量

variance ratio 方差比

various 不同的

vector 向量

weight 加权,权重

weighted average 加权平均值

within groups 组内的

Z score Z分数

2. 最优化方法词汇英汉对照表

active constraint 活动约束

active set method 活动集法

analytic gradient 解析梯度

approximate 近似

arbitrary 强制性的

argument 变量

attainment factor 达到因子

bandwidth 带宽

be equivalent to 等价于

best-fit 最佳拟合

bound 边界

coefficient 系数

complex-value 复数值

component 分量

constant 常数

constrained 有约束的

constraint 约束

constraint function 约束函数

continuous 连续的

converge 收敛

cubic polynomial interpolation method


curve-fitting 曲线拟合

data-fitting 数据拟合

default 默认的,默认的

define 定义

diagonal 对角的

direct search method 直接搜索法

direction of search 搜索方向

discontinuous 不连续

eigenvalue 特征值

empty matrix 空矩阵

equality 等式

exceeded 溢出的

feasible 可行的

feasible solution 可行解

finite-difference 有限差分

first-order 一阶

Gauss-Newton method 高斯-牛顿法

goal attainment problem 目标达到问题

gradient 梯度

gradient method 梯度法


handle 句柄

Hessian matrix 海色矩阵

independent variables 独立变量

inequality 不等式

infeasibility 不可行性

infeasible 不可行的

initial feasible solution 初始可行解

initialize 初始化

inverse 逆

invoke 激活

iteration 迭代

iteration 迭代

Jacobian 雅可比矩阵

Lagrange multiplier 拉格朗日乘子

large-scale 大型的

least square 最小二乘

least squares sense 最小二乘意义上的

Levenberg-Marquardt method


line search 一维搜索

linear 线性的

linear equality constraints 线性等式约束

linear programming problem 线性规划问题

local solution 局部解

medium-scale 中型的

minimize 最小化

mixed quadratic and cubic polynomial interpolation and extrapolation method


multiobjective 多目标的

nonlinear 非线性的

norm 范数

objective function 目标函数

observed data 测量数据

optimization routine 优化过程

optimize 优化

optimizer 求解器

over-determined system 超定系统

parameter 参数

partial derivatives 偏导数

polynomial interpolation method


quadratic 二次的

quadratic interpolation method 二次内插法

quadratic programming 二次规划

real-value 实数值

residuals 残差

robust 稳健的

robustness 稳健性,鲁棒性

scalar 标量

semi-infinitely problem 半无限问题

Sequential Quadratic Programming method


simplex search method 单纯形法

solution 解

sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵

sparsity pattern 稀疏模式

sparsity structure 稀疏结构

starting point 初始点

step length 步长

subspace trust region method 子空间置信域法

sum-of-squares 平方和

symmetric matrix 对称矩阵

termination message 终止信息

termination tolerance 终止容限

the exit condition 退出条件

the method of steepest descent 最速下降法

transpose 转置

unconstrained 无约束的

under-determined system 负定系统

variable 变量

vector 矢量

weighting matrix 加权矩阵

3 样条词汇英汉对照表

approximation 逼近

array 数组

a spline in b-form/b-spline b样条

a spline of polynomial piece /ppform spline


bivariate spline function 二元样条函数

break/breaks 断点

coefficient/coefficients 系数

cubic interpolation 三次插值/三次内插

cubic polynomial 三次多项式

cubic smoothing spline 三次平滑样条

cubic spline 三次样条

cubic spline interpolation


curve 曲线

degree of freedom 自由度

dimension 维数

end conditions 约束条件

input argument 输入参数

interpolation 插值/内插

interval 取值区间

knot/knots 节点

least-squares approximation 最小二乘拟合

multiplicity 重次

multivariate function 多元函数

optional argument 可选参数

order 阶次

output argument 输出参数

point/points 数据点

rational spline 有理样条

rounding error 舍入误差(相对误差)

scalar 标量

sequence 数列(数组)

spline 样条

spline approximation 样条逼近/样条拟合

spline function 样条函数

spline curve 样条曲线

spline interpolation 样条插值/样条内插

spline surface 样条曲面

smoothing spline 平滑样条

tolerance 允许精度

univariate function 一元函数

vector 向量

weight/weights 权重

4 偏微分方程数值解词汇英汉对照表

absolute error 绝对误差

absolute tolerance 绝对容限

adaptive mesh 适应性网格

boundary condition 边界条件

contour plot 等值线图

converge 收敛

coordinate 坐标系

decomposed 分解的

decomposed geometry matrix 分解几何矩阵

diagonal matrix 对角矩阵

Dirichlet boundary conditions


eigenvalue 特征值

elliptic 椭圆形的

error estimate 误差估计

exact solution 精确解

generalized Neumann boundary condition


geometry 几何形状

geometry description matrix 几何描述矩阵

geometry matrix 几何矩阵

graphical user interface(GUI)


hyperbolic 双曲线的

initial mesh 初始网格

jiggle 微调

Lagrange multipliers 拉格朗日乘子

Laplace equation 拉普拉斯方程

linear interpolation 线性插值

loop 循环

machine precision 机器精度

mixed boundary condition 混合边界条件

Neuman boundary condition Neuman边界条件

node point 节点

nonlinear solver 非线性求解器

normal vector 法向量

Parabolic 抛物线型的

partial differential equation 偏微分方程

plane strain 平面应变

plane stress 平面应力

Poisson's equation 泊松方程

polygon 多边形

positive definite 正定

quality 质量

refined triangular mesh 加密的三角形网格

relative tolerance 相对容限

relative tolerance 相对容限

residual 残差

residual norm 残差范数

singular 奇异的

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[翻译]旅游专业英语词汇表 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:08:00

一. 旅游概述

China's catagory A travel agency 一类社
China's category B travel agency 二类社
China's category C travel agency 三类社
Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表
guidebook 旅游指南
guild practice 导游实践
international tourism 国际导游
itinerary 旅行计划,节目
local guide 地陪,地方导游
local tourist organization 地方旅游组织
low season 淡季
minimum tour price 最低旅游价格
multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游
national guide 全陪,全程导游
national tourist organization 全国旅游组织
off-peak season 淡季
off season 淡季
on season 旺季
peak season 旺季
professional (staff) 旅游专业人员
programme 节目
receiving country 旅游接待国
regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织
season-high 旺季
season-low 淡季
selling season 旺季
shoulder period/season 平季
sightseeing 游览
slack season 淡季
state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城
tour arrangement 旅游安排
tour brochure 旅游小册子
tour catalog 旅游团目录
tour code number 旅游代号编码
tour escort/conductor/director 旅游团陪同
tour leader 领队,团长
tour operation 旅游业务
tour route 旅游路线
tour talker 自动导游磁带机
tourism 旅游业,旅游
tourism activities 旅游活动
tourism circles 旅游界
touring 游览
touring club 旅游俱乐部
tourist 游客
tourist association 旅游协会
tourist authority/office 旅游局
tourist council 旅游委员会
tourist destination 旅游目的地
tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区
tourist destination country 旅游目的国
tourist map 旅游地图
tourist organization 旅游组织
tourist periodical 旅游周刊
tourist spots 旅游点
tourist trade 旅游界
travel 旅行
travel business 旅游业务
travel expert 旅游专家
travel industry 旅游业
travel journalist 旅游记者
travel press 旅游报纸
travel publication 旅游出版物
travelling 旅游
travelling expense 旅费
travel-see tourism 旅游(美)
travel trade 旅游业
travel writer 旅游作家
trip 旅行
World Tourism Day 世界旅游日
World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织
Tourist Administration 旅游局
China's National Tourism Administration 中国旅游局
...Provincial Tourism Administration ...省旅游局
...Autonomous Region Tourism Administration 自治区旅游局
...Municipal Tourism Administration 市旅游局
...Autonomous Perfecture Tourism Administration 自治州旅游局
...County Tourism Administration 县旅游局

二. 饭店种类

inn 旅馆,饭店
lodge 小旅馆
tavern 酒店
caravansary 马车店,大旅馆
hostel 招待所
hotel 饭店,酒店
motel(=motor hotel)汽车饭店(旅店)
budget hotel 廉价旅馆
economy hotel(one-star hotel)一星级饭店
some comfort hotel(two-star hotel)二星级饭店
average hotel(three -star hotel)三星级饭店
high comfort hotel(four -star hotel)四星级饭店
deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)五星级饭店

三. 客房种类

(1)single room 单人房(一张单人床)
double room 双人房(二张单人床)
double double 双人房(二张双人床)
big single room大床房(一张双人大床)
tripe room 三人房(三张单人床)
(2)economy room(ER) 经济间
standard room(SR) 标准间
superior room(UR) 高级套房
standard suit(ss) 套间
deluxe room(DR) 豪华间
presidential suit(PS) 总统套房
(3)studio room 工作室型客房(设沙发床或躺椅)
multi-functional room 多功能客房
combined type rooms 组合客房

四. 饭店计价方式

(1)European plan(EP) 欧式计价(只计房租,不包括餐饮等费用)
(2)American plan(AP) 美式计价(计算房租并包括每日三餐费用在内)
(3)modified American plan 修正美式计价(计算房租且包括两餐费/早餐,午餐,晚餐中选两餐)
(4)continental plan(CP) 欧陆式计价(计算房租且包括欧陆式早餐餐费)
(5)Bermuda plan(BP) 百慕大计价(计算房租,包括美式早餐餐费)

五. 常用旅游英语词汇

standard rate 标准价
en-suite 套房
family suite 家庭套房
twin room you 带两张单人床的房间
double room 带一张双人床的房间
advance deposit 定金
reservation 订房间
registration 登记
rate sheets 房价表
tariff 价目表
cancellation 取消预定
imperial suite 皇室套房
presidential suite 总统套房
suite deluxe 高级套房
junior suite 简单套房
mini suite 小型套房
honeymoon suite 蜜月套房
penthouse suite 楼顶套房
unmade room 未清扫房
on change 待清扫房
valuables 贵重品
porter 行李员
luggage/baggage 行李
registered/checked luggage 托运行李
light luggage 轻便行李
baggage elevator 行李电梯
baggage receipt 行李收据
trolley 手推车
storage room 行李仓
briefcase 公文包
suit bag 衣服袋
travelling bag 旅行袋
shoulder bag 背包
trunk 大衣箱
suitcase 小提箱
name tag 标有姓名的标签
regular flight 正常航班
non-scheduled flight 非正常航班
international flight 国际航班
domestic flight 国内航班
flight number 航班号
airport 机场
airline operation 航空业务
alternate airfield 备用机场
landing field 停机坪
international terminal 国际航班候机楼
domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼
control tower 控制台
jetway 登机道
air-bridge 旅客桥
visitors terrace 迎送平台
concourse 中央大厅
loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路
airline coach service 汽车服务
shuttle bus 机场内来往班车

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[学习技巧]英语考试100个高频词汇 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:06:00

1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。
2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在
3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded)  心不在焉
4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on
5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有
6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解
7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,
8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地
9. in accord with 与…一致        / out of one’s accord with 同….不一致
10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地
11. in accordance with (=in agreement with)  依照,根据
12. on one’s own account
1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益
2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责
3) (=by oneself)依靠自己
on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.
13. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去
14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)
15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for)  解释, 说明.
16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.
17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)
18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告
19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of,  be used to)习惯于.
20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉
21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演;   act  for 代理
22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)       使自己适应于
23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)
24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之
25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外
26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循
27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的
28. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;
29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for)   …的可能,留有…的余地.
30. in  advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.
31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.
32. have an advantage over 胜过.
have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件
have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事
33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.
34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意
35. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致
36. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;…………….             ahead of time 提前.
37. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体.  2)在谣传中.
38. above all (=especially, most important of all)     尤其是, 最重要的.
39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计
40. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;
all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.
41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到.
42. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.
43. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责.
44. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.
45. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for
46. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉
47. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁.   appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力
48. apply to sb. for sth.  为…向…申请     ;          apply for申请;  apply to 适用.
49. apply to 与…有关;适用
50. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准
51. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.
52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth.  安排…做…
53. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;  arrive in 到达某地(大地方);
54. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of  sth. done) 以…为羞耻
55. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信.
56. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结
57. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…
58. attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料
59. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法
60. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果
61. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均
62. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道.
63. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面
64. in the back of 在…后部(里面); on the back of 在…后部(外面); be on one’s back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起.
65. at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台
66. turn one’s back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃
67. behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)
68. be based on / upon 基于
69. on the basis of  根据…, 在…基础上
70. beat…at  在…运动项目上打赢
71. begin with 以…开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)
72. on behalf of (=as the representative of)  以…名义
73. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰.
74. benefit (from)  受益,得到好处.
75. for the benefit of  为了…的利益(好处)
76. for the better  好转
77. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过.
78. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生
79. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人        .             blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上
80. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)
81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机
82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘
83. out of breath 喘不过气来
84. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之
85. in bulk 成批地,不散装的
86. take the floor 起立发言
87. on  business 出差办事.
88. be busy with sth.于某事。   be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
89. last  but  one  倒数第二.
90. but  for (=without)  要不是. 表示假设
91. buy sth. for…money  用多少钱买
92. be capable of  能够, 有能力
be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的
93. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何
94. in case (=for fear that) 万一;
95. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一
   in the case of 至于…, 就…而言
96. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)
97. be cautious of 谨防
98. center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上
99. be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定.
100. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地

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[经典语句]最牛的英语口头禅 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:06:00
1. Absolutely! —— 毫无疑问!
  2. Adorable! —— 可爱极了!
  3. Amazing! —— 太神奇了!
  4. Anytime! —— 随时吩咐!
  5. Almost! —— 差不多了!
  6. Awful! —— 好可怕啊!
  7. Allow me! —— 让我来!
  8. Baloney! —— 胡扯!荒谬!
  9. Bingo! —— 中了!
  10. Boring! —— 真无聊!
  11. Bravo! —— 太棒了!
  12. Bullshit! —— 胡说!
  13. Correct! —— 对的!
  14. Crazy! —— 疯了!
  15. Damn! —— 该死的!
  16. Deal! —— 一言为定!
  17. Definitely! —— 当然!
  18. Disgusting! —— 好恶心啊!
  19. Drat! —— 讨厌!
  20. Exactly! —— 完全正确!
  21. Faint! —— 我倒!
  22. Fantastic! —— 妙极了!
  23. Fifty-fifty! —— 一半对一半!
  24. Fresh! —— 好有型!帅极了!
  25. Gorgeous! —— 美极了!
  26. Great! —— 太好了!
  27. Hopefully! —— 希望如此!
  28. Horrible! —— 好可怕!
  29. Hot! —— 好辣!
  30. Hurray! / Hurrah! —— 万岁!
  31. Imagine! —— 想想看!
  32. Impossible! —— 不可能吧!
  33. Impressive! —— 很感人,永生难忘!
  34. Incredible! —— 不可思议!
  35. Indeed? —— 真的?
  36. Listen! —— 听着!
  37. Lousy! —— 差劲!
  38. Now! —— 现在就做!
  39. Objection! —— 我抗议!
  40. Outrageous! —— 不得了!
  41. Perfect! —— 很完美!
  42. Please! —— 拜托了!
  43. Probably! —— 很可能!
  44. Rats! —— 差劲!
  45. Relax! —— 放轻松!
  46. Right! —— 对的!
  47. Satisfied? —— 满意了吗?
  48. So so! —— 马马虎虎!
  49. Still? —— 仍是这样?
  50. Stingy! —— 小气鬼!
  51. Superb! —— 棒极了!
  52. Surprise! —— 给你一个惊喜!
  53. Terrible! —— 好可怕!
  54. Terrific! —— 了不起的!
  55. Try! —— 去试一下!
  56. Unbelievable! —— 难以置信!
  57. Understand? —— 明不明白?
  58. Well? —— 怎么样?
  59. Willingly! —— 很乐意!
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[经典语句]新新女生必须掌握的50个英语单词 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:05:00



























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[翻译]电影专业词汇英汉对照 biobaselou 发表于 2005-11-29 4:04:00
  Film industry 电影工业
    cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机
    cinema, pictures 电影院 (美作:movie theater)
    first-run cinema 首轮影院
    second-run cinema 二轮影院
    art theatre 艺术影院
    continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院
    film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部 (美作:film club)
    film library 电影资料馆
    premiere 首映式
    film festival 电影节
    distributor 发行人
    Board of Censors 审查署
    shooting schedule 摄制计划
    censor’s certificate 审查级别
    release 准予上映
    banned film 禁映影片
    A-certificate A级(儿童不宜)
    U-certificate U级
    X-certificate X级(成人级)
    direction 导演 production 制片 adaptation 改编
    scenario, screenplay, script 编剧 scene 场景 exterior 外景
    lighting 灯光 shooting 摄制 to shoot 拍摄
    dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出 fade-out 淡出 fade-in 淡入
    special effects 特技 slow motion 慢镜头 editing, cutting 剪接 montage 剪辑
    recording, sound recording 录音
    sound effects 音响效果
    mix, mixing 混录
    dubbing 配音
    postsynchronization 后期录音合成
    studio 制片厂,摄影棚
    (motion)film studio 电影制片厂
    set, stage, floor 场地
    properties, props 道具
    dolly 移动式摄影小车
    spotlight 聚光灯
    clapper boards 拍板
    microphone 麦克风,话筒
    boom 长杆话筒
    scenery 布景
    电影摄制filming shooting
    camera 摄影机
    shooting angle 拍摄角度
    high angle shot 俯拍
    long shot 远景
    full shot 全景
    close-up, close shot 特写,近景
    medium shot 中景
    background 背景
    three-quarter shot 双人近景
    pan 摇镜头
    frame, picture 镜头
    still 静止
    double exposure 两次曝光
    superimposition 叠印
    exposure meter 曝光表
    printing 洗印
    影片类型films types
    film, motion picture 影片,电影 (美作:movie)
    newsreel 新闻片,纪录片
    documentary (film) 记录片,文献片
    filmdom 电影界
    literary film 文艺片
    musicals 音乐片
    comedy 喜剧片
    tragedy 悲剧片
    dracula movie 恐怖片
    sowordsmen film 武侠片
    detective film 侦探片
    ethical film 伦理片
    affectional film 爱情片
    erotic film 黄色片
    western movies 西部片
    film d’avant-garde 前卫片
    serial 系列片
    trailer 预告片
    cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片
    footage 影片长度
    full-length film, feature film 长片
    short(film) 短片
    colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film)
    silent film 默片,无声片
    dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片
    silent cinema, silent films 无声电影
    sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影
    cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影
    cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影
    title 片名
    original version 原著
    dialogue 对白
    subtitles, subtitling 字幕
    credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名
    telefilm 电视片
    cast 阵容
    film star, movie star 电影明星
    star, lead 主角
    double, stand-in 替身演员
    stunt man 特技替身演员
    extra, walker-on 临时演员
    character actor 性格演员
    regular player 基本演员
    extra 特别客串
    film star 电影明星
    film actor 男电影明星
    film actress 女电影明星
    support 配角
    util 跑龙套
    adapter 改编
    scenarist, scriptwriter 脚本作者
    dialogue writer 对白作者
    production manager 制片人
    producer 制片主任
    film director 导演
    assistant director 副导演,助理导演
    cameraman, set photographer 摄影师
    assistant cameraman 摄影助理
    property manager, propsman 道具员
    art director 布景师 (美作:set decorator)
    stagehand 化装师
    lighting engineer 灯光师
    film cutter 剪辑师
    sound engineer, recording director 录音师
    script girl, continuity girl 场记员
    scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家
    reel, spool (影片的)卷,本
    sound track 音带,声带
    showing, screening, projection 放映
    projector 放映机
    projection booth, projection room 放映室
    panoramic screen 宽银幕